United we stand. Divided we fall. Why didn't any of the Yugoslavs know that?
United we stand. Divided we fall. Why didn't any of the Yugoslavs know that?
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they were too busy fantasizing about killing each other
yet another nation destroyed by capitalism
nazbol is the way to go
Macedonia looks too much like my scrotum
nationalism is autism at all
American Hegemony wasn't a thing till post WW2.
>Why didn't any of the Yugoslavs know that?
Back in the 1990s I worked with Bosnian Muslim and being a 2nd generation Polish-American, we got along well and I remember asking him;
ME: “WTF happened with Yugoslavia? After WWI you guys were peaceful and successful, then came WWII and you guys killed each other like crazy. Then after the war, you guys were peaceful and successful, then came the Fall of Communism and you guys killed each other like crazy?”
HIM: “Serbs.”
He said none of the “Yugoslavs” ever really wanted a Yugoslavia, it was imposed on them after both WWI and WWII and throughout Yugoslavia’s history, the Serbs held the majority of important government, military, industrial, academic, etc. positions and everybody who wasn’t a Serb resented it and them and wanted to GTFO.
After WW1 it was somewhat imposed. And because Serbs were the majority Serbs ruled in coalition with the Slovenes and Croats could never win the vote.
After WW2 Serbia was neutered, and continued being neutered and basically by 1980 had no power, in a completely opposite predicament.
Then economic crisis hit, and Serbs in general started feeling oppressed, and wanted the government structure to change. Nationalism flared in Croatia, a specific Serbian politician used this flare to light nationalism in Serbs to ride the wave that would take him to absolute power.
Also, Kosovo was involved. He spouted about MUH HOLY LAND, and NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO BEAT YOU (referring to Albanian and Serbian policemen alike beating Serbian protesters in Kosovo).
It's a misconception that (((he))) was a nationalist. He was a Machiavellian communist who used nationalism to keep himself in power. And many important people agree here.
"Milosevic is a false, while Kostunica is a real nationalist"
"He never showed any concern and empathy towards the suffering of people, Serbs included."
Go see the doctor
I just realized Fyromia looks like a ballsack
Cultural differences developed over hundreds of years.
The only reason that they didn't split within a decade after ww2 was because tito was a magical guy.
I mean, look at britain. Ireland still has some racial turmoil (albeit less) and scotland nearly split off. These countries had been together with the UK for how long?
In the early 20th century there was significantly less Muslims in Bosnia than today. It was largely a Serbian region and Serbs wanted to join Kingdom of Serbia.
On the other hand, for Croatia and Slovenia it was a choice of either being part of Yugoslavia or getting split between Italy, Austria and Hungary.
it was communist you dumbass
What could Tito have done to promote Yugoslav nationalism?
Fuck of ex-comunists nobody likes you
>over hundred years
No. Don't you know 'bout awakening?
Natfag. GKY
>It's a misconception that (((he))) was a nationalist. He was a Machiavellian communist who used nationalism to keep himself in power.
This is how I regard Putin now, although with less blood. Kinda.
(Putin) isn't nationalist. Russia can't be national state.
He's definitely played on nationalist concerns though, and uses the Russian diaspora as a sort of fifth column.
Yugoslavia was pretty much dead economically and heading towards centralisation around Belgrade. Slovene communists put forward the idea of a confederacy but Belgrade would have nothing of it. That is certainly not the kind of unity I would want.
Differences (other than the obvious tribal ones) go back to the Christian schism, followed by the existance under different empires, formation of different national identities during the rise of nationalism and the conflicts because of co-existing without clear borders (mostly as a result of the Serb migrations during the Ottoman subjugation of the Balkans).
>it was laregely a serbian region
The serbs didn't compromise even a half of the population according to a census from 1910.
Bro, we're all one people, human race. I see no borders from space.
Then he calls for ethnic prurges, because maybe western russia is actually russia. Cultural differences throughout whole country from west to east are too big to say that Russia is national state; maybe if the federation end we will see Russian national state, but now it's dumb to say that Putin is nationalist; and if, it's more buzzword than actual state of things; he can have some of nationalist behaviorism but country he rules is federation; he can't favor one nation over others if he wanna still rule the same federation.
Err no, you don't need to have ethnic purges to be nationalist. Neither do you need to strictly be a nation state. You have an extremely narrow view of nationalism, it doesn't have to end up in genocide. In fact, most nationalist movements do not.
Kill the Bosniaks and unite it based on Christianity
We are talking about eastern slavs who are great in purgecraft, see pogroms, and are equal to southern slavs in matter of hate mentality, bigotry and general dumbness.
It's not nationalism you're right there, it's nationality, he offers ethnic Russians living in former USSR Russian passports so he has an excuse if shit ever hits the fan in those nations. 4D chess
Religious differences fueled by foreign support divided this country, they could have lived side-by-side as religions sometimes do (like when Karpathians lived together and seperated into their small churches/synagogues and then went back to being friends). US, Saudi, and communist armwrestling killed Yugoslavia.
>United we stand. Divided we fall
United we fall. Divided we stand
humour us by explaining your logic
the course of history already did it for me
Is Jugoslavija the only real example of a functioning Socialist state?
