But seriously, what race were the Egyptians?

But seriously, what race were the Egyptians?

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Its heavily disputed.

It is most certain that there where European settlers in Ancient Egypt, mostly because of Egyptians trading with the Mediterranean's.


Really though some bastard mix of mesopotamian and north african, with bits of Nubian and Hyksos and whoever the fuck else conquered Egypt.

The same race they are today.



A. Four Sons of Ham:
1. Mizraim (Egypt)
2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
3. Put (Lybia)
4. Canaan (Hivites, Jebusites, Arvadites, Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites, Hittites,
Sidonians, Perizzites, Zemarites)

B. Five Sons of Shem:
1. Elam (Arabia)
2. Asshur (Assyria)
3. Lud (Lydians)
4. Aram (Aramaic, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria)
5. Arphaxad (From which Abraham descended)

C. Japheth's Descendants (14 Nations came out of Japheth):
The immediate descendants of Japheth were seven in number, and are represented by the nations designated Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Mesech, and Tiras; or, roughly, the Armenians, Lydians, Medes, Greeks, Tibarenians, and Moschians, the last, Tiras, remaining still obscure. The sons of Gomer (Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah) were all settled in the West Asian tract; while the sons of Javan (Elisah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim or Rodanim) occupied the Mediterranean coast and the adjacent islands.

Seven Sons of Japheth
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance -- French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)

Egyptians are Hamitic, descendants of Mizraim.
Egypt was known as Kemet.

North African sandniggers.


Same as the current ones.

Berber and semitic.

Gold, like Charlemagne

Multiracial. There was fair skinned people and brown skinned people. But none of them were white or black

But seriously, why does it matter?

>But none of them were white or black
Define White and Black.

Caucasian or Caucasoid

It doesn't.

But for some reason, niggers and /pol/ tards are both obsessed about it.

Egyptian. The same as today
>Its heavily disputed.
No it isn't, not in academic circles, only in quack internet forums

Wild speculation, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were Berbers.

Mixes of Various people

Its not even debated

who even cares. "race" is so ambiguous anyway.

tired of every single thread on this board being about semantical arguments.

We were Egyptians and other related matters.


The upper caste of Egypt could have easily looked like that. it's the "Egyptians were darkies" crowd that's historically incorrect.

No, Pharaons had bantu rituals and customs.

they were mediterranean

"The Egyptians" describes literally thousands of years of different cultures at the crossroads of the world. Obviously they were not just one type of people.

Herodotus talks about an excursion he went on up the nile as far as possible and talked about an island he came to where on the northern part the people were all Egyptian but on the southern part they were blacks who had customs similar to the Egyptians and when you went south from there all the people were black and they were increasingly less civilized

They gave a name to themselves you dunce.

They called themselves "Kemet" from the phrace "Remetch i Kemet" (People of the Black Land)

And by "Black Land" they meant the rich soil around

Can you imagine the future? We're gonna have fucktards going
>But seriously, what race were the Americans?

>Its heavily disputed.
on /pol/ and africa woke
>It is most certain that there where European settlers in Ancient Egypt, mostly because of Egyptians trading with the Mediterranean's.
i bet the KAANGZ were white blondes while the common folk were brown north africans
i bet your little rectum hurts whenever someone posts "the same as today"

Define what a race is first.

If you're asking about how Egyptians looked like, like today but a little less light skinned but not as dark as some afrocentrist claim.

The sons of Ham:
Cush, (Black Africa)
Mizraim (Egypt)
Put (Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, North Africa)
Canaan (Phoenicia, now Lebanon)

Oops, someone beat me to it.

Caucasians pic related

Caucasians are people of the Caucasus. And that's it.

Bibilical nonsense should be outright banned from this board.

>hurrr American, obviously!!!

>Sardinians had a moustachio style popular in the 30s and 40s in England therefore they are English

Black as night

the egyptian population moved to the nile valley after the aridation of the sahara, so chances are they are a hamitic/nilosaharan mix. Talking about those of the early and old kingdom periods, from narmer(1st dynasty) to pepe II (6th dynasty). It got a bit messier afterward with kushites,libyans and hyksos from canaan. Especially under Thutmoses III and Ramses II who were multicultural as fuck. And then they got Assyrian'd. And then they got Persian'd. And then they got Greek'd. And then they got Roman'd. And then they got arab'd. Admixture happened that's for sure, but what degree is hard to say. What is certain is that they are mediterranean, so both Kangz and nordcucks can gtfo.

