You are teleported back in time into the body of Mao Zedong in 1943...

You are teleported back in time into the body of Mao Zedong in 1943. Your mission is to accomplish industrialization and agrarian reform without the disastrous effects of The Great Leap but at the same time consistently following Maoist thought and having the nation still decidedly resemble a communist one.
What do you do differently?

Kill myself and have Deng Xiaoping succeed me.

Call a meeting with the most important members of the CPC, lock the doors and burn everyone inside, including myself

All the while I send a letter submitting All the territory and personnel to Chiang

China becomes a superpower by 1980

>Your mission is to accomplish industrialization
>without the disastrous effects

You're already screwed
Humans aren't meant to be factory cogs, things will inevitable become terrible

The only reason Mao won because Chiang was so very incredibly corrupt. I mean losing to a bunch of poor, badly armed rebels with the vast US support Chiang was getting - it really tells you something.

the fuck kind of haircut is that

Suck Soviet Union's dick

>adopt Nordic Model Social Democracy
>claim to be communist anyway
>after using my dictatorial powers to force through rule of law, a competent civil service, and a well educated population, transition to democracy and then resign
>China now HNIC of world and mixed economics dominates humanity for the rest of eternity

>What do you do differently?

>Your mission is to accomplish industrialization and agrarian reform without the disastrous effects of The Great Leap

With a population that big a huge disruption was bound to happen.

t. butthurt Taiwanese cuck

t. paid 50 cent army shill with a mutant 11th toe

>disastrous effects

there were no dsastrous effects, other than the great leap being itself a massive disastrous effect that yeilded china as we know it today

they just sold as much wheat as they could cause they neede the shit they could buy for it more than they needed 40 million chinamen, they had those in surpluss allready

The reason Chiang lost was because Mao let Chiang bleed himself dry against the Japanese, while the communists kept their strength up, then swooped in after the Japs were gone to smash the Nationalists.

Instead of forced collectivization, have subsidies available for communities considering collectivization, and have any land currently without tenants organized into state farms, which get first dibs on mechanized agricultural equipment.
Peasants gotta work themselves to the bone to compete with the larger state agricultural production, increased productivity drops prices but only the state farms and collective farms receive subsidies to prevent them going under.

Also, don't throw out the soviet industrial advisors. And no backyard steel.

So Mao was objectively smarter than Chiang

Chiang actually wanted to say fuck Mao, fuck the communists and fuck the truce, and keep killing them instead of "uniting" to fight the Japs, but his officers literally pulled him out of bed in the middle of the night and forced him at gunpoint to agree to a temporary truce.

Take a great leap forward and kill myself

I don't think I have the skills to win the civil war

absolutely false, the reason Chiang lost was because he lost the faith of his people by using his best troops to fight the communists instead of the japanese before the Xi'an incident, he didn't understand the importance of organizing the rural populace the way Mao did and instead relied on the support of rural elites, and after the disastrous currency reevaluation caused hyperinflation the urban populations turned against him too.

>RoC 1945
>not absolute shit-tier

Most historians actually state that Chiang was relatively more powerful against the CCP/warlords in 1946 than he was in 1937.

The CCP fought the Japanese, and lost almost 400,000 of their 3 million soldiers.

The Soviets in 1946-1947 gave the CCP Manchuria though while the US lowered its support for the KMT, and that sparked the Communists slow but decisive victory.

Get on the first boat to America because I don't know how to fucking speak a Chinese language

Mao did nothing wrong

Nigga i still have to beat the japs and gmd?

Give Deng the reigns and proceed to retire in my Chinese style villa (shits cash) with my harem of revolutionary teenage girls