If you think about it makes sense:
>proud and fierce warriors just like the Kurds
>were never conquered or subjugated by the Arabs unlike the cucked (F)ersians
>were never conquered by the Turks unlike the cucked (F)ersians
>were never conquered by the Mongolians unlike the cucked (F)ersians
>had their own autonomous state called Tabaristan, similar to Kurdistan
>lived in mountainious regions just like the Kurds
>spoke a NW-Iranian language just like the Kurds
>reconquered lands from the filthy Arabs and created the Buyyid dynasty, which might aswell be the Kurdish Abuyyid dynasty
>suddenly just "disappeared" out of history similar to how Kurds just "appeared"
So by that conclusion, Gilan and Mazandaran should be part of Kurdistan
Are Kurds the descendants of the Daylamites?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kurds are just Turks with a little bit of Indian ancestry.
About 20-30%.
Fuck off Arslan Mohammed ibn al-Ashur Alirezazaderian.
Kurds are the original Anatolians just like the Daylamites were before they migrated to the border of the Caspian sea of the Kurdish Median empire. They are from the same area as the Zaza Kurds of today.
t.biji wiji hewal
>were never conquered or subjugated by the Arabs unlike the cucked (F)ersians
And Persians highly influenced Arabic culture, art, etc.
>>were never conquered by the Turks unlike the cucked (F)ersians
Turks eventually assimilated to Persian culture
>>were never conquered by the Mongolians unlike the cucked (F)ersians
Again, assimilated
Name one time when other people were assimilated to Kurds
>Kurds are the original Anatolian
Well, now you're going full retard.
Why do these original Anatolians speak Indo-European languages and have South Asian genetics?
t.arslan al-eshekoglu
More like ASSimilated as in (F)ersians kept taking nomadic cock up the ass and giving up more and more of their language and culture unlike the proud Kurds, Mr.Farsibaladizadeh
They don't stop revision Kurdish history like the rest of the Arab mongrels making up the ME, while contributing nothing.
>What do you call a Kurd with a goat under each arm?
a pimp
>What do you do if you see a kurd with half a head?
Stop laughing and reload.
>How can you stop a kurdish tank?
You shoot the soldier that is pushing it.
>How do u know if a kurdish girl is a Virgin?
If she can run faster then her hewal brothers.
>How do u find the richest Kurd?
Roll a quarter down the street and see who picks it up.
>Why do kurds smell so bad?
So blind people can hate them too..
>Why is there always a bucket of shit at a kurd wedding?
To keep the flies away from the bride.
>What do you call a kurd with an IQ of 15?
>How does a kurd woman fight terrorism?
She has an abortion.
>How do u circumcise a Kurd?
kick his mother in the mouth.
>what do you call a T*rk in another two decades?
extinct :^)
such a proud, ancient people wow
>kurds breeding like maggots
Another point to add to my list of kurd-nigger similarities, thanks m8!
I thought you people had traditional pastimes like making clicking noises with your penis cartilage, so why are you here posting this thread over and over again?
>implying they aren't doing that just to fit in with the rest of the t*kish population and not draw attention to themselves for walking on two legs or have no exoskeleton and antennas
>having more babies just like Nazi Germany did in preperation for War is the same thing as being niggers
Clearly Kurds should be like the cucked Armenians or Assyrians and have half a child each so they can slowly die out, get cucked and lose most of their territory if not all like the above mentioned did.
Day of the raid is coming roaches and the proud Kurdish people shall once again build a Kurdish empire while you dwindle under your mad Sultan.
crafting blatant lies seems to be a national sport or something among the kurds
That strategy would only work if the kurds bred humanbeings. Clearly it is not the case.
And yet they get the job done.
But then again, all you need to do is stomp on a filthy roach LARPing as a steppe nomad to see its true hemolymph.
>And yet they get the job done
Not quite the case if we take a look at the casualties in this decades long conflict though.
I hope you don't get drowned in you delusions buddy.
Remember that the Kurds of Rojava offer the most equitable, democratic, and viable future for the Middle East.
The YPG and PKK will be victorious.
Don't expect an argument from the k*rt, his kind are genetically retarded due to all the inbreeding.
Just point, laugh, and move on.
kurds are just armenian/turkish hybrids, they have no history or culture of their own to speak of
>all these buttmad roaches that contributed jack shit with their 600 year rule and are gonna go extinct soon enough
Anatolia shall once again belong to the Kurds.
>this asshurt
The only ones feeling any asshurt are the disgusting (F)ersians who have a thing for Arab cock to the point that they corrupt our ancient Kurdish holiday of Newroz into their twisted muslim faith.
If not for the proud Kurdish Daylamites celebrating Newroz and remaining Zoroastrian way into the 15th century then it wouldn't exist to begin with.
>they have no history or culture of their own to speak of
Wrong, they have a unique culture of their own compared to the other ethnicities around them.
Pic related
just stop you're embarrassing yourself.
thats a typical kurd on pic...
>just stop you're embarrassing yourself.
Something every modern (F)ersians consciousness should have told them the moment they started to LARP as ancient Kurds instead of embracing their true vile and twisted Arabic nature.
i always had issue with breathing when home, so i went to the doctor and took a bloodtest, it showed i was allergic to cats, so i sold my cat.
But i still had issue with breathing, one week my kurdish girlfriend went to her parents and suddenly i could breath again, that bish hairy as fuuuuuug
maybe you need to have your spiracle checked, roachslan
air might not be able to enter through your exoskeleton into your vertebrae
>Turks are not even Christians
Why am I supposed to hate those Gypsies?
Wouldn't be a problem for the roaches if you weren't so fucking hairy to be totally honest with you.
>kurd calling anyone brown
Kek you apes are not only brown as shit, you're also more inbred than a pug.
The average k*rd literally looks like the missing link.
Why did you post a picture of yourself roach?
get b& you underage faggot
>thread about ancient kurdish history
>defiled by the eternal roach who lacks any history outside his shitty LARPing
every time
That's a k*rt, hewal, he has the typical inbred monkey features that your kind tend to have.
Pick one, Masoud.
Your shitty "people" are just some rapefest mixed-race of Turks, Arabs, Iranians, Armenians, and goats, ruined even further by massive inbreeding.
Their "history" is just ooga booga mountain tribes fucking goats and their sisters for 2000 years and being conquered by actual people. Hence why you chimps have never had a single state of your own.
K*rts are living proof that evolution can work backwards.
>thread about ancient kurdish history
Lel, nice one.