Roman army VS N.Y.P.D

Here is a scenario for us to consider: what if the Roman army and NYPD were pitted against each other in a battle to the death in Manhatten? If the island were walled up like an arena, every living creature in NY is teleported out instantly, and the two sides spawned in at opposing sides, what would ensue?

The rules and conditions are as follows:

• Both sides are aware of how their oppenents weapons work, although they are unable to use their opponents weapons at any point.

• Both sides have their numbers displaying when they were both at their peak

• NYPD have knowledge of the city layouts, the Roman's do not upon entry to the city. They must learn as they progress through the battle (they are already aware of modern technology and human progress however, so they are not impacted by the mere sight or sounds around them)

• NYPD may only use non-lethal weapons, however they may utilize working standard police cruisers however they wish

• Both sides have respective generals and lower ranking officers

• Buildings are accessible, and everything prior to the battle remains in place (Cars are still waiting on the street, lights and stoves are on across the city, food and water can be found in numbers, etc)

>NYPD may only use non-lethal weapons
what a waste of a thread

NYPD runs over the romans with their cars and uses tear gas.

next question

user you have placed too many autistic constraints on your hypothetical scenario.

Which Roman army do you mean? The Roman army of the 2nd century BC is completely different in terms of tactics and capability to that of the 5th century AD. You're saying "at their peak" in terms of size which for the Roman army was the 4th century, I guess.

Also the NYPD has eight helicopters.

You would have to be a literal retard to think that the Romans could win.

I really don't know much about history before the 1500's, I should have done more research before proposing a question this in hindsight.

When done correctly (or interestingly enough), do these types of questions entertain you all?

Even without lethal weapons, the NYPD still has rubber bullets, tazers, tear gas and APCs. Plus goddamn helicopters.

Autism thread.

>romans try a centralized approach towards police headquarters
>police crusers and apc tear through their ranks
>liberal use of teargas
>riot police rushes in to fully break the ranks
>romans scatter
>police spends weeks smoking out the isolated pockets of resistance
>city probably burns down because several legionnaires start fires to cover their retreat

To save this embarrassment of a thread:

New rules:

>NYPD is not aware romans are going to attack thus they are scattered all around town on normals patrol routes

>romans have a solid understanding how simpler modern technology works (they can use a gun but they can't control a power plant for example)

>romans can and will use modern weapons they acquire

I still give it to New York's Finest. So what if the Romans ambush a few officers and take their handguns? SWAT will knock the shit out of them once it gets too rough.

I forgot two rules:

>Citizens are still present. So Chaos is bound to ensue once major fights start.

>The Romans have maps and an idea how the city layout works.

>romans send infiltrators to loot gun stores and gun ranges

>at the same time other groups light fires (gas stations etc.), block major roads and create havoc to spread the NYPD thin

>once the NYPD has dispatched most of its forces the romans start wiping out patrols while distributing their plundered firearms

>at major road blocks they lay ambushes (with firearms mostly concentrated there)

>NYPD unable to launch assaults with vehicles because of roadblocks and streets packed with panicked people trying to flee via car or foot

>SWAT and other specialists with military weaponry are needed to clear the roadblocks, were the romans are well entrenched and armed with modern weaponry

>due to the clogged streets most police forces have to travel by foot and thus are prone to being encircled or ambushed

>citizens still present
>8.5 million people who would probably rather see the NYPD win, and have access to vehicles and weapons of their own are present on battlefield

good luck romans

Do you honestly think a lot of civilians would fight when they have the option to just flee to the countryside ?

You seem to forget the country they're fighting in

We really have no evidence of special American tendency towards strong civil resistance against foreign forces. To me this is a pop culture meme until proven.

what country has so many firearms and so many people literally begging someone to invade.

It would be literally impossible to assert control over an area in the US without exterminating the population.

>Romans form testudo
>Creates an airtight seal and deflects police cars
>Veni Vidi Vici

>may only use non-lethal weapons
What? Why?

NYPD still wins because helicopters lmao.

And the Romans would lose more guys trying to get into gun shops than if they had fought the NYPD head.

This autistic Romanboo is trying to restrict the NYPD to the point where he thinks the Romans can win and the consensus is still an easy NYPD victory. Kek.

>NYPD may only use non-lethal weapons

I think all of you have forgotten that legions were composed by a lot of fucking auxiliaries
They could be elephants, horse archers, light gaul infantry etc
We should take that into account

NYPD opens the sewers and releases the attack alligators they have been hiding all these years.

There are no gun shops in NYC

Lets do something more interesting

NYPD trying to contain the Nika Riots

I know it was never fully realized, but didnt Imperial Japan assert a pretty effective occupation of China before intervention from outside states?

If the romans could hide in the second story of buildings until the city ran out of gas, with the weapons and training (armor beats rubber bullets btw) romans would win, especially with size

Romans sack and rape new york, then they die of AIDS and syphilis.
NYPD wins.