Why was he such a fucking autist?
Why was he such a fucking autist?
He basically lived in his head. He only knew theories but no practice.
or maybe he was just a means to an end? did you ever consider that user?
Take a look at lefty /pol/.
He literally wrote against that. It's a big reason why mean Marxists rallied behind the USSR and Bolshevism, despite being blatant revisionism. Because it was achieving real world results at the time, and Marx said real world results were more important than armchair theory.
He was a Hegelian, so he was looking at the world through s sociological perspective. Then he met his buddy Engels who was a rich kid. Engels showed him how easy life was for rich people. This got Marx really salty about rich people, they could be lazy fucks and live the good life. So Marx sponged off of Engels in a perfect position to write all salty about capitalists, not being a capitalist himself, but getting a good look at how capitalists operate. A major expose. Then he got buttblasted by Max Stirner, who also stole his buttbuddy Engels away from him, and Stirner complete decimated Marx's prior theories and Engels and Stirner were very intimate. Marx got very salty about Stirner before realizing Stirner was right, and realizing the only way he could win Engels back was to have a threesome with Max, so he wrote Capital.
he was CHOSEN by Engels and funded for a PURPOSE
why do people that don't really understand Marx insist on talking about him?
Which he produced from his armchair and when applied in real life millions died.
>destroyed civilization
checks out
lmao dammit thank you
This man gets it
dare I say it, the perfect storm?
>Why was he such a fucking autist?
That's what dialectics will do to you.
Similar homosexual
True fact, Marx borrowed all of Bakunin's Hegel books and never returned them. Years later, a somewhat pudgy marx would spent a considerable amount of time ridiculing Bakunin for how fat he was.
Despite all this, Bakunin produces the first russian translation of Capital and had it published.
I tell ya, Marx was super mean.
Wrong, Marx was hugely opposed to utopian socialism and sought to provide a positivist basis to the anticapitalist movement
Too bad what he produced was even more utopian than so called "utopian socialism" (his term, never a term used by the actual "utopian socialists" to describe themselves).
Even more die under capitalism, so that's not too noteworthy
Objectively, socialism lifted a great number of people in Russia and China out of abject poverty.
No he didn't
Objectively, socialism destroyed the Aral Sea and permanently irradiated Lake Karachay among numerous other regions in Siberia. Leading to mass famine, the inability for indigenous peoples to sustain their own way of life, and the utter reliance of Central Asia on Russian exports to this day.
Yeah, thank god capitalism has never harmed our environment
Holy Shit
its so true too
Unfettered capitalism also promotes methods that are environmentally toxic due to the decreased costs involved in using such methods, the best solution is a middle ground where the government intervenes in failing markets via taxation, subsidy or public ownership in the case of missing markets.
Absolutely not. His analysis of capitalism has still not yet been refuted.
He was basically a parasitic fatass who never bathed and never accumulated capital despite obsessing over it
He never bathed? That explains a lot
When a comment this shit and heavily recycled gets so many responses you know something's up.
>Not adhering to Coase theorem
I don't think he was. He had a beautiful vision that unfortunately did not work in practice.
"Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it."
My god brother, thank you for your wisdom as revealed by your 11th grade social studies teacher
Marx was very good at pointing out the flaws in 19th century capitalism, but his solution were vague and kind of useless.
Are ... are you seriously trying to claim that socialism rekted the environment more than capitalism?