What opinion does Veeky Forums have of Thatcher?
What opinion does Veeky Forums have of Thatcher?
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I burn effigies of her every year.
good lad
Delusional cunt
She did what was needed for Britain to break the post WW2 malaise and economic stagnation caused by socialism. She also makes autistic commie neckbeards mad so that's an added bonus
Malicious brad who permanently ruined britains economy and only got a pass because the British sheeple were focused on some irrelevant backwater of an island that spics were taking over.
I dont know jack about her but I heard about her shitting on commies and being called "The Iron Lady" so id assume shes a maid.
fuck her and fuck Blair for buying into her shit
I was raised by Thatcherites, so i'm a big fan. She had her flaws, but overall she's quite possibly the greatest Prime Minister post-war. After the 3 day week and strike chaos of the 1970s most of the bad shit she did dragged Britain out of being the sick man of Europe.
The real face of feminism
The reason why you never vote for womens. Memes aside destroyed the british working class forever
If there's one thing I've learnt from Veeky Forums it's
>destroyed the british working class forever
This is a good thing surely. Rigid class structure belongs in the past
>Memes aside destroyed the british working class forever
Wrong. Outsourcing did that. She saved the British working class by forcing them to change with the times before the times crushed them with unemployment when the 1990s rolled around.
Great woman, tore a path through the malaise that had fallen over Britain, trimming the fat, and reinvigorating the progress that has seen her come out of that post war funk.
>saving the working class by breaking the unions
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh huh
when the unions are depressing the economy by keeping the status quo you know why it's its important that they go
She did what needed to be done but unnecessarily burned people doing it.
The alternative was much worse, though.
All the usual lefties must be signing on or something today.
Always amusing that she is still such a hate figure, blamed for literally everything wrong with Britain today 30 year after she fucked off. People were happier when she died than when Bin-Laden got whacked. Because lowering the top rate of tax is worse than mass murder.
>The nightmare I sometimes have, about this whole experience, runs as follows. I was involved in making a number of proposals which were partly at least adopted by the government and put in play by the government. Now, my worry is . . . that there may have been people making the actual policy decisions . . . who never believed for a moment that this was the correct way to bring down inflation. They did, however, see that it would be a very, very good way to raise unemployment, and raising unemployment was an extremely desirable way of reducing the strength of the working classes -- if you like, that what was engineered there in Marxist terms was a crisis of capitalism which re-created a reserve army of labour and has allowed the capitalists to make high profits ever since. Now again, I would not say I believe that story, but when I really worry about all this I worry whether that indeed was really what was going on.
>Sir Alan Budd
Oh sure you can make the argument that she did it for the economy, but lets not pretend she did it to save the working class by destroying their only bargaining tool.
As an Irishman I had a nice celebration when she kicked the bucket. A violent, grinchy draconian old witch.
The only thing she did right was the Falkland War; and I can begrudgingly respect her brutal suppression of the terrorist IRA, especially after they bombed her hotel.
Celebrating the death of someone is somewhat low, childish, and pathetic.
>outsourcing did that
Under thatchers neoliberal economic policy..
Milk snatcher
>brutal suppression
More like based MI5 had them so completely infiltrated they couldn't do anything without getting cucked
Many did it when McGuiness died the other day. It's a two way street.
>It is bad coz I said so!
Except all those bombing campaigns they carried out
tu quoque
>believing this
Why are kindergarten students allowed wifi access again?
You know how to hurt a guy, user.
See this
What you've given me is not an argument
destroyed England
the north MAYBE
auld bitch
> Memes aside destroyed the british working class forever
No, the Socialists / Communists destroyed the British working class by convincing them they could get something for nothing.
Of course Thatcher fucked up by handing over the whole show to the Corporatists but something had to be done about retarded labor situation in the UK.
Lots of errors but some stuff she did good like dismantling steel.
Delayed the inevitable for 30 years.
Working class was already on life support from subsidies propping up dead industries. Britain was the poor man of europe at this point, so she cut the bennies, put down the unions milking it and switched the national industry to financial services. Sorry to burst your bubble lad but it's not like she went out of her way to put a heavy dog down. The mutt was already half dead and developed rabies.
The Pope criticised capitalism as much as socialism.
Her disregard for her cabinet is disgusting to me, the cabinet should challenge the PM if they ever have even a slither of a doubt about their descisions, she's the primus inter pares, not some fucking dictator, any self respecting or half decent politican woudl know the way to get past deadlock and still keep scrutiny in the fucking cabinet, and don't get me started on the shitshow that was cameron after the class act of Major, fucking hell.
It's okay for me to be petty because the standard of pettiness about these things is low is not the same argument as it's okay for me to be petty because you are also petty.
>the communists destroyed the british working classes
Yes, and lord knows that the labour market in the UK is healthy as fuck right now, and we certainley don't need those exports tories are clawing for, fuck no, coal bad being a complete stonewall in the face of discussion is a great trait in a democratic leader.