>Free healthcare
>Very good healthcare to the extent that people from France, Germany and UK were flying over for operations and procedures.
>Free education
>Brilliant "arts thinkers" and science programmes so advance, they sold rocket technology to both the Russians and Americans
>Free housing
>Comfy and roomy homes easily capable of withstanding the schizophrenic weather that the Balkans endures (freezing winters, boiling summers)
>Comprehensive transport links
>You want to go to the coast? Jump on a train. Need to see your girlfriend's parents in another state? Smooth roads linking city to city.
>Full employment
>Work weighing you down? Enjoy more mandated leave than most countries in Western Europe
>Worried about overbearing external influences?
>Don't worry. Tito is playing both the Yanks and the Ruskies.
There was no debt in Yugoslavia, everybody had at least apartment and a house. Debt is now. Yugoslavia had very simple credit system
Yugoslavia is the perfect example of a third position executed properly
>Comprehensive transport links
I've heard the opposite. That Yugoslavia was very mountainous, geographically divided country and part of the problem was that the republics weren't easily connected to one another.
listen im from yugo and the state wasnt functioning like you think everybody was poor everbody was working for little money there was no unemployment because firms needed to employ everybody so you had 10 people working job who could be done by 1 person that would really tie firms down and cause economy big problems you couldnt buy jack shit there were shortages of basic stuff but a lot of stupid shit from african countries like mangos you couldnt talk against the communist party beacuse then they would send you to an isolated islands similar to gulags
there was a LOT of external debt in yugoslavia
It was held together by
1) Sheer charisma
2) Being a third party to the cold war and playing both sides off each other, which made Yugoslavia more important than it actually wise
>why are there hundreds of functioning capitalist states but no functioning communist states
>why are there a lot of rich capitalist states but no rich communist states
>why were some capitalist nations dictatorships but all communist nations dictatorships
>is capitalism perfect?
no it isnt
>is capitalism exploitive
yes it is
>does capitalism work?
yes it does
>does communism work?
no and it never will beacuse of human nature
>can you succed in communist society
no you cant
>can you succed in capitalist society
yes you can if you are not a retard
Stop spreading lies. I had an apartment and an amazing job. Everyone I knew also got a house. Nobody was poor but the country had debts.
Attempting to impose unity through an overbearing authority is often highly corrupt and misguided and only causes resentment. Ironically if you let power structures form naturally there are less frictions thus making it easier to apply changes that actually need to be made, to make the best use of your limited political capital.
gdje si živio kolika ti je bila plača šta si radio?
It works on a smaller level now
It took thousands of years for civilization to work
and a few years for communism to kill millions of people
Communism wasn't even reached.
Even if this was true, and not just excuse making, "trust me guys, this difficult to achieve ideal society will be achieved if we try enough" isn't much better than "trust me guys, the society that we've tried will work if we give it a few more tries."
and it never will, its old ideology we need to invent new ideologies we tried it didnt work we need to look into future not past
Yugoslavia was actually one of the only communist countries that didn't suck. Mainly because it wasn't aligned to the USSR
exactly, we can mold marxism into something that works and then we can actually reach communism this time.
let me correct myself we need to get rid of all ideologies they just cause killings and poverty and division of people and stop blaming anyone but ourselfs for our mistakes oh im unsuccessful beacuse of:
dont you see its all the same senpai every system is the same every ideology is the same (and anarchism is stupid also)
We haven't even tried though. The state has always owned capital.
i really dont know how do you make decisions in an communist society?
how do you distribute capital? what if i dont want to work in a factory?
yes thats true but capitalism is tried and its actually kinda successful
can I get a source, I don't much like fapping to Hillary Clinton
>The serbs didn't compromise even a half of the population according to a census from 1910.
But the Serbs dominated Yugoslav society, holding most of the important positions, essentially making Yugoslavia their own quasi-empire, which is why all the other Yugos turned on them in WWII and after the Fall of Communism.
Dumb slutposter
Fuck off to /b/!
Jews killed more Slavs during the holodomor than Slavic peasants killed Jews during sporadic pogroms.
t. communist redditor
Yugonostalgia doesn't need to be for it's communist aspects. Yugoslavia was a brief monarchy and a set of ideals.
>if communism fails it's capitalism's fault
God what a shit ideology
Tito was the only good thing you guys ever produced
tito was a mass murderer and a dictator
Obama is a mass murderer if you take into account that the JSOC responsible for all the night raids, drone killings, cruise missile attacks, and the contracting out of lists of people targeted for extrajudicial killings to people like Somali warlords answered directly to Obama and no one else. Any governmental ruler in a perceived state of threat to national security is most likely a mass murderer
yes i agree but what does obama have to do with anything? this is a yugo tread and i was talking about tito?
Croats and Serbs are 2 different types of Christians, retard. They can't unite. Bosniaks make no difference at all, cunt
>what is a ecumenical council
You were probably in Bosnia.
You probably lived in Serbia/Croatia
You're criticizing a Communist leader, but get mad when your 'democratic' leader gets the same criticism
Dude, have you ever seen the history of the Balkans? The 2 sects cant get along, dumbfuck and will always hate each other
t. ethnical balkaner
Not even how flat earth looks retard