>whites are indigenous to Europe
>Indo-European expansion
Pick one.
>whites are indigenous to Europe
>Indo-European expansion
Pick one.
indo-europeans were white. it took a long time
>embracing the Indo-European I, R1b, R1a blue pill
It's like you're openly admitting to being an immigrant with no archaeological connection to your land.
Do you see that pink IE urheimat on the pic? That's in Europe.
*Blocks your path
Today I will remind them: en.wikipedia.org
>The genetic basis of a number of physical features of the Yamnaya people were ascertained by the ancient DNA study conducted by Haak et al. (2015), Wilde et al.(2014), Mathieson et al. (2015) : they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European.[18][5] Surprisingly, given their pastoral lifestyle, there was little evidence of lactase persistence
It's north of the Caucasus
Ukraine is Caucasus?
Italians look like fucking Arabs but Americans call them white.
Why wouldn't PIE be white by the same American standards?
Not like anyone else gives a shit about whiteness anyway.
/pol/ blown the fuck out yet again.
Calm down Hans, the days of your nazi bullshit are over.
>The people of the Yamnaya culture were the likely result of admixture between eastern European hunter-gatherers (via whom they also descend from the Mal'ta-Buret' culture or other, closely related people) and a Near Eastern people,[2] with some research identifying the latter as hunter-gatherers from the Caucasus[3] or a related people also related to Chalcolithic people from what is now Iran.
Forgot source.en.wikipedia.org
People have looked like they've looked for thousands of years. At some point along time ago we reached a point were people generally are who they are from a physical standpoint.
White primarily means North European. Others are called white when Northies feel like it. Italians are whites when it's convenient but no one ever denies the whiteness of Northern Europeans.
White is best left to describe North European because consistency should be important.
Snowniggers are not white. They're pink.
Nope. Anyway, everyone in Europe has some of that old Near Eastern and Caucasus DNA it doesn't make Yamna that special.
most scandinavians are straight up brown and not white. And I'm not shitposting about their immigrant problem I'm 100% referring to the germanic natives. They're not olive skinned but they're still more tanned then most southern europeans
>Italians look like fucking Arabs but Americans call them white.
no they don't. Unless you mean "white passing" arabs but you don't
>proto-Indo-Europeans are Indo-Europeans
>somewhat darker than that of the average modern European
oh wow it's fucking nothing
kys worthless faggot
>no argument
>reddit spacing
You need to go back.
>Iranocentric and Indiacentric autists try to claim they wuz kangz
>gets btfo
>m-muh spacing, n-not an argument
>reddit spacing
Get the fuck off Veeky Forums you cancerous 12 year old newfag.
>Indians are Native Americans, the land belongs to them
>came from Siberia via the Behring straight
Pick one.
They migrated to a land with no human presence
>Snowniggers are not white. They're pink.
They only had a frequency of like 11% light eyes. They were literally darker than modern Meds.
She put on too much makeup that morning.
Not necessarily. They haven't sequenced Yamna from Ukraine, only southern Russia.
Also, nobody had the full set of depigmentation genes at the time. Northern European depigmentation is a relatively recent thing which happened gradually after the IE invasion.
>among males 20-30
So it doesn't include women, children, teenagers or anyone over 30? very specific data not good to measure whole populations.
You retarded faggot everyone was darker back then save for some small pockets of some HG populations. The same WHG's were blue eyed, but were dark skinned.
Define "light brown hair." Seems far more subjective than blond or red.
It's in the name. Light colored brown hair.
I don't think so. Not every Northern European is pig-skinned.
>it's a retarded faggot is to dumb to read and understand few basic studies so he misinterprets wiki articles and draws retarded conclusions episode
Are basques white?
He's not drawing any conclusions from anything.
He's an Iranian nationalist who tries to claim Iran is the original Indo-European homeland.
Would you say this light brown or just brown? I mean lighting has a lot to due with it in any case. He women you posted has blond highlights. I doubt it's naturally though it could be.
I'm genuinely interested in human migration in our early history and the roots of what make up current "races of man".
However whenever I look into it, it inevitably leads into pseudo science and aryan fan wank. Or stupid arguments that humans didnt come from Africa.
Where can I get an objective view on this if I dont care if modern europeans were not the first settlers or if italians are considered white or not?
>Or stupid arguments that humans didnt come from Africa.
That's just a theory, mate. Even if you think it's right (and most people currently do) you should't instantly dismiss the idea humans didn't originate in Africa as pseudoscience.
>Would you say this light brown or just brown?
Medium brown.
>He women you posted has blond highlights. I doubt it's naturally though it could be.
The tips of of the hair are usually a little lighter than the rest. My hair is like that.
She matches her pink shirt
Reich lab's papers from Harvard are pretty based.
Avoid Wikipedia like a plague. Everything there is ideological bullshit from 30 years ago painted as science.
In actual academical literature.
>muh outdated academic guesswork
>Medium brown.
fair enough. However I imagine you can see how reporting on it might be skewed. Whether that's relevant is another story entirely as your map corresponds with darker and lighter phenotype.
everyone is indigenous to the land they have conquered and grown in for hundreds of years
It definitely is outdated since so much new information has come to light since then thanks to genetic research.
The title is too ambitious anyway. Only a complete asshole would claim his guesses constitute a "global prehistory of human migration". We still don't really know all that much.
Not him, but in the terms of genetics and how much more we know now then in 2013, yes it's outdated.
Why are Indo-European Armenians so close to Semitic Assyrians?
Where did you get that from?
>why are people who are geographically close are also close genetically
Gee I wonder
Because the Iranocentrist loves to post this
He's stopped trying to argue for his views as he gets BTFO so hard so he just spams greentexts
Apart from one assumption in the article nothing else indicates an iranian origin.
Also notice how in PCA in various graphs populations appear close to what it's actually like geographically, though of course 1/1 match, but you can clearly see similarity.
But don't they belong to different races?
No. They belong to different language groups.
So Roms are indigenous of Europe?
He's made this thread before several times.
I don't know why anyone other than an Iranian or Kurd insist on the IE originating in Iran.
Nomads are a different story. They aren't indigenous to anywhere.
>tfw mainlander Greeks are full of slavshit genes
And people still keep memeing they're Turks instead.
>Blacks are native to South Africa
>Bantu Expansion
Pick one.