>handing over the whole show to the Corporatists
That is not what she wanted. She was considered a lower-middle class radical by "corporatists" in the conservative party, but she was a counterweight to the commies so they let her do her thing then switched up on her in 1990. If Margaret Thatcher had her way she would have pushed for more "extreme" economic liberalization that would hurt the cartels and monopolies of big business.
Only the mining union.
Started by labour, mate. Funny how nobody cried about it then. She just pulled the last tooth.
The reactions to her death are pretty much everything that is wrong with the left nowadays, as said
Fuck Unions, Argies and Coal miners
Margie for life
>Memes aside [MEME]
What did he mean by this?
what a woman, easily a better pm than churchill
Please tell me you're joking
>Fuck Unions, Argies and Coal miners
This sentence should be incorporated into the National Anthem desu
Coal, and the men who went in after it represented t very lifeblood that carried Britain's Empire to its greatest heights.
You can't go and show that level of scorn for it, have a heart.
Increased unemployment and debt, destroyed manufacturing, created the retarded poll tax, she was great for the economy lol
She was bad, but the people she fucked over and the who really hate her today are even worse
So she's aight
Britain's economy was fucked before Maggie
Good lad. Keep that Corbyn leading the PLP
settle down troll
Unions did it to themselves
As an Englishman I don't give two shits about any Irish politicians because my country isn't a bitch state of theirs
The unions literally were making impossible to have a sensible conversation about their dying industry tho. She was definitely harsh but the union leaders did make dialogue impossible.
Not that Pope.
>polltax became the foundation for council tax
>no one batted an eye lid then
what did the left mean by this?
Are you one of US?
Churchill did some dodgy things. Margaret Thatcher had better ideas.
Churchill was actually a pretty shit peacetime PM
We should dig up her grave and put it outside of May's house.
Why not put May in her grave instead?
>ignoring all the other facts stated
what did the ideologue mean by this?
>what is the lawson boom
Maybe that's why I ignored your butthurt drivel
>financial services
i.e. doing fucking nothing but pretending it's important and making mad bucks
>purposely missing the point because it hurts my argument
it was my privilege
>what are exports, corporatism and unemployment
>The state is obliged to fund my inefficient job
If you think moving labor and capital away from industry that actually fucking produces things into what basically amounts to masturbation was the best possible thing that could have happened for Britain, you're dumb.
Certainly, Britain had to find some way to revolutionize its economy, but kneeling down and sucking banker cock in hopes they'll toss more pieces of paper that you think somehow have something to do with the heath of the nation around is not the only possible way to do it.
I liked her in my youth but I realised I was consuming literal neocon propaganda.
I used to love Reagan and Thatcher. Then I realised that Reagonomics and Thatcherism was a fucking meme.
Christ, still embarrassed for believing that shit. I'm convinced more and more that every President and Prime Minister of the 20th century was pure shit.
Maybe Theodore's the only good one.
poll tax was a bad move though, from the political standpoint
Idk, man.
I'm an a AMERICAN and that is all the information I was educated to bout that and shit, and that bitch man :DD
Or maybe you're just an idiot.
You were educated by a butthurt lower class northerner?
What do you have against milk? Scumo
if the industry is only kept alive through massive subsidies, then they are clearly uncompetitive. We can argue about her alternative as much as we like but pretending the mines and unions dindunuffin is absolutely retarded.
Epic retort, thatcher shill.
Anyone who knows anything about Economics or Foreign Policy knows that Thatcher and Reagan were a disaster.
Won the Cold War.
Booming economies.
Crushed the USSR.
Oh, yeah, they were such huge failures.
Only two kinds of people don't like Reagan and Thatcher; faggots and communists.
Which one are you, boy?
>People who care for America and her people are now faggots and communists
Enjoy getting your financial life being destroyed with taxes for some rebellion in some backwater country that will in no way help common American citizens like yourself.
>>the Socialists / Communists destroyed the British working class by convincing them they could get something for nothing.
>Yes, and lord knows that the labour market in the UK is healthy as fuck right now
Because it was handed over to the Corporatists (same as in the U.S.) but this was only possible because of the Soviet infested Western labor and political parties went full-retard, (and it was FAR worse in the UK) where in the UK they nationalized the aircraft, auto, etc. industries in a plan straight out of Das Kapital (with the expected results).
People who love America loved Ronald Reagan.
I voted for him.
You shit on his grave, and you shit on America.
>easily a better pm than churchill
You're either being this retard on purpose or you're really retarded.
Ronald Reagan IS America.
You shit on him, you shit on America. You fucking commie faggot.
>Guy who funded Muslim terrorist organizations is America
You're fucking shitting on the graves of the founding fathers you neocon cunt
>Booming economies.
nice deficit spending
it was a grey swill kids refused to drink
try it, porky