What is a philosopher's role in this century ?
What is a philosopher's role in this century ?
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Debating how to live life which no one does
>no one debates how to live life?
huh? is this supposed to be some criticism of philosophy?
nearly everyone can cook, that doesn't make them gordon ramsay
Ethics is a pretty major application of philosophy today.
Being condescending faggots to people with real majors.
whoa did a philosophy major cuck you or something? you sound awfully ignorant about philosophy
Why not ask in a proper board?
who the fuck makes a pot big enough to fit a human? How wasteful can you get?
Barista at Starbucks or slacktivist.
No one but a handful of circlejerking intelluctuals cares about philosophy.
>you sound awfully ignorant about philosophy
Give me one practical application of philosophy. Something that will make you actually useful in society. At least historians can somewhat delude themselves into thinking that the work they do is useful. Preserving the past and whatnot. Philosophy brings nothing. Has little to no influence on the real world. Won't bring you food on the table. Won't create anything.
Be a nuisance on online forums while working in a dead end job and feeling dead on the inside.
Now if you excuse me, I have to create my 3rd "the 3rd Reich was the savior of the western civilization thread" for this day
To have a late night tv show
This. If you're taking up philosophy you should consider killing yourself which is more productive since it at least produces fertilizer for the soil, while philosophers are a drain to society.
>Something that will make you actually useful in society
Why are you thinking in collective terms, developing intellectually is something an individual does for himself.
>If you're taking up philosophy you should consider killing yourself
Except that in the long term, a philosophy degree is valued quite a bit.
>while philosophers are a drain to society.
It's the opposite, we don't have many people that think anymore, you're probably one of them.
It kinda always was and will be.
>not being moral
>p-philosophy is important
t. Philosopher-baristas
Why don't you want to save society scarce resources by taking your own lives? Are you unethical?
>not furnishing your mind with beauty
enjoy your AIDS riddled pop culture, fag
Double digit IQ mouthbreather
Ethics aren't even a universal concept, how do you perfect them, what is the Form of ethics?
Maybe it was made specifically for him
>not willing to sacrifice yourselves for society
I guess all those ethics classes were for nothing then.
Lead the way faggot, I'll write a thesis on the absurdity of self-sacrifice in a post-modern society
Just got home from the ballet, have a nice Hakushu, entered the thread and I can tell that I like you.
Good night to you sir.
Kill yourself.
Ethics, bioethics, political philosophy and logic are all relevant branches (although one could argue that logic isn't a branch of philosophy, they are highly interconnected). Philosophy is amazing on individual level, for intelectual development and enabling percise problem analysis. Not very productive in comparison to some other humanities and social sciences and especially to hard sciences, but still, it's not completely irrelevant. Also, if you want to study philosophy and still make a decent living, double major is a must.
jacking off
I like this meme but there is a difference between reading/studying philosophy in your spare time and being an actual autist who thinks it's a competitive degree/masters/etc in today's job market.
What do you think the Philosophers of Greece were?
They were the first neets.
>In an era before pipes ran water into the home, a large pot could in no way be practical
Mcdonalds Employee. This is now the era of STEM, where everything shall be examined under microscope and dissected until it is sterile and explained by mathematics, chemistry and biology.
The 7 sages of the archaic period (the proto-philosophers) really weren't though. They were tyrants, navy generals, businessmen, etc. Diogenes who came much later was definitely the proto-neet though.
Debating, blogging, Youtube videos, writing books to self-publish on Amazon that no one will read
Since when was this place infested with euphoric STEMlords?
Forever. They're autistic NEETs that shitpost on Veeky Forums because they flunked out of first year engineering courses and have nothing better to do after getting run out of Veeky Forums.
I come here because I like history and you 100 level philosophy majors shit up this board so goddamn much, so someone has to keep your euphoric egos in line by reminding you of your physical role in this universe.
t. Shitposting NEET
>philosopher baristas
I'll have you know I'm studying philosophy and my family is rich enough so I don't have to work, feels good, enjoying slaving with your bullshit and then starve on the street when it gets automated
There's no need for me to be a NEET since I actually have a diploma worth something
Perhaps that would be true if you actually graduated
so what's your valuable major then?
As someone who's a philosophy major you should know that your argument is the lowest rung on the ladder of debate since you're just attacking me personally.
Feminine studies
BS Biochemistry with a goal to get a MS in Synthetic Biology in the next 4-5 years after working in my field.
>Philosophy is a worthless diploma
Can't have both.
Literally being neets.
Philosophy is worthless in this day and age.
You don't bring anything to society and if you don't bring anything to society you don't to it.
You chose a diploma with little demand and low on average pay. The marketable skills garnered in a philosophy degree on the bachelors level are on par with basic general education requirements which everyone does. Everyone writes papers or has to present something in front of the class or read books. So yes, a BA in Philosophy is essentially worthless as it gives one no skills which are highly marketable.
I do not have a Philosophy degree, but I do have a degree which is something you do not have.
God shut the fuck up you ignorant mouth breather.
Matter to it*
Once again the bottom rung: attacking me personally.
To eat from garbage cans
Wouldn't need to be done if you weren't the bottom rung of society, NEETboy
Thinking about things that everybody else just swallows without thought.
Philosophy extends to hypothetical problems with ethics, physical problems such as the nature of personhood and that of morality.
All of these are now being reduced to subjective personal experiences where people listen to those who talk the loudest and swallow the most basic answers to questions with long and rich histories.
it can teach ignorant people that there is nothing inherent to the universe about utilitarianism, or that "practicality" is a relative term, something you apparently haven't figured out yet.