There have been extensive studies done, and the consistent result for just about every time this comes up (not just for Egypt but also central/southern Italy for the early Romans, Tunisia for the Carthaginians, etc.) the answer always seems to be "they looked about the same as the people living there today". This has been resolved for quite a while, I have no idea why Veeky Forums still likes to bring this up other than /pol/ plants.

>And then they got Assyrian'd. And then they got Persian'd. And then they got Greek'd. And then they got Roman'd. And then they got arab'd.
There was no Persian, Assyrian or Roman migration into Egypt. The only recorded migration waves into Egypt are of Bedouins (both Berber and Arab but mostly Arab) and Greek.

The only people who care that much are those with no ancient history. That is Northern Europeans and West + South Africans.

They got certainly invaded by those people though, I said nothing about migration in that bit you quoted. It would be hard to define if there was any definite admixture, which is why I listed the known migrations beforehand. Point still stands, they are mediterranean as fuck.

This so much.

People in Mediterranean countries don't give a shit. It isn't even a question for us since the answer is so obvious.

It's Northern Europeans and Black Africans who spazz about about these things, pls trying to steal our history.




What about asians?

To be fair he isn't completely wrong. There is evidence in cretes that minoeans traded with near east civilizations since archeologis have found golden/silver scarabs and lapis lazuli jewlry around the palatial sites. And we also know greeks used to send "colonisation" expeditions post doric rebellion/invasion in 1200/1100BC. But of course equivocating trading and a few outposts with possible admixture is autism of the highest order.

The fact that Minoans and later Myceneans traded with Egyptians is a certainty, Einstine, there's thousands of evidence for this, starting from the gorgeous Minoan frescos found in the Egyptian palaces at Avaris for once

No point in using modern conceptions of race on people who lived thousands of years ago. They were many different ethnicities just like Egypt today.

Just spent the last hour or 2 looking through many YouTube videos claiming ancient Egyptians were black. I have concluded that there is an alarmingly high number of stupid and sad people in the world. So, how is your Friday evening going, everyone?

>The fact that Minoans and later Myceneans traded with Egyptians is a certainty, Einstine, there's thousands of evidence for this
Er...I know? That's the point I was making, dude.


Nubians were sub-Saharan though

Semitic refers to a language. The Egyptians weren't Semites since they spoke Egyptian, a distinct afro-asiatic language.

Kemet as land of black as in their soil being black. Egypt(KMT) was surrounded by the Deshret, AKA the Red land, AKA the desert.

Kemet is their name for lower egypt anyway, for the delta area specficially, it doesnt designate all of egypt.

Interesting point about the deshret. Didnt know about that. Any reason why it sounds awfully like the crown of lower egypt?

>Black Africans

Fuck off cunt. It's Black AMERICANS who do that shit. Nigerians already know where they came from, as do Ghanaians, Ethiopians, Congolese, Rwandans, Kenyans, etc. None of these groups "we wuz" about anything.

YouTube comment sections are like a Lovecraftian nightmare.... when you realize how profoundly stupid most people are... it's really rather horrible. Most people are basically children. But they have adult bodies and the power to influence society/politics.

Well said.

There was a real reason that Sumer walked out of the stone age fully formed. Only to have to invent armies to protect the only civilization on the planet.

And that reason is humans.


and the best part is americunt blacks dont even bother to learn where theyre from and whats that regions history, they dont even get around to at least focus on ethiopia as a example(even if that would be just as retarded since ethiopians werent part of the atlantic slave trade and no ethiopian ever picked cotton in alabama), they blame hollywood for messing with 'their' history but if it wasnt for fucking hollywood they wouldnt even have the idea of identifying with fucking egiptians of all possible people, its kind of like some american descendant of slovakian pesants worshiping french and spanish monarchy as ancestors

and add to all that, if they bothered to learn shit about 'their' history they would have to deal with the fact all those ''kangs an shiet'' were viscious slaverunners and 'divine kings' that would probably as soon spit on them as give them the time of day

It's even worse when the ones that do get swept up into nationalist religions like Black Hebrew Israelites who consider themselves a superior race from other Africans because they look different (thanks to 25% Caucasian DNA) and claim to be the original Jews. Some of the shit they say would make even /pol/ blush.

thing is its a big missed opportunity in a sense

imagine if they actualy pulled their heads out of their americana asses and took real interest in the history of places like nigeria or sierra leone, where most of their great great great parents were exported from

imagine if they took enough interest to actualy go there and see and know anything about africa and africans, maybe they would suddenly be amazed by the fact shit happens everiwhere and they dont have a planetary monopoly on getting fucked

maybe they would even get around to help them somehow, like do some humanitarian work, invest in some local economy or something

who knows, if they are always on about how bad it is for them in US maybe some of them would just do what practicaly a third of the human population is doing and move

i mean any given afroamerican might be a poor downtrotten underpriviledged discriminated minority in america, but in say, nigeria, hed be a rich american with more education skill and capital than most people around him

they where ruled by a proto-vikikg nordic elite

I won't even begin to discuss the pseudoness of the conception of race, that should be it's own discussion.

