Ethereum is so fucked. It's inevitable at this point. How do we profit?
Ethereum is so fucked. It's inevitable at this point. How do we profit?
Question really is. How can we trust a coin that has gotten hacked (dao) and now has caused people to lose millions due to one dump?
While innocent little BTC got fcked, not due to it's own doing, but due to a Jew exchange.
Tell me. What will happen to ETH?
sell and hop on the litecoin rocketship to the moon that is about to happen
I regret not selling at 420, got greedy.
Seriously bros, how is Ether meant to solve the scalability issue? It doesn't even have fucking public dapps on the blockchain yet, and FUCKING MIST DOESN'T WORK, it takes forever to sync. This thing, as of right now ,is garbage and is fundamentally the same coin it was when it was trading for $11 when I first bought in back in February.
>mfw thinking heavily about dumping my ETH into something stable like XRP
Its almost as if ethereum still is being developed....hmmmmm i wonder....
It is hard to say what is stable at this point. Maybe just USD
Litecoin seems like it has more potential.
put your money where your mouth is and margin short eth OP
They lost millions because of their own retardation. Don't fucking use stop loss and margin trading. This isn't forex.
Yeah, of course it is. But the price is built on hype, let's be real. The only difference between $11 ETH and $400 ETH is hype. There have been no major technical breakthroughs. In fact, we've regressed, because not even the fucking native wallet client, MIST, works now.
Unload half to some more promising coins.
Wise words.
I am was holding yesterday a worth around 200k in that nothing-for-the-future btc (apart from being expensive but thats it) and now I buy with it all dem cheap eth. I expect it to moon between august and september, not due to bitcoin´s depressive wave with all that segwit2x or that shit. Guess what it is.
Exactly what I did. Just sold half my Ether stack, just in case ETH has some miraculous recovery, but I'm losing confidence, desu.
Currently sitting on:
-168 ETH
-1078 LTC
Caused people to lose millions? You mean like how McDonalds caused people to be fat? Get the fuck out of here.... everyone who lost a huge amount of money with eth today only has themselves to blame.
You're mistaken and don't understand the technology
Ethereum was not hacked. The DAO smart contract, which is completely unrelated to Ethereum itself but is simply a smart contract that was deployed on the Ethereum network, had a bug in it that a hacker exploited. Not Ethereum itself. The smart contract.
That is the truth but so many people think "ETH got hacked." I wish it was easier to explain to the idiots.
lol I wonder how many threads like this were made about BTC in the last 8 years, see its value now. I'm holding, every new ICO depends on ETH, so either we crash and burn or go to Jupiter. Remember, this is still in development. You think Facebook mooned in a couple months?
>smart contract unrelated to Ethereum
Are you fucking stupid? The whole reason Ethereum exists is to utilize smart contract functionality through the use of Solidity and related compilers. The DAO was built natively in the Ethereum virtual machine, using Ethereum protocol, and Ethereum programming languages. Of course it's related to Ethereum you imbecile, it IS Ethereum!
doesn't it indicate something when the foundation itself can't even put together a secure contract on the ethereum network? it seems to me right now that turing-completeness is a bigger headache than it's worth, considering all that they have been able to write thus far are erc20's
pls brother help me out with some fractions of an ETH
Why then they forked ethereum, not the dao? For the lulz?
Just got started. Would this be a good time to buy ETH? Or just stick with BTC?
No, you don't understand. The DAO was a smart contract deployed on ETH, and this smart contract itself had a bug in it
What you're saying is basically "Someone wrote a program in C++ and the program had a bug, therefore C++ is broken!"
Nothing was wrong with Ethereum itself, just the DAO smart contract
I went all in ETH yesterday because I have high hopes between aug. to sep. for ethereum. You say where you are, I want so see what happens to the other side, would be boring if everyone was on one side winning or losing.
DAO can't be forked when it's a smart contract. Doesn't work that way.
My point in saying that ETH was hacked, was to say that's what people are thinking when trading.
There has been to much bad rep put onto ETH.
It does indicate something but I don't know if I'd go that far. But it doesn't indicate Ethereum itself is broken as other user said.
