I wish to honor my warrior ancestors by becoming a berserker. How can i do that?
I wish to honor my warrior ancestors by becoming a berserker. How can i do that?
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click your heels 3 times and cross your fingers and your toes
Find some churches to pillage.
take PCP
I wish to honor my warrior ancestors by becoming a rooftop korean. How can i do that?
click your heels 3 times and cross your fingers and your toes
I'm still just a dental student fml ;_;
Get a whip, a lot of mushrooms, maybe some paint thinner, knives/an axe, a group of like-minded friends and an enemy to fight.
Maybe then we can talk.
I wish to honor my ancestors by being martyred for the faith. How can I do that?
click your heels 3 times and cross your fingers and your toes
go fucking nuts just clear your mind and focus on nothing else but going completely crazy, works for me in the gym.
>Step. 1. Stop larping
>Step 2. Realize vikings didnt look like that
>Step 3. Profit ???
1. Go to ISISland (or just anywhere where they have angry muslims with guns)
2. Bring friend/tell friend about plan
3. Tell muslims you are christian
4. Get shot
5. Friend writes story about your suffering
7. Friend gets money and bitches, you are martyr.
>comparing gym with battlefield
Fly to Turkey, head south along the Mediterranean until you see these jokers.
They would absolutely love to martyr you mein bro
Have you noticed this board get s a lot of "Grandpa e-mail" tier posts?
SS with focus on Sprints and power cleans
click your heels 3 times and cross your fingers and your toes
Join Academi and shoot up drugs while on duty
shoot an innocent black girl in your store and wait for the American "justice" system to do what it does "best"
Go to Sweden
Burn a Quran
Play Skyrim OST while chopping down Muslims and Cucks
Buy a shield.
Bite down on it.
Not much chance mate, you get born with the Berserker in you. Nowadays it is more of a curse than a gift.
>t. born berserker from an old berserk family.
straight up hit a nigga
Try hiking, hunting, mountaneering, etc.
That's not what makes a berserker, but it is the closest thing you can do imo.
Step 1: You need a berserkergang, because you can't be a berserker alone.
Step 2: You need to kill a bear or wolf in close combat with a spear, axe, sword or seax, and wear its skin (Bersark literally means bear-shirt)
Step 3: In a ceremony while practicing combat and glima (wrestling), one of your number must volunteer to ingest a mixture of Fly Agaric mushrooms, mead and angelica root.
Step 4: The volunteer will then urinate into a vessel, which will use his kidneys to filter out the more unpleasant aspects of the Fly Agaric. He will be sitting out the upcoming battle, as he will be wracked with horrible diarrhea and vomiting.
Step 5: The rest of you drink the urine.
Step 6: Rush into battle while tripping balls, biting your shield and shouting the name of the god Magni, son of Thor.
Step 7: Die.
My love for you is like a truck.
It actually means bare skin
6/half dozen.
He still needs to drink the pee. It would also help if he already has some form of metal disability or condition.
consume amanita
protip: it's like being deleriouslly poisoned, although it gives okay 'heavy stoning' effect when smoked (the dried skins)