But for a moment, just take a look at the Nile map, take into consideration the location of it's tributaries. That should be a helping guide too some degree.

Now take into consideration that the Egyptians conceptually viewed the world upside down, meaning they saw Southern Africa as North, and the Levant/Mediteranean as South.

Also take into conseration that (forgetting atm) in a religious papyrus the priests say that their origins are in the Upper Nile regions.

Too pin point a composite cultures singluar origins is nearly impossible, and that's what Egypt was essentially a composite of cultures stretching basically the entire Nile. From Lake Tana in Ethiopia and from Lake Nyanza in between modern day Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya.

All of these facts should give you some fundamental guidelines in answering the question. But if you don't want to be genuine in your studies or not even study at all and stick with your own assumptions, that's of your own volition, but it doesn't help anyone whose takes this question more serious.

It took the west up until the 1800s to make the trip, there is no way ancient blacks did

Ancient Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia were the same race. These people have been several times compared to Somalis, Beja, Oromo etc in look. The Lower Egyptians may have been lighter and more Med, but there hasn't been many studies on them


1. they were going down
2. we know they did it

hoooly fuck; it's incredibly difficult to get any genetic informations on ancient egypt.
I get the problem of extracting ancient DNA and how difficult it is to even get any data, but by now there have been several studies on mummies conducted; nevertheless it's incredibly hard to get any usable informations out of it. There are almost no scientifically published papers on this. There are several claims of "soon to be published" results on various forums; but i didn't see any follow ups of those claims, no publications
For example, they sequenced (parts of) king tuts y-chromosomal dna to check his family relations; but those cunts didn't publish the whole thing; so there's no way to determine the haplogroup (someone published some results about his haplogroup, but they just "guessed" basically according to this uncompleted dataset; they had no DNA to work with)

The only concrete result i could find was from Ramses III (but that was already 20th dinasty)

>The same study determined that the mummy of an unknown man buried with him was a good candidate for Ramesses's son Pentaweret although it could not determine his cause of death. Both mummies shared Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a and 50% of their genetic material, which Zink stated "is typical of a father-son relationship."[14]

whites from the levant, berber territories and southern europe, black nubians and nilotsics, and brown people

caucasoid with an olive or darker skin tone. similiar to modern arabs and other north africans. not "black" or "white"

gypsies (eGYPt)

proto-euphrateans who mixed with some africans

so i guess half white half black, with a reddish-brown skin tone majority


Indo-European/Aryan-descended ruling caste, European/white

Modern Coptic Christian-looking everybody else (Semitic subjects)



> hahaha, look mom! I posted again!!


>who cares
>race is a social construct
>no, seriously it is
>no historian seriously examines this in the way po..eh I mean Veeky Forums thinks

>spamming the same image because you have no argument
Spoken like a true /pol/tard.

>implying the dino didn't have feathers

This. But you know why? CAUSE NO ONE WHO MATTERS CARES
This is a shitty boring ass meme. I guess some blacks started it somewhere but weh. It sucks.


Well, they had a chance to do that with liberia courtesy of lincoln. The irony is that the black americans who went there to fix the place literally became the administrative elite, were hated by the natives and eventually got toppled.

Really picks one's cotton.

>/pol/lack being sacrilegious towards trump
really gets those neurons firing

Caucasian is not skin colour, caucasian is North Africa, Arabia, Europe, Ethiopia, Iran, Afghanistan and Northern India


Ancient Egypt was a multiracial civilization who was ruled by Libyans, Nubians, Greeks,etc...


>that's supposed to be Dakotaraptor
>it's half naked

What the hell?


Ethiopians are biracial though. Yes their skulls look "Caucasian" but so do many black Americans and mestizo/mulatto Hispanics. Are they Caucasoid too?

only correct answer

they wuz black

>the caucasus includes africa and MENA

funny pic saved :)
