Where did they go?
What happened to the Armenians of Eastern Anatolia?
1.5+ million dead
many turned turk
the rest migrated to eastern Armenia, France, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Greece, the US, Russia and in smaller numbers to other states
t. American Armenian
Genocided by Eastern expansionism.
kurds happened
They ---disappeared---
Armenian? What's that, never heard of em.
Turks killed them, remember the "le roach" memes guys and let us continue supporting the brave Kurds for killing them and "protecting" Assyrians/Arab Christians in Syria and Iraq.
They learned Kurdish or Turkish.
Absolutely nothing.
Something I don't get.
If the Kurdish areas in Turkey were initially Armenian and the ones in Iraq and Syria used to be Assyrian, then what was the original Kurdish homeland?
A lot of them converted to islam and rebranded as turks, as anatolyan greeks did. Rest got genocided by turks and kurds
My best guess would be the Kurdish province in Iran.
But they were nomads so naturally they would move around while having atleast 7 children each, which would explain the spread while wiping out christian minorities that were often defenseless (see the Hamidian massacres the Kurds carried out against Armenians prior to the 1915 genocide or the Assyiran genocide).
Iran today is being shit on by Azerbaijani nationalists for resettling Kurds in the Azerbaijan province of Iran and having them "expand" even more land for Kurdistan.
They literally became Alevi or were either deported or killed. That is not to say the Alevi were not killed by the sunni Ottomans/early Turkey either.
The history or eastern anatolia is filled with sadness and lost of beautiful music.
t. Alevi of Zaza descent
oy vey! the goyim know! shut it down!
So, are you saying Iran and the Ottomans used Kurds to fight other nationalities? Divide and conquer?
These kind of things aren't well known in the West.
Are some Kurds even aware of this or are they happily taking land from others?
>1.5 million dead
Stop making up numbers like the Jews
>Iran today is being shit on by Azerbaijani nationalists for resettling Kurds in the Azerbaijan province of Iran and having them "expand" even more land for Kurdistan.
Source? Sounds interesting.
I doubt they are and even if that was the case, would you admit it when the perfect scapegoats of Turkey exists to take all the blame for your past and current crimes? Sure the Turks might have used them but it ended up being a double-edged sword.
Especially now, when /pol/ and the West keep licking their asses thinking they are fighting to create a "secular" state against "le evil roaches" when the reality is that they are oppressing the same Christians that /pol/ likes to "muh deus vult!" about.
Look up Mahmudali Chehregani and other pan-turkist memes like him that want to seperate "unify" Azerbaijan.
They were...... relocated.
A few hundred thousand may have gone missing in the process.
It wasn't on purpose, I swear.
Most of those originate from Baku though, other than Chehregani.
There isn't much of a push for Turks separating from Iran, otherwise they would have revolted or committed terrorist attacks like Kurds in Turkey.
Also Chehregani is batshit insane, kek, he claims that Turks are actually the majority in Iran.
As I said, pan-turkist memes.
But I sympathize with them somewhat, since every map of Kurdistan seems to include the W.Azerbaijan part of the Iranian region but I am unaware if there is a Kurdish majority there or not.
lost hard
The part west of Lake Urmia (R.I.P.) is Kurdish, the other half is Azeri majority.
>Armenians, Chaldeans and Assyrians clumped up with Azeris in the city of Urmia
yeah, we know how they will end up if the US ever invades Iran
Colours on map do not equal one hundred percent saturation of a single ethnicity.
Just look at a fucking map of ethnicities in the Balkans or Central Asia.
Especially further into Anatolia and going south, Armenians were a minority.
>yeah, we know how they will end up
With Turks getting removed like they did in Artsakh?
>when the reality is that they are oppressing the same Christians that /pol/ likes to "muh deus vult!" about.
/pol/ is equally neopagan, Christian and secular humanistic.
map makes no sense if you look at the census from
where it states the population of the W.Azerbaijan region was 76% Azeri and 22% Kurdish in 2012, unless all Azeris are located in Urmia or Kurds had a severe case of bunny syndrome these last 5 years
I don't know how you came to that conclusion considering that Armenian/Assyrian pocket exist there cause of migration to escape Ottoman/Kurdish genocidal tendencies while Iranian-Azeris don't even give a fuck about their northern counterpart.