You can't fork a smart contract that doesn't even make sense. I personally don't know whether they made the right choice. Idealistically I say the made the wrong one, but realistically this could have crippled Ethereum early on. It's a bad situation overall but it doesn't indicate anything bad about Ethereum itself
I don't think they're undertsnading the simple fact that ethereum is a PLATFORM and it is only due to the human eroor that constructed the smart contract as such that the security of the contarct could be under mined by neferious figures .
It's understandable and you can't really fault them for not completely understanding it
Full comprehension of Ethereum basically requires a Bachelor's in CS at the very least, or a lot of self studying.
see maybe the platform itself is a problem
maybe it's better to have tighter blockchain protocols for security and then figure out how to allow the individual blockchains to interoperate
I think I saw somewhere that the ETH came from the Genesis block(idk what word to use). Isn't that founders only? So doesn't that mean that Vitalik or one of his co-founders took advantage of everybody?
then why would you buy yesterday? its going to dip even more, that is 100% sure
How do you even drive the price down to .10? Did the genesis guy enter .10 and sell at that price?
We will c about dat
>caused people to lose millions
Actually people as a whole lost ZERO dollars.
it's very clear you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and you're just repeating false information you read on Veeky Forums as if it's reality. i hope to god you are not making actual financial decisions based on fud and trollposts on this website
do you honestly think vitalik and a co-founder would be so fucking stupid as to sell off a pile of eth that big all the way down to $10? as much money as they made, they could have made WAY, WAY, WAY fucking more. there are literally thousands of transactions on the genesis block
furthermore, did you see how quickly eth bounced back after that massive sell off all the way down to $10 you stupid fucking faggot?
do you know whta that means?
it means there's a lineup around the block, circling a thousand times over, of people tryying to buy eth. eth's price dropped today because of BACKORDERS AND AN ICO CLOGGING THE SYSTEM. NOT PEOPLE PANIC SELLING AND THE FOUNDER JUMPING SHIP LFMAO
Eth isn't going to make anyone a quick buck right now while they work on their excessive congestion and orders, but oyu're a stupid fucking nigger if you think ether will be less than $500 by october
thanks for throwing your money away to all the people who have backorders to buy up your cheap eth you stupid chimp
its like blaming the parking lot company when a car parked there gets shit stolen because the owner didn't lock the fucking car
LTC is the answer. It showed already several times that is it stable during accidents like yesterday. Trade your ETH to BTH before its too late. This shit is gonna drop further. People are scared because the network is clogged.
lol no shit. You just finding this out now? Dev teams don't care about coin prices. Eth is not designed to cater speculation.
Wait for rock bottom and go all in. This shit always rebounds after every clusterfuck. The DAO hack, the subsequent hardfork, etc shenanigans. It always come back.
At the end its as robust as a cockroach. But personally I would wait, the correction is not over.
From what I understand:
He sold a massive amount, which dropped the price quite low (mid 200s?) this kicked in a bunch of loss-prevention mechanisms people had set up to sell if the value dropped suddenly, which caused a snowballing effect dropping the price all the down to 0.1 as all buy orders were filled and a surplus was created, and then the market stabilized after the sales finished and climbed back to normal-ish.
Dollar cost average your way in
Good news could come any day and we see a 20% spike
If we know it's going to $500 just buy now, it's in a great dip.
Any predictions on how low it will go? I wonder when I should buy in
Seriously, just because an app gets broken because of shitty practices doesn't mean the underlying tech is broken
>shitty practices
there literally are no good practices yet
Buy litecoin, it's going to replace ethereum as the #2 coin.
LTC's climb from €23 to €41 was a godsend
eth rhymes with death
There is a shitload of dapps.
They don't work at all.
it's USD's bitch so no
unless we have a repeat of the 00s bull run, gold is a bad choice atm
BTC is looking good for solid gains with the segwit agreement. Alts will dump and the money will come home to papa Bitcoin.
