Why can't biz work together and make each other rich?
10 years ago /b/ formed a huge pool of people who would click on each other's adsense
Why can't we do something like that with coins?
"More you give,more you recieve"-Jesus
Why can't biz work together and make each other rich?
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe lets do that adsense thing.
adsense is now too smart, it detects such behaviour, you get nothing. good day sir
Because while Veeky Forums originally attracted some poor but ambitious Veeky Forums users willing to have mutually beneficial anonymous discussion, it's now full of crypto shills from every corner of the Internet exploiting anonymity and the resultant lack of accountability to shill shitcoins, fud discussion of actual projects, and try to offload their bags onto sadly trusting saps who haven't been here for a few months and still think it's full of Internet culture nerds the site was founded on trying to turn their wagie paycheques and NEETbux into something more respectable
Unfortunately it's almost impossible to tell real advice from shilling here without doing your research, which makes the advice and tips almost useless
Look up Veeky Forums delegate in the Ark ecosystem
Who says we don't?
yeah, we raised some $700000 before whales started joining
literally