Thoughts on the BBC documentary '1066 a year to conquer'

Thoughts on the BBC documentary '1066 a year to conquer'.
I was able to get 10 minutes in before I quit.
>Harland and his forces constantly called Vikings
>'Danes another force of Vikings conquered England in the 8th century'
>typical mail coithes without any padding or actually being tied on
>calling the 3 claimants warlords and not claimnants or prospective kings
>claiming William had fought for his title since he was 7, despite being content with his regent council often changing
>shitty live action footage which is repeated at least twice in those first 10 minutes
Overall just a documentary for normies

BBC trying to contend with the History channel

its all sensationalist crap

they always have some guy with a masters degree tell you what it was like during a battle

"there was lots of blood and mud"

"there even was screaming and yelling"

But surely if it was a 'for the moment' thing they would have done it last year not this year
So yeah have you watched it or are you AJP Taylor

Basically all English ruling class today claim descent from the Norman nobles, not any of the shit that came before. And nobody wants to be associated with norsemen so they just shit on the whole thing as something foreign and temporary.

BBC trying their hardest to not instill any WE WUZ thoughts about pre-norman England..

>English ruling class claim descent from the Normans
Whilst I myself claim surnames from Normans who thought at Hastings, my fellow aristocrats are varied. We have some Dutch from William, Germans with the Georgians, but still Portuguese, French and Spanish are common. We do weep for those who soiled their blood with American mutts

William the Conqueror's main advisor was performed by a black actor


Did they show the bit where fat William the conqueror was too fat for his sarcophagus and his fat dead old man body stunk up the church? That's my favorite Billy the C. story

1066 is a far more interesting story than the basic shit they shovel out on terrestial tv gives credit for.

It's a brutal tragic and bloody story.

Thats actually true though, he was a Moor

Weren't moors north africans?

Don't question things

I know his arch bishop was an Italian but I didn't think his council was that multi culti, what did he have Hindustan event?

I'm noticing England making documentaries and works on the 1066 dual invasions like this and The Battle for Middle-Earth mini-series. I wonder if we'll ever get a big budget film or TV show that accurately depicts the race for England between Harold, Harald and William? I'd kill to see the English resistance such as Eadric the Wild, Hereward the Wake and Earl Waltheof given screen time.

not much of a contest then

Moors aren't KANGZ. They are Arab, Persian, Tuareg, et cetera. Yes, there were African elements but they were vastly the minority. The advisor being African is doubtful at best.

Just another excuse for British media to have KANGZ in every show and movie these days.

The BBC really has gone to complete shit. I still remember when they produced good documentaries, now it's just America tier.

Moors was used in the Middle Ages to refer to blacks, not ethnic North Africans.


Sounds like you've got autism my man

Not an argument.