By the time the Civil War started most countries in the Western Hemisphere had all ready outlawed slavery and the British Empire with NGO's was working to outlaw it world wide.
Now let's say the South managed to win the Civil War. How long would it have taken for the CSA to outlaw slavery under international pressure and economic needs relating to industrialization? Also a follow up. what would an independent CSA have done policy wise in the first several decades? I know they had plans to take over central America and the Caribbean. Would they have become a regional power or global power given time?
Jace Long
Most likely answer is that they would just chill and not invade other countries and rebuild. They would probably end slavery by 1890s like everyone else and maybe re unify with USA or stay as a USA-like state.
Liam Phillips
>Now let's say the South managed to win the Civil War. How long would it have taken for the CSA to outlaw slavery under international pressure and economic needs relating to industrialization? Also a follow up. what would an independent CSA have done policy wise in the first several decades? The problem is that the most likely outcome where the CSA 'wins' (for any given likelihood of the CSA winning at all) is not an outright, direct victory, but a coercive victory a la the Vietnamese in Vietnam; they are too bloody and costly to put down, and you get something like McClellan winning the 1864 election on a peace platform.
The problem is that he won't get into office until the spring of 1865, and even if the CSA does better than they did hisorically, they're still likely to be enormously battered and have a huge chunk of their territory occupied and cut off by the Union, who won't want to give it back, and there's going to be considerable impetus to go for a round 2 once the north is ready.
The CSA will know that, and have to spend most of its energies just keeping its remaining territory intact. It will probably turn into some kind of Prussian style military state, and if anything have to double down on the slavery to free up manpower to put whites in military roles.
>I know they had plans to take over central America and the Caribbean. Would they have become a regional power or global power given time?
In all likelihood, they'd get crushed under by the North 10-30 years down the line.
Luis Taylor
>It will probably turn into some kind of Prussian style military state, and if anything have to double down on the slavery to free up manpower to put whites in military roles. I agree with the CSA becoming some sort of Prussia in the Americas with a martial protestant tradition with the added bonus of having a quasi-racial caste system but I can't see the CSA keeping slavery for very long unless they want to become international pariahs who don't keep up with technological advancements.
Julian Gutierrez
Being international pariahs is a problem for tomorrow. The North declaring war again and rolling down and taking over everything is a problem for today. And even that step probably isn't going to be enough to stop it.
To be honest, I doubt even a "victorious" CSA will live long enough for these sorts of softer pressures to matter.
Elijah Sullivan
The Union would quickly reconquer them if they "won".
Tyler Reyes
You don't do hypotheticals very well, do you?
Luke Lee
Why do people always assume a victorious CSA would end up conquering and then annexing Mexico? At the time of the American Civil War, France was doing some serious empire building down there with the installation of Maximilian I.
The only reason they gave up on it was because the Union started to lean on them pretty heavily after the war had ended - and I don't think the Confederacy would have had the clout or resources to do the same within a reasonable time frame. Odds are, a different outcome in the Civil War would have bought the French enough time to wipe out Juarez and consolidate their Mexican Empire.
Christopher Roberts
> unless they want to become international pariahs Their plan was to take over south and central america. I don't think they cared.
Henry Torres
Jacob King
Economically speaking the industrial revolution and values of capitalism make slavery obsolete. I don't think slavery would have lasted very long whether they won or lost.
John Price
>that picture >hey Cletus, we are finally free from the Yankee yoke, what do we need now? >MORE NIGGERS
Sebastian Smith
>tfw no Anglo Saxon Protestant Confederacy spanning across central America with enslaved nignogs on cotton plantations Why even live?
Samuel Harris
Why do Anglos love niggers and Jews so much?
Easton Edwards
they would have virtually no chance of conquering anything given that any war against mexico would virtually guarantee intervention of the USA resulting in a 2 front war they had no hopes of winning
overreliance on slavery and utterly lacking in the capacity to industrialize as well as significantly strained relations with the increasingly more anti-slavery europe would ensure its economy remains stunted and unable to keep competition with the rest of the world.
As this lack of economic growth takes its toll on the CSA the USA would gain an increasingly larger advantage and as the eventual economic crisis happens the USA would once again invade the CSA under the pretense of putting an end to "the atrocities of slavery" the end result of this war is either full reintegration or, if the war coincides with a major slave revolt, partial reintegration in addition to the establishment of a state of ex-slaves
its also not unlikely mexico, sensing an opportunity, would try to recover parts of its former territories
Caleb Rodriguez
Aaron Lee
i doubt Britain and France would just give away the caribbean.
Ryder Edwards
southernfats BTFO
Xavier Rodriguez
Collapses after a couple decades after a combination of slave revolt, secessions, and probably a failed war with Spain or Mexico. USA picks up the pieces, maybe propping up an independent black republic in the Deep South.
Chase Jackson
A black republic in the south would be interesting.
Chase Edwards
It would be Lincoln's dream realized
Connor Torres
It'd be Liberia 2.0
Anthony Turner
Yeah this one is particularly dumb
Jacob Flores
>Now let's say the South managed to win the Civil War no
>"I think that the North fought that war with one hand behind its back. At the same time the war was going on, the Homestead act was being passed, all these marvelous inventions were going on... If there had been more Southern victories, and a lot more, the North simply would have brought that other hand out from behind its back. I don't think the South ever had a chance to win that War." -Shelby Foote
Ryder Evans
Because when Anglos compare themselves to Frenchmen or Germans they realize that they are closer to pakis and blacks.
Joshua Nguyen
they would end slavery by early 1900eds one way or another, the main and major difference would be that new states forming in what is nowday USA would be pretty much politicaly economicaly and culturaly autonomous and instead of the US you see today youd get a sort of Europe0.2
also there would inevitably be more wars
Juan Gutierrez
Not really. Liberia's conflict came from the ex-slaves forming a ruling class and oppressing the native African majority.
Henry Gutierrez
>the CSA becoming some sort of Prussia in the Americas with a martial protestant tradition with the added bonus of having a quasi-racial caste system
My dick
Adam Brown
Than Haiti 2.0
Logan Lee
>blocks your path to victory
Kayden Reyes
Why are border states included in this pic? If they won, They wouldn't have the border states and West Virginia and Eastern Tennessee would probably still be part of the USA.
In regards to how I think the CSA would turn out, if they didn't get reconquered a few decades later and survived to this day, I think it'd probably end up like a third world shithole, considering their whole economy is based around exporting cash crops instead of developing any industry. Even if they abolished slavery later on, the planters would probably still be in charge of society and try to milk out as much as they could from selling cash crops. Its the same reason most Caribbean countries are so bad today, because they're economies depended solely on exporting sugar. It'll be the same for any hypothetical CSA. They might make some money off tourism or being a tax haven, but otherwise they're fucked as soon as the cotton market is no longer profitable. Though who knows, maybe they'll start growing narcotics
Evan Howard
I'd say a massive black revolt and subsequent civil war would be utterly unavoidable so add that onto the "third world shithole" checklist
Jeremiah Sanchez
Even if the CSA 'won' best case scenario is they become a broke south american country.
Juan Sanchez
Also it should be noted the north would actually be less powerful too, and it sets a precedent that any rebelling territories have a chance at independence. Basically the whole of the US would be pretty fucked.
Levi Murphy
It's a Greater CSA.
Samuel Walker
a shithole like brazil
Caleb Howard
>tfw watching Ken Burns' documentary just SALIVATING over finally getting to his march to the sea