LMAO, some guy just made every single fool margin trading ETH on GDAX get a margin call

LMAO, some guy just made every single fool margin trading ETH on GDAX get a margin call.

LMFAO, hundreds of people probably lost their shirts tonight.

Who was the glorious bastard who did this? I would have done exactly the same. I know you are autistic as fuck with the way you sold, so you much be a 4channer, and we all know this is the crypto board. Please dude, just put a post here acknowledging your amazing work, I just want to be in your presence for but a moment. Do it behind a VPN though, some fools are probably hunting you right now.


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This guy taught us why we should always spare 500 bucks for orders at 10 dollars.

nothing personnel kid

> I would have done exactly the same.
why didn't you?

Didn't have the capital.

charlie left becuz of this

>Fools hunting to kill you
With what? All their cash had gone

>Do it behind a VPN though
MYST shill much ?

would be interesting with multiple sell offs on multiple exchanges


Exactly. This guy is my hero.

What message? Is this a way of sabotaging ETH and discouraging the the big companies that have looked at it?

It's a way of stopping normies from turning this into a bubble

I think this man is a fucking hero

That's why you never use margin trading for cryptos. It's the most retarded idea you can come up with. I'm actually surprised this isn't happening more often.

what i got from this clustrfuck is, anybody with 4k eth can crash gdax at anytime

it would be extremely easy for someone like this to repeat this shit and pick up twice as much for pennies

i don't have any eth and plan to because i dont trust the russian

Do you think the normies even heard of this? The only ones hurt were margin traders, and they're not exactly normies. Or is the plan to crash the price and have them stay away that way?

>I've told my friends and family about ether. Is now the time to bail?

>there is the reason
>exists in the first place

Think of all the fucking normies with stop losses. They all got BTFO just now, and margin niggers too. This was a calculated move to have a healthier market and make millions of dollars with that sick buy order. Don't worry.

No one will remember this in two months, and eth will continue on it's road to $500.

you are correct no one will remember this in a month. half these autists can barely remember dips that happened a week ago.

The vast majority of normies don't use gdax. If this was a message to normies, I don't know that they received it. As far as they're concerned, the price dropped down to 270, and that's fine. So unless the price is driven further down, and that might happen as a result of massive sells by semi-normies, no message has been sent.

If anything, won't this make the big companies involved in EEA have second thoughts?

No companies are actually going to invest in eth anyways, they are simply using them to understand crypto and blocknet and how their companies can use it. Just like no mainstream banks will use ripple, they are simply using them for their own personal benefit before they develop their own blockchain tech.

I think this was a message to normies, but you think normies are the people you see on the street who never heard of this. I think normies are Veeky Forumsraelis who believe eth is god's gift to earth.

They already forgot about the krakening.

Thread theme:


>transfer money to gdax
>buy orders real low
>pray this happens again

Will this work?

flavored assholes dot com

can someone explain this in fucking english? I understand what happened but not the details behind it.

Also how to pull it off or try to reproduce it.

ELI5 wtf has happened

Where are the proofs? :D

people bet money in lottery and they lost, many are crying, some are committing sudoku.


Good point. Also can confirm "ETH down to $13" made normie news

So actually the guy who was spamming pasta about ETH HAS XXXXX COINS AND BITCOIN HAS XXX
etc, that guy was right?