Why has sub-saharan africa never developed any great culture or civilization?

Why has sub-saharan africa never developed any great culture or civilization?

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Not this shit again

>inb4: but what about my ooga booga tribe?


We have this thread every day


One civilization excelled because of reasons and the others got left in the dust.

they are caucasians. im talking about africa africa

Because they were stupid niggers. Now, I expect never to see this thread again.

>moving the goalposts
Mali, then.

I said "great". Plus Mali isnt sub-saharan.


Kill yourself you fucking faggot

Why has Veeky Forums never developed any great culture or civilization?

>africa africa
So northern Africa?



'cuz they're not good enough at farming to sustain their population growth, and when people are hungry and starving they don't create a lot of good shit. They were probably better off when they could still be hunter gatherers and die of natural causes without medical intervention.

jesus christ another one? Sage

Well @realDonaldTrump, at least I will go down as a president!

Ooga booga if if if uhh uhh ahh ahh if if if if

Okie doke!

Why have Scandinavians never developed any great culture or civilization?

/pol/, at least fucking try to mask your raids.

Jesus Christ, a redditor.

>if you dont like my daily shitpost ur reddit

Fuck off, retard.

Where do you think you are?


The more /pol/ makes these threads the less people actually believe their racial argument and the more people see actual African civilisations

Gee, user, it's almost as if someone keeps making these threads for this exact reason.

>being North Africa according to UN


According to UN Ethiopia is not in North Africa though.


>drifting off of a topic
>bringing another one to prove nothing

Blocks your path

OK for once I will provide a detailed response.

Why did civilization arise? And especially, why did it arise when it did, around 10 000 B.C. in Eurasia? Because that date coincided with the end of the last ice age.

Around 50 000 years ago homo sapiens left its african birthplace and colonized Eurasia. This coincided with the start of the last ice age. Eurasians lived thousands of years in very harsh conditions, which ensured that only the best and brightest had children. The average intelligence increased.

Meanwhile, the african was living in a temperate climate, with bountiful resources, and didn't undergo the same evolutionary pressures.

So 10 000 years ago, the ice age ended, and spontaneously (lol) agriculture appeared along the major river valleys of the eurasian continent.

This didn't happen in Africa, because africans were still at the level of intelligence of the primitive cavemen who left the continent.

Ethiopians are the product of middle eastern farmers who moved back into Africa around the end of the last ice age. They don't count.

>Ethiopians are black

When this meme will die?

*Teleports behind you

>Meanwhile, the african was living in a temperate climate, with bountiful resources, and didn't undergo the same evolutionary pressures.

>Mali and Sudanese had bountiful food living in the desert

Man this is too autistic for even /pol/

Mali and Sudanese civilizations were founded by arabs who migrated south.

I'd love some sources on that

Read a book nigger.

They all say that they were founded by locals just like most Sub-saharan empires

You know this and it triggers you

Mali settlement dates from 10000 BC.
Mali cities date from 300 BC.
Mali gold trade (and kingdom) dates from 600 AD.

Mohhamed wasn't born yet while in Mali there was a state that ruled a union of towns and trade in gold.
Islam most certainly didn't found it.

Why have *nglos never developed any great culture or civilization?


The mali empire was literally founded by morrocan berbers who conquered the area.

The sudanese civilizations has arab roots. Heck, even today the northern sudanese arabs oppress the south sudanese niggers.

Mali in 10000BC? LOL

I specifically wrote that the area has proof of settlement from 10000 BC, not that there was a state called Mali there at the time.
When the arabs came to see where the salt and gold is coming from, they found a kingdom already established.
Are you illiterate or intentionally misquoting to save your feels?

>, they found a kingdom already established.
[citation needed]

Protip : a bunch of cannibalistic nigger tribes do not make a civilization.

A bunch of cannibalistic nigger tribes do not establish and expand the lucrative trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt and slaves either.

No it wasn't thats made up BS


These are the actual facts

Mali was founded by locals again no sources from you

Also this is what Ancient Nubians looked like

>Heck, even today the northern sudanese arabs oppress the south sudanese niggers.

The North were arabized when their christian blockade fell

Yes they can. See : Mansa Musa. His only claim to fame is that he owned a lot of niggers, a lot gold, and a lot of salt.

You literally posted the bust of a nigger slave in ancient egypt lmao.

Alright you are trollin just had to make sure

You are human trash.


The guys who built that were very dark black sub africans


Mali was still black people. 100% negroid, non-caucasian, non-eurasian mixed black. Same with Ashanti and others

>the african was living in a temperate climate
Google the definition of temperate you fucking retard

Well kind of. North Sudanese don't look much different from Upper/South Egyptians. Southern Sudanese are definitely dark nilotics. I have a pic somewhere of nubian art in a tomb in which they are depicted as just as brown or red as Egyptians.

There is one Kushites tomb in particular in which he is described as "black". This tells us that the norm was probably brown or red like Egyptians.

So yeah, even the "kushites/nubians were blacks who invaded Egypt" thing isn't 100% true; they were a mix of people like today's Sudanese. Browns/reds + blacks.

Not this shit again. It has been settled by science they have low IQ they lack the innate mental capacity to create or sustain civilisation.

>The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

>Human intelligence is highly heritable.


>The North were arabized when their christian blockade fell
You're not wrong though. They were plenty of negroid nubians as some Egyptian art shows. It was probably the same north-south divide. A mix of black negroids and browns. Egyptian art shows us both types

It like all african countries were held together by the genetic outliers, you can bet there was a clusterfuck of rape, murder, and stealing in these nigger kingdoms.

