Describe Veeky Forums in one image
Describe Veeky Forums in one image
We're froglovers?
Yes, except for the few Brits on this board who'd rather praise themselves (since no one else will)
you're cruel
I'm honest.
The traps are gay one
Also applies to /v/.
>Tfw no bf to adopt a child with, so that you can pass on your dogma.
Why even live?
This place is 80% Frenchophilia, 10% British, 5% Arabs, 5% genuine people interested in history.
Pretty much it has not changed over the years.
So Arabs and French are considered one color?
>corinthian helmet tipper
I find your Froggery disturbing.
why were the belgians so evil?
French blood.
There's an infestation of edgy wehraboos too, to be honest.
most of them are trolls and people here just falls for it
so much this
It's prevailing on the internet these days
the perfect kind for soaking the earth :^)
No. You're trying too hard to be edgy.
early Veeky Forums was so cringy
that's not what it was like
Brits on this website are truly a sad bunch
there were a ton of threads about creating a character personification of the board so it could interact with other board personifications.
The guy outside the house is /pol/