Did you diversify?

Strap in boys.

What is your backupp plan?

General "how much did you lose"-discussion.

conference isn't even over yet and rebranding not ann. deerrrp

I bought pot coin with half my ants yesterday

Does this mark the official beginning of the bear market?

I have 90% on LTC right now. 10% was on ANS but I bought it at $7

I have gut feeling a lot of stuff is going to dip and crash for the next month.

Took out a 75k loan from my parents to invest in this

You assholes branded it the next ETH

I feel so stupid right now ugh

All in. Started with 584$ and now I'm at 428$. I'm going to sleep now, I'll either wake up without anything or with a smaller loss.

Nah. Still have a month. Nearing August is the beginning of bear season. That's when board fill with suicide posts

Hell no. All in at 320k.

God that ending show was embarrassing.


4 giant red candle sticks = mooning?

Always sell BEFORE the conference.


you know the antshares part hasnt even happend yet?

What if there's a moon inside the earth?

I made 2btc and am holding my initial. Kill yourselves.

still holding.

Fuck you I'm in denial I lost a bunch of money tonight IT'S MOONING GUYS COME ON WOOOOOOOOOH WE'RE RICH HAHAHAHAhahahahhahahahah

>Be me
>Read about this "new ETH from China
>Everybody be hyping that shit like its 1945
>who knows
>China be china + I kinda like to logo
>Conference comming up
>FUck this shit, i'm going in like its 1815
>be up all night, watching fancy conference shit
>"It's going up right? Everbody said it will go up
>Antshare crashed
>Lost 20k
>I'm out
>who needs sleep anyway
>Get to list to Eltons Johns "Lion sleep tonight" becasue that is the kind of music played at conferences

Somebody please give me 0.002 BTC so I can buy a rope, a stool and an ice cream

My losses are negligible because I understand math.

anyone who thinks what happened with Digibyte a.k.a the umpteenth, unneeded digital currency is in any way applicable to this is a fucking moron

This is why HODLERS get continually btfo, many don't research and HODL shitcoins with no future instead of getting in and out fast. I will not hesitate to sell at a small loss because the amount I need to recoup won't be as hard to achieve as bag holding. I don't hold anything except the proven coins like BTC or LTC. Don't even trust ethereum.

I know, its 1/((1/loss)-1)

I don't suck at math, I suck at life

>selling before the end of the conference

I held ANS since they were $1.50.
Was I mad or are you bro?

Wow, you really are retarded with making that decision dude...

>General "how much did you lose"-discussion.

Nothing. Bought in at 13k and 25k.
I am comfy, even tough I wished I had rode the wave.


KMS today

earned a nice five grands so far from a measly 500 euros investment. I expect much more in a few months.



Hes the winner

Are you serious or is this just a troll?
You should never buy meme coins shilled on biz... they are all pump and dump scams. Every single time.

That's funny. I make a good living buying coins like ANS.
It's people buying in late in the game that get fucked, I bought in at $1.50.
If you study the markets better and get in early there is serious money to be made in altcoins even in the short term.

Dont get mad just because you lost some money on a pump and dump, just learn by it and do your homework before putting your hard earned money into a shill.

Really had my hopes for this one because of the conference.
Was hyped like crazy and seemed plausible

Why do you think it is not plausible?
It's a genuine tech that's developing into something special.

Complete and utter scamcoin, absolutely dreadful. It's a mess. A mess i tell you. And you know what? We knew. We knew! We knew it was going to be bad and.. look. It's just a bad investment guys.

>He didn't sell the news

When will they learn

what do you personally look for in a viable altcoin/profit opportunity?

40% loss. JUST

fuck gooks and fuck microsoft

Sold at a small profit once realised this gook conference was useless. Enjoy your ride down the slope.

Someone just scooped up millions of dollars of ANS on Bittrex.

you're so fucking stupid

Fucking great investment for me, bought in at 130k still over 100% profit and if all these latefags didn't panic sell like the weakhanded softcocks they are, they too would be raking in gains, but they all see a red candle and decide to follow it into oblivion like mindless lemmings.

Just because some ANS hodl'ers are tards, doesn't mean we all are, and this coin still has potential to rise beyond previous ATH.

shorted over 150 ants.
lol thanks for shaking the tree

Why the fuck did I invest in this shitty coin

It's like a daytraders dream but I don't have time for that shit

In at 0.00141, out at 0.00361. 1.5 btc profit. Wish i sold sooner but oh well. Might get in later when shit has calmed down

Fuck this shitcoin, should have sold the news. Fell for the shills again.

keep on holding you idiot, you will be fine

my order has sold when I was having sleep now buying the dip again haha

how high you boys planning to take this coin in the next 12ish hours?


pls buy my bags

pretty sure the high sell volume is due to people "getting out" before the re-issue of NEO from ANS. Exchanges will handle this automatically, but people want the liquid now.

The technical merits of this coin are solid, and have Microsoft backing them (with IDE support). This is going to be big long term.

Am I the only one who bought under 100k sats? This is all fun and games to me

i think 22-25k is the bottom. cant see it any lower.

I bought in at 135k sats, so I'm not all that worried

*220k-250k obviously faggots

90k entry here, been fucking around selling and buying though did get burned a few times but managed to make back most of it now during these ups and downs the past few hours ;)

no fear mane

remember, this shit has happened to bitcoin many timez

No big news => incoming panic dump => gtfo before it happens => buy the dip if you believe it will grow back once the panic is over

How is that stupid?

Also guys, you have to realize this thing is going to get a fuckton of media attention. This is only the beginning, accumulate as much as you can because it is going to blow up.

Where was the Microsoft faggot?
Not explaining why he didn't speak did a great job of causing doubt.

>its another bag holding episode

god damnit

this all started because i panic bought at 490k after successfully selling at 520k

then i go take a 10 minute nap and the first massive dip happens while i nap

i stay up 23 hours and 50 minutes but it has to stop when i nap the 10 minutes

its been a story of bag holding since

is the coin going up any time soon? i understand the long term appeal but I WANT GAINS NOW GOD DAMNIT

lol bought at 18, 22, 25, 33, and 4, sold at 529 and bought all in back at 47. hodl of course

At this point just hold or hang yourself.

>bought at 4
>still think I was to late

God you guys are retraded
>Two days ago
>320-350k is the floor! Next ETH! Big company backing!
>300-320k is the floor! Wait for the conference! HODL!
>220-250k is the floor! It'll be huge if you hold! Microsoft backing!

It's a chinese shitcoin
You dumbasses got scammed

buy high, sell low

Except it's not. Shit was just hyped. Do you really think a market with 30 million in is a shitcoin? Fucking lolled.

*45million now and rising.

I bought at 200k
Should I sell it for the profit how little it is, how HOL??

*or HOL

yolo ngr

Bought at 0.00039706

Didn't lose anything, still up 632%

I bought in at $6, so I haven't lost anything...yet.

Despite the current situation, I'm still holding. I believe in the tech, and think it has promise to rise significantly in the next few months.

I don't get it. Are you guys all like 16 years old?

Did you really expect to make 10x gains during the conference? Anyone with a brain will hold ANS for the rebrand, you will hold ANS because it is better than ethereum.

I bought at $5 and just dumped the rest of my eth on this. See you all in a few years when I am sitting on 50x returns.