99%< of the world is currently moral realist on a basis of emotions, or at best some subjectively defined abstraction like "social progress". that means that philosophy is still extremely relevant.
what is more important than understanding existence itself?
STEM here. I very much enjoy philosophy because I think it discusses the foundational questions which we take for granted, and don't always acknowledge.
Also according to Aristotle the contemplative life is the best life a human being can live (as long as you actually live it, not just slack off). You just need to have a stable source of income or be detached from material goods.
Are you an undergrad or something?
I'm left-leaning and even I find it suspicious how people who wouldn't be on the side of the supreme court in their decision making say, fifty years ago are now firmly entrenched in support of it.
Political and moral philosophy helps someone have a firm set of principles not just based on emotions and means that people have the ability to think for themselves rather than for others.
I walked last year. I expected higher levels of debate from this board rather than personal attacks.
>I walked last year
Walked out of your lower division classes and into your parents basement maybe.
Having 'marketable' skills doesn't mean they have any more value than that which the market places on them.
'Marketable' in the sense that you need a nondescript degree in order to stock shelves and man a register is utterly pointless, because it's arbitrary.
Whether I have a degree or not, or if I have no education at all that doesn't mean I have no 'marketable' skills anyway. Physical labour or donating your body to science is always an option, or committing crimes to live comfortably.
make money
Marketable skills means you were taught skills which have demand in a market. To determine worth of something the common question would be "Was this worth in money I invested? Does my investment have worth?" Subjectively you could say that your degree has personal worth to you, but objectively in a market with specific demands a BA in philosophy has little worth outside of niche jobs.
not him but your error is in assuming that the only thing of value in existence is economically marketable skills. this implies either that you need to have relatively more wealth than another person for some reason, or that you need to support various aspects of society for some reason. it's an extremely shaky and poorly conceived basis. like, literally...why?
I just addressed that concern here
You can say the same about a STEM degree considering less than 6% of jobs in the West are in the STEM field.
no you didn't. you shoehorned the discussion into specifically an economic context. my question still stands: why? is the only thing that matters to you is having more wealth than another person, or supporting some branch of society? why did you come to this conclusion?
Veeky Forums is ded board with literally 10 posts an hour. I dont blame them tbqh
>You chose a diploma with little demand and low on average pay.
>source: my fat ass
But even so typically jobs don't have a general requirement unless they're specialised. So for example a job in media would encourage or require a degree in media studies whilst many others merely imply you have 'any' degree, so long as you have one. The implication here being that the ability to get one is also reflective of how qualitative your work will be, even if it has no relation to the job itself.
The Form of the Ethical.
>it brings noooothiiiiiin'
>it iz not marketapppple
Well. Fuck you. This is the society the capitalists want.
>STEM the onliiii waaaaay
How the fuck you evaluate your results to make progress and study the next ? The philosophers do the idea side. Dumbs.
Is psycho+philosophy okay ?
kill yourself plato
lacan kook who armchair psychoanalyzes anonymous imageboard goes spotted
>"This is the society the capitalists want."
>a commie psychology/philosophy
Oh, geez, I sure am shocked.
Philosopher here. Psych is definitely worthless. Sorry pal.
>Is psycho+philosophy okay ?
Man, I wasted 3 years of my life on a History/Political Science double bachelor, then so far one year on a History master, and even I know that psycho+philosophy is even more useless than what I foolishly picked.
Then just psycho useless too ?
Psychology is the quintessential meme degree. Phil + anything else is better.
Oh so you're a commie.
In this case, yes please please do a double philosophy + psychology major, it's a VERY PROMISING field.
Also make sure to have unprotected gay sex and share needles with your gay friends.
I want to write a book for explaining my ideas about ideal human profile and state. And also I want to stay in university and work there. Phil+pol sci seems ok.
But in Turkey (i live in this country) psycho men get a job easier than pol sci phil etc thing. Idk im confused.
I am not commie tho. I dont like those kind of discourses.
>In this case, yes please please do a double philosophy + psychology major
No one studies those things in order to get a job immediately after they're done, those things are studied for fun and for intellectual development.
>those things are studied for fun and for intellectual development.
I'll never understand this. Who has enough time and money to waste years and potentially tens of thousands of dollars on fun and something as murky as "intellectual development".
I guess.
>intellectual development
Reading thousands of pages of unfalsifiable, fanciful junk =/= intellectual development.
YouTube money
Crapitalist here and I love philosophy. Capitalism is only a mode of production, it is devoid of ideology as opposed to a certain (((competitor))) that just won't fuck off. It's linguists and post-modernfags who literally are killling philosophical inquiry with their sophistry about muh modules of language and muh differance. Fucking cancer the whole lot.
Philosophy is okay, but what have the social so-called sciences contributed to the advancement of humanity? They have existed for more than a century now and the only conclusion they have arrived is
>x author thinks this.
>y and z authors wrote this
>but it doesn't matter anyway because we can't be sure of anything!
>therefore down with the patriarchy!
I say shut them all down and invest the money in toilet paper.
>you're having fake fun guys! only my fun and my idea of intellectual development is real
Am I on 2014 /v/?
practical to what end airhead
just to survive? why bother
anyone with a few braincells encounters philosophical questions and sees it in the foundations of any legitimate institutions
To rule.
>t. Plato
>hurrr utilitarianism shod be a religon!!!
Stop this shit immediately.
I'm not questioning your fun (which is subjective), I'm questioning your intellectual development.
I'm questioning your intellectual development shitposting about "WHAT LEARNING SHUD BE" on Veeky Forums.
utility monster says hi
Turn to science and maths instead because it actually provides an outcome.