Sell ETH
Anything can happen ,((they)) only have to arrest vitalik and his goons and the whole thing comes tumbling down,Bitcoin is pretty much unstoppable at this point
Ripple is stable as fuck
Ok but you really didn't answer my question. Who is to say genesis guy didn't short eth, crash the price and then have his buddy or even himself ready to scoop up super cheap eth.
>It is hard to say what is stable at this point
That dump could happen to any coin that is available to margin traders.
It happened to XRP/BTC on Poloniex a few months ago
Those bags are getting heavier and 7$ bound.
I honestly feel inclined on making sure to have low buys on all margin traded coins.
I don't think Eth is dead or anything but it's very overvalued at the moment and has some serious issues.
it should be at around the 300$, not the 400, let alone the 1000.
How the fuck is it still even above $300?
It is around 300 right now
please explain how ethereum is fucked?
It's called FUDing brotha
Ethereum couldn't handle the transactions for over 24 hours. It doesn't scale any better than Bitcoin.
by getting in the CACA shittrain
If Bitcoin handled the same load it would've taken 6 months instead of the one day with ETH. You seriously don't know anything if you think BTC is faster in any way.
It's inflated because of ICOs. Especially (((Bancor))) caused the $400 peak. But there is no real value in it just greed, you can see it on Veeky Forums. (((Bancor)))-Shills dreaming about x10 and Lamboland, not realizing that they already lost 20% due to ETh dropping.
So all these ICOs are stacked on ETH like a card house. If one shits the bed, it will all collapse.
I don't understand how it works. So things like Status or Bancor. How do they make the price go up? When they're in the pre-buying phase? And then what makes ETH price drop? When the ICO is released to the public?
>And then what makes ETH price drop?
When they cash out again in FIAT.
whats the question newfag?
if you think its going to crash just short it and shut up about it, everybodys always talking about how its going to crash but never shows proof that they went short on it...why? because you are all scared and don't even believe your own FUD.
DO IT. Screencap me your short position
whom else /mined for a week to cover the over valued eth price because they didn't get on the bandwagon quick enough/ here?
ETH is premined crap
at least shill ETC
>he isn't on litecoin
It's almost like you want to be poor
Did you just drop the second biggest coin while it is dipping to buy ATH (litecoin, the original shitcoin that's been on a downtrend since its creation, no less)
>Ethereum Transaction Delays
We're currently working through a backlog of Ethereum withdrawals. Recent or new sent transactions may remain pending longer than expected.
You should be holding LTC alyways It was always a good pick.
>inb4 they can't fork a smart contract
That's the point. They had to make "Tokens" for smart contracts instead of having ETH backed by every smart contract.
Since then ETH is entirely hype and people not understanding that ETH Tokens by nature have to have more value than ETH (because they're backed by their function not by the ability to run arbitrary functions).
> thinking you can margin trade and overleverage yourself in the most volatile market in human history with no consequences
It's like you fuckers love staying poor. This shit is used in forex due to low volatility and risk management and even then it's not a wise move when you're a newfag who doesn't know shit about the markets
He meant Mt Gox, you mongoloid.
I traded all my ETH for byteball, waiting to get 20% returns on the July 9th airdrop, and then we will see.
I don't imagine ETH going up much higher than 20% in any case
I own 10k+ in crypto and I don't know what fud means
It's like people don't remember the "Kevin Crash" on mtgox
There's no wallet for that. And it's not smart to hold all your money on an exchange site
Why is it that potty mouths are overproportionately unaware of the vocative comma?
Search Veeky Forums archives for "faggot" or "retard" and you'll find flawed grammar in most of the results. I'm considering hiring a linguist to conduct in-depth research on this phenomenon.
>holding a garbage 77% pre-mined, centralized vaporware token so that a russian teenager with late-stage AIDS can travel around the world in his cat pajamas on your dime
Intelligent People Use More Swear Words, According To Study
I even picked a left wing source since you seem like a cocksucking libtard maggot.
Yet most profane posts exhibit flawed grammar, particularly the lack of vocative case commas.
I personally notice several dozen posts with missing vocative case commas every day.
not every language uses the same grammar faggot.
Agreed. I feel like crypto is taking the place of precious metals.