>Heiner Rindermann
kek this guy lectures on youtube about cultural marxism and migrants. he obviously has a political agenda.

Ibn Battuta judges the character of the people of Mali

>The negroes possess some admirable qualities. They are seldom unjust, and have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people. Their sultan shows no mercy to anyone who is guilty of the least act of it. There is complete security in their country. Neither traveller nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence. They do not confiscate the property of any white man who dies in their country, even if it be uncounted wealth. On the contrary, they give it into the charge of some trustworthy person among the whites, until the rightful heir takes possession of it. They are careful to observe the hours of prayer, and assiduous in attending them in congregations, and in bringing up their children to them.

/pol/ BTFO

Yh no thats a lie niggers are sociopathic apes they dont know what good is, infact niggers beat up their criminals because its fun not because of some concept of justice.

We wuz Ethiopians an' shiet
We wuz Zulus an' shiet
We wuz Kongolese an' shiet


They're black. Shut up.

back to plebbit with you

You saw what he said.


If an Ethiopian family moved into his neighbourhood he would absolutely consider them black subhuman niggers.

But because this is a debate about African civilisation suddenly Ethiopians are Caucasian whites with dark skin.

Emperor Menelik speaking to a Haitian man who requested help:

>Yours is a most excellent idea, my young friend. The negro should be uplifted. I applauded your theory, and I wish you the greatest possible success. But in coming to me to take the leadership, you are knocking at the wrong door, so to speak. You know, I am not a negro at all: I am a Caucasian.”

>“While the tint of the pure Ethiopian varies between light olive-green and intense black, he does not regard himself as a negro, and, for that matter, possesses none of the striking negroid characteristics save that of colour. In thickness of skull, facial formation, shape of the foot, and notably of the heel, the Ethiopian is quite unlike the negro. Seven distinct shades are recognised by students of the Abyssinian complexion, and personal vanity is most highly flattered by possession of the lighter tints of the skin

no Mali was completely black although I will give you that timbuktu was taureg. It later got absorbed into Songhai which was black.

Autistic nitpicking. If you ever met an Ethiopian or went to Ethiopia you would consider them black.

More like

>white people were gods
>great deluge sweeps the land 11,700 years ago
>suddenly, civilization starts slowly developing again

So give me one

guns germs and steel

nice bait

Ethiopian here. The definition of "black" is kind of a vague construct . In the West, there is sort of a black-white dichotomy we live in; if by "black", you mean "black skin and kinky/curly hair, then yes we are definitely within the range of what is "black" in the West.

Now as far as how we identify ourselves, it depends on which ethiopian you ask. Ethiopians historically have distinguished themselves from what we called "barya" populations which was our source of slaves; comprised of the nilotic shanquella ethnic groups with more traditionally "black" features than us. Even today, older ethiopians still make that distinction and will be insulted if you make an equivalence.

After WW2 though, Ethiopia became a symbol of "black liberation" around the world when it successfully resisted Italian colonization which prompted the Rasta and other movements. Thus, you see many Ethiopian-American/diaspora kids today assimilate into wider black-american or pan-african culture. So if you ask an ethiopian older person, they would say no we are not black in that sense. But most younger Ethiopians today may strongly identify as black. TL;DR culture is weird.

>Implying you didn't become Italy's bitch

Yeah, I mean I'm not exactly patriotic; I'm only ethnically ethiopian; ive never visited. Everything I know is based on my own family and my own research.

I do think that the "Ethiopia kicked Italy's ass" narrative is pretty much overblown and hyped up by Ethiopian nationalists and pan-africanists alike.

>leftypol filename
Why do leftists hate white people?

Why aren't these threads banned yet? It's pretty much spam at this point.

>The mali empire was literally founded by morrocan berbers who conquered the area.
this is false, we have sources describing the inhabitants as black.

>there are people on Veeky Forums RIGHT NOW who think that blacks are capable of creating and maintaining a civilization when left to their own devices




Why have non-Meditarranean Europeans ever developed any great culture or civilization?

Are Ethiopia, Congo and Mali the only relevant Afican nations? Practically every corner of the globe had at least one moment of glory and great prosperity in its history and culture, from the US to Japan, from Finland to Brazil. How come even the greatest African stories of success are subpar to other parts of the world, not to mention other African nations? What I'm trying to say is there's so much exaggerating over Mali, Ethiopian and Congo, as if they were ever anywhere near as great as Rome, China, Britain, France, Germany, the USA, even the Aztecs or Koreans. And again those are just the most exceptional of Africa, then there's all the others who are even worse than the ones I mentioned. It's really stupid to try and argue for "African" """""Civilization""""".
Britain, Germany, Netherlands, France, Scandinavia, Russia, Austria.
>b-but Scandinavians were primitive!
Yes, but they have developed into extremely wealthy nations full of geniuses in the fields of art, science, etc.

Don't mind me just checking smth

+1 to bump limit

No (You) for faggot OP

No contribution

Ibn Khaldun said that the blacks in the South were no more than animals. How is Battuta right, and Khaldun wrong? Was Khaldun an ancient /pol/ack?

No hes a sandniggers, sandniggers hate niggers more than white people.

>In the West, there is sort of a black-white dichotomy we live
You mean in America. That's because "racial" categorization is key to the American society. Europeans tend to categorize people by ethnicity or place of origin generally.

I am Lebanese and can confirm.

>Europeans tend to categorize people by ethnicity or place of origin generally.

Early on. Later on with more involvement with people abroad they shifted heavily.