Any Jews here?
Can a humble goy such as me convert and be saved?
Any Jews here?
Can a humble goy such as me convert and be saved?
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We don't do proselytization, sorry goy. You can always join a (((reformation synagogue))) though, hehehe
get that /pol/ shit out your brain.
You can never be a jew unless your mother is a jew.
If you have so much as one drop of gentile blood a thousand generations back we don't want you. Enjoy Sheol.
You don't need to convert to be saved. As a goy you're supposed to uphold the 7 commandments of Noah (the basic not to kill etc stuff) and you will be regarded as righteous.
Jews are choosen to perform a specific mission versus god and have to uphold a large number of mitzvot to save the world including you. You can join by converting but it would bring you no benefit just more responsibility.
At least that's what Judaism says.
t. Agnostic Israeli Jew
>As a goy
What if I don't want to be a goy?
just do what most pro-zionist americans do and make up a lineage saying your great great great grandmother was jewish so by the halakha you are now also a jew, since no one is gonna bother checking up while you learn broken hebrew and start wearing a yarmulke everywhere you go
it's foolproof
>John 19:27 Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!”
A goy is always a goy
t. I'm also available for accounting and law advice
>all of these fake jews hiding the fact that conversion to Judaism happens all of the time and you even apply under the Law of Return to get Israeli citizenship
PROTIP OP: Jews don't want you to convert. They see their religion as a sekret klubhouse.
Yes you can convert if you want to. Hardly anyone does, though.
Christianity is Judaism minus the circumcision. Just accept Jesus into your heart, user. It's much easier than Judaism.
you will be a goy forever even if you convert to judaism or atheism
this is stupid
you realize that one of your ancestors had to convert to judaism at some point right?
First off, Judaism doesn't have that whole "you need to be saved" concept, so it doesn't really apply. You can convert, but if you want an orthodox conversion, it's very difficult, often taking a couple of years and lots of courses you have to take.
Yeah, like Ruth! It's not like they didn't write an entire book about her.
I'm a jew, why do you want to be jewish?
>goys still think being a jew is just a religious thing anyone easily can convert to
this is why you will always be goyim and jews run the world
You can convert. But the first 3 times you ask you will be denied. After that it will be a long process about a year maybe 2.
A convert is deemed as more righteous than a born jew because he accepted the harder burden voluntarily.
t. Agnostic Israeli
If you're an agnostic jew, would your children be considered jews religiously, as in, they won't have to go through all the conversion shit?
>A convert is deemed as more righteous than a born jew because he accepted the harder burden voluntarily.
Damn, you really make this judaism stuff look like no fun
is this why there's so many secular jews
Wrong, anybody can convert to Judaism.
If a woman converts to Judaism, her future children will be Jews and her female line will be Jewish until the end of time
I used to work near Beverly hills and took the bus to and from work most nights. I would always see an elderly homeless black man wearing a kippah and holding what I assumed to be a copy of the Torah. Part of me wanted to get up and explain to him the no matter how hard he tried, they would accept him Android into their family or community and that they despised people like him. I never did it though because the other part of me didn't want to be an asshole and make him feel any worse than he might've already felt, being homeless and all. Your post just reminded me OP but maybe I'm wrong and the majority of Jews aren't racist Zionists and all. Idk.
Ehh there are specific provisions in the Bible that say converts must be treated as well as Jews by birth. If you refuse to accept a convert you are quite literally a bad Jew.
Ask any jew, even the most liberal ones will tell you that you can't just convert, you'll always be an outsides unless your mother is also jewish, she could've been an atheist for all of her life, and so could your dad, but you would still be jewish.
But if she wasn't jewish, then you could undergo the process of becoming a jew, and abide every rule and tradition, but you still wouldn't be jewish, it is also irrelevant if your father is jewish.
Not him, but I would point out that that's only to "proper" converts, and Orthodox especially tend to view other denominations conversions as not being good enough.
Plus you have the Hasidim, who are so far up their own asses that who knows how they'll react.
>Ask any jew, even the most liberal ones will tell you that you can't just convert,
That's bullshit. It is quite literally in the Bible; that's what the Book of Ruth is all about.
You know, of you're an atheist or secular you're not Jewish.
Secular judaism is a modern invention.
If your only claim to being jewish is
>my atheist parents told me I was
Then you are a goyim. Shalom
Can a secular atheist convert to judaism?
If not why not?
No, you aren't a descendant of Abraham.
But there are secular atheist jews who are also not descended from him.
Like every Ashkenazi jew on the planet.
Your identity is porous and fragile
Am Jew, this is bullshit. Unless you're at some hardcore Williamsburg orthodox temple nobody will care once you've gone through the process of conversion. It might come up once or twice, but that's it.
Gentiles detected
>a non religious person isn't religious
t. gentile
why do you guys like LARPing as jews so much? it's like obssesion
Secular atheists in 2017 often claim to be Jewish lol.
It's hilarious. Like people call Israel a Jewish state but that's a total lie. Israel hates the only Jews who live there, the Orthadox.
Sure, if you're willing to stop being one
But there are secular atheist jews right now.
Or at least people who identify as jews
If you're an atheist, you can certainly convert to Judaism and go back to being an atheist
But the question is... why?
>It's hilarious. Like people call Israel a Jewish state but that's a total lie. Israel hates the only Jews who live there, the Orthadox.
Fuck off, Israel has no right to exist in it's current form and sections of the Torah are considered a part of the legal system, Israel is a jewish state that had no right to annex a fucking foot of palestianian soil, we gave you both a chunk of land.
Any attempt to say israel is not a jewish state when one of the most basic duties of a state (to uphold law) is merged with religious documents, you're a liar.
>Can a secular atheist convert to judaism?
Sure, why not?
>wanting to be jewish
for what fucking purpose?
so you can nullify the "anti-semite" card whenever you start a retarded /pol/ debate or dress up like a haredi and yell at women?
just stay christian, since most religious jews I know have converted to it anyways, believing it is the continuation plan of elo
>Like every Ashkenazi jew on the planet.
[citation needed]
You can convert to Judaism, Jews just aren't pushy and don't come to you. You gotta seek them out and work for it.
Most of Trump's family are converted Jews. Donald himself didn't convert only for political considerations
>Christianity is Judaism minus the circumcision.
A lot more theological differences exist than circumcision. Islam is closer to Judaism desu
Minority status = Protection status
wrong kiddo
t. Jew
It's both an ethnicity and a religion, you can be ethnically Jewish or religiously observant, or both. The emergence of a Jewish ethnicity is largely thanks to three things; the diasporic mentality that's been present since we were kicked out of Israel in the 8th and 6th centuries BCE, the insular nature of the religion, and by the subsequent centuries of persecution.
This is completely false
Any human can convert to Judaism
According to Jewish law stated in the Talmud, only people born Jews are Jews. All of the rest of the world's people are goyim, meant to serve the Jews.
Holy shit, what is it with you goyim that you think we worship what is written in the Talmud? The books in the Talmud we're all written by angry Rabbis arguing with each other. Furthermore, the time in which the Talmud was written us Jews were being severely persecuted. Of course the rabbis would say bad things.
I fucking love Tovia Singer.
As the learned in this thread have said and the idiots keep ignoring, a non-Jew can convert to Judaism but it is a very strict and long process that can take 1-2 years. If you go to a local Orthodox rabbi he will turn you away 3 times until he considers you truly committed towards conversion. Then you study and live amongst an Orthodox Jewish community until you finally accept the Torah before a beit din and if you're not circumcised you get circumcised or if you are already circumcised they take a drop of blood from the area where the foreskin would be. Finally you immerse yourself fully in a mikveh and then you're considered as Jewish as any other Jew.
Yeah his videos are very informative and give a great perspective from the Jewish side in a lot of issues, exchanged some emails with him too and he's a really kind-hearted guy
I'm sure you can cite a passage that says that. And I'm sure that you can reconcile that with the book of Ruth, since it figures into how the Davidic dynasty got started.
You should convert to Karaitism instead
Modern Judaism aka Rabbanism is just a corrupt faith with no link with Ancient Judaism evenless Mosaism.
Where do most Karaites even live in the US? I doubt it's easy to find a Karaite synagogue or however they call their houses of worship
You do realize Karaism is even younger than Rabbinic Judaism, and is itself contradictory of scripture with its whole "There is no Oral Law and NEVER WAS! And we will ignore all passages that refer to stuff that isn't spelled out, like the divorce one or the one about how to slaughter your animals".
Not him, but I once met a Karaite in San Francisco while traveling on business.
I was pretty surprised, I thought their group had died out, so yeah, not common.
Yes. The ortodox version is a very oppressive system that served it's purpose to preserve Jewis national identity in the gola but now it is defunct. It undervent a constant process of radical asceticism during the enlightenment as most normal Jews left and is now really on a cult level.
No conversion is needed once you are a Jew. Even if a convert goes to a Rabbi and eats pork in his office it will be very difficult to annul it because you need to prove that he converted falsely and not just lost his way afterwards.
That's why it's hard to get in. Once you're in that's it.
Genuine Judaism isn't about going to a synagogue, but following the Torah, if you genuinely want to stop being a goy, then, go cut your dick and start practicing the Torah instead of asking some russian LARPing as an Hebrew to accept you as a Jew
>Following the Tanakh wasn't a thing before the Karaites
>Following DA MAGICAL ORAL LAW was a thing since Moses
>If two rabbis debate and God said that one rabbi is right, then God can fuck off cause only the rabbis have the right to speak about the Torah
>Judaism is Matrilineal, while every Geneaology in the Bible is Patrilineal
Even your 613 mitsvots are a meme cause they don't include thing like killing apostates, killing false prophets, stoning alduterers, and so on
Yes you can
not him but proselytization stopped in the early middle ages, at least officially.