Time to go margin long ETH?
Time to go margin long ETH?
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If you're retarded and want to lose everything then fuck yeah OP.
If you're completely fucking brain-dead, yes.
>Owner of thousands of ETH of the genesis block deliberately crashes the market
>Transactions completely clogged everytime an ICO starts
>No major correction since the start of this massive rally
Sure, sounds like a great project to believe in.
I hope you are being ironic
But i bet there's still braindead daytraders that still is margin trading and shorting their stash
When will you people learn
yes. the next flash crash won't be anytime soon. you have at least 2 weeks to leave it open at in this time, ETH will see 400$ again.
t. margin long
Now would be a great time to buy ETH, yes?
If you guys want to have a serious discussion then by all means. I think we can all agree on the futility of timing the market, the issue is whether or not the current price is a new bottom even taking into account all the details.
Of course we should also be thinking about how much Ether should be when the network becomes actually implemented.
There is really one big thing I am weighing right now, which is the publicity Ethereum has already garnered and the number of normies just getting in now. The Putin meeting was a big deal, it seems like Veeky Forums has a 3 week memory capacity. I know, "buy the rumor, sell the news", but we are still far too early to be able to figure out what price Ether should be.
Also considering what to me is an excellent opportunity to accumulate more Ethereum at lower prices, it shouldn't take too long to shoot back up, even with ICOs skimming some from the supply.
I am probably going to go long by tomorrow
Btw, just so I'm clear, I have no illusions that ETH will hit >1000 prices or anything like that, but it is clear to me that as BTC market cap grows, so will ETH. So ETH reaching current BTC market cap is not inconceivable to me (as BTC will exceed current market cap by large margin).
I've been burned once when I ignored the potential of ETH. I know it won't replicate the same performance as $7-$400, but do we still have places to go? I think so.
Depends. When is the next ICO going to be?
I'd actually prefer if the shitty ICOs don't continue. I know it brings money into ETH but our goal should be a competent Ethereum Blockchain and the shitty alts make it harder to do seriously.
you should now. 315$ really is a good entry.
I agree but as my quads prove: It will rise before the next Scam ICO anyway (Then they will dump it again to lower levels)
Yeah, lol at the people talking shit and not replying. It's already up from 315 as we speak
also I would ONLY margin trade ETH/USD. the ratio is too hard to predict over the short period you want your long to be open.
Witnessed and acknowledged
look it's possible it dips below 300$ again over the day or the next. don't expect it to rise the moment after you buy. but you also don't KNOW it will go below eg 310$. to buy in this area is a good deal, no matter give or take 10$.
there's one on saturday and monday, not big ones though
>it seems like Veeky Forums has a 3 week memory capacity
no it has a 3 digit satoshi capacity
average poster can't even buy one eth now, so it's not talked about
So who was the person who dumped?
Was it daddy Vitalik? Did he do it to prove a point?
Someone close to him? Who were the original team members? I didn't pay it too much attention early on, as evidenced by my mortgage.
I think the psychological barrier of it dropping below 300 will create a bigger issue than anything (and I seriously doubt it will happen).
But yes I will take that into account. Good luck to both of us.
Maybe the Bancor / Status faggots?
Unlike what the FUDers on Veeky Forums say, he actually keeps all his funds public.
Can't find it right now but I remember him posting his transactions with proof on reddit.
He actually cashed out 25% of his ETH a couple months ago to invest in other promising ideas. But he announced it publicly and explained the reasons. So I doubt it was him
I also can't figure out why dwarfpool would mine empty blocks. The F2pool thing I understand, they held everyone else's transactions up while they set their pool to processing their own $24k contribution to the status ico, which needs to kill them as a pool, heads must roll. Was dwarfpool up to the same thing though?
How would they have genesis block Ethereum though? The big trade was for btc, not a token sale, as I recall.
I opened mine yesterday but not on GDAX. guess I got lucky. had to sweat through the extended dip anyway. GL HF
I think it's just a group of people who bought in at pre $7 wanting to cash out. I know I would have cashed out by then if I had substantial ETH.
I bought 2 ETH at $7. If I had put in 8K at those prices I would be sitting on 400K+.
Don't make same mistake as me lol
ETH is dead I know more about computers/programming/networking than anyone else on this board and NEO is the big bad best fucking tech in the market.
Really? Ok, I trust you on that and sell my Eth bought at ATH right now to buy some of that sweet NEO. TO THE MOON!
MODS please sticky the sucide hotline, people here are still holding onto eth bags
If they'd slowly cashed out maintaining a higher price, they would have gotten more. I think the lowest they sold for was about $230, so just eyeballing the mental curve here says they could have made 15-20% more keeping the price above $320 or so. I think it was done on purpose, but maybe they didn't foresee the cascading stoploss orders.
no one knows
there's a hundreds accounts with 100k eth in non exchange wallets
plenty of whales
it wasn't cashing out
it was crashing the market so they could buy it all back up
this is what whales do every few weeks/months
only thing surprising is the timing, usually it's during the weekend, that's when polo and kraken where last hit
now they have an even bigger stack to cause a bigger crash
It seems a little heavy-handed for a measly 20% drop in price. I sense fuckery of a different sort though, I sense sabotage. The timing was pretty convenient with the token sales going on, and the mining pool jerks added their turds to the mix and it became a perfect storm of asshats, a trifecta of shitbags' blunders. Hmm. I guess it's possible.
Not saying about but a lot of people on this board forget the weekly cycle of dumping
>>retarded trend line drawing
>>file name rekt
>>thinking ETH will actually "crash"
Wew, please stay in school m8
enjoy sucking dick in bus shelters bagholder, your shit is going to the bottom
Opened up a long close to the bottom yesterday
Literally a perfect move
What makes ETH fudders so damn mad? Did you sell a long time ago before it took off or are you just a BTC maximalist?
I can't wait for you lot to shut the fuck up for a few weeks while ETH starts mooning today.
>he doesnt swing trade
>he lets his precious eth take dips
the same kind of shit that makes ethereum maximalists mad. just own enough of both and you wont care when one's going down.
Smart Contracts make no sense...literally.
No arguments provided
It is literally fucking useless. Tell me how the Blockchain is going to decide the QUALITY of someone's work.
I mean it's fucking insane. It's only good at Flipswitches. On or off.
Just because you're too fucking dumb to understand it's use doesn't mean it doesn't have one. Honestly how fucking arrogant are you to be this ignorant and still express yourself as if you know what you are talking about.
I can lock in X ether which I'll send to you on ANY contigency at ANY point in time, as long as we agree on an impartial oracle (the oracle doesn't even have to be aware of the transaction depending on the use case).
Example: I'll give you 10 ETH if it's 20C in Bangkok on Sunday. An oracle could be an impartial service that provides weather data. Without a smart contract, how the fuck would you ensure I actually give you 10 ETH? I could just say fuck you, unless I already comitted that money to the smart contract.
Stupid fucking buttcoiners
If you opened a long, I would be closing right about now.
So what you're saying is that you're trying to Shill a Scam? Seems to rely on a lot of shit outside of the Blockchain to even function.
It has not a single fucking use to anyone in Business. It might be able to throw Money into several different Accounts but we've been able to do that for Decades.
>significant fees and delay for transfer
It's almost like blockchain improves on that old tech
Of course it relies on something outside the blockchain you mong, did you think it was powered by magic? That is not the problem smart contracts solve. If you don't understand a concept then educate yourself, and if you are too stupid to understand it, just shut the fuck up.
you deserve to be poor
Okay... I'll bite. I send someone out to install a Wireless Point-to-Point System across the span of 15 miles.
How in the fuck does the Smart Contract know if the job was done?
If it was done, how does it know the Signal Quality is good?
If it is good then how does it know that it complies with all Applicable Laws?
At a certain point you fucking NEED a Human interpreting this Contract. You're little Automated Contract is a Kid's Toy.
The World is a LOT more complicated than just "On" or "Off"...
Do you know why people use margins? It's so that when they're trading forex that moves 0.1% in a day they can actually make gains.
It's not for going long on shit that already moves 30% in a day without leverage.
You might as well go to a casino and put it all on red.
Yes, go long 5:1 with all your collateral in ETH.
Not to mention 90% of the harebrained ideas for "Dapps" would work better on traditional Apache architecture anyway.
Yes, you almost always need human intervention on some level to determine the outcome of a smart contract.
The smart contract is useful because as long as we agree on what/who decides success criteria prior to committing our money, none of us have any further say in what happens to the money in the contract. Ether is precommitted and given out on terms we both agreed to when we created the contract.
It's not something every single business out there has a use for, but it does solve a real problem for SOME business or services. Hope this smart contract 101 helped some buttcoiners understand how Buttcoin is literally just a subset of Ethereum.
>t. eth shill
>i send
>how in the fuck
thats your problem not the smart contracts. figure it out.
I don't know how the point you raised does anything in the slightest to counter what I'm saying. When you trade Forex that moves 0.1% in a day using margin to amplify gains to make them significant you're still doing the same thing. In fact when you amplify something that already moves at "30% in a day" you're only getting a stronger effect.
Why don't you go ahead and gather your thoughts before you reply to my posts with irrelevant garbage facts, you slimy cunt?
>he swing trades
>he margin trades
>he shorts his stash
>he loses his entire stash because it moons despite muh graph analysis
>he necks himself
or you get margin called like what happened on gdax
daytrading is nice and all, but at some point you need to stop before you get too comfortable with it
Last night gdax suspended trading of eth. So who is that retard
I don't understand what you're attempting to communicate here.
Did you even know what happened on GDAX or are you just posting after reading the headline?
>>So who is that retard.
You, from the looks of it
Last night they gave 7 day notice(because they have to) that they will be supending there eth trading until further notice. It's on there web site.
>In response to the large price movement we decided to temporarily halt trading of ETH-USD. Once we confirmed all systems were operating correctly, we restored trading in accordance with our Downtime Process (Section 5).
I want to fuck that cirno
I know, I read it.
There are exchanges other than GDAX
Lol you sir will never be rich
Coming from a guy who wrote this gem:
>>Last night they gave 7 day notice(because they have to) that they will be supending there eth trading until further notice. It's on there web site.
You illiterate retard telling me about rich. Get the fuck out my thread.
Also I did not go long :)
[spoiler] except in your girlfriend [/spoiler]
What the fuck are you saying? How/why are you equating Apache to Ethereum?
Why are buttcoiners so infuriatingly stupid
Where do you actually do your ETH margin trading? Can it be done against USD or is it only against BTC? If it's bitcoin only that would make things a lot more difficult lol
>he doesn't know what ethereum actually is
posible bump to 400$ before death
>he thinks Ethereum is a web server
>still not knowing what ethereum actually does
>margin trading
>nobody does
[spoiler]because the only contracts are Ponzi trash[/spoiler]
you fucking idiot. btc and eth are not the same.
those who would use eth smart contracts probably have the most of their cash in btc. prove me wrong.
because unlike the cluster fuck of opinions and asshole in this thread, they know what theyre doing.
Ah yes the Apache blockchain
Off yourself
tfw did the same but its still a bit shitty because i had an open long already ;-;
yes i recommend opening margin long position, big rally soon
Yes. I went long 5:1 margin on 10 eth. Poorfag here. Hehe
Expecting it to double to 600 usd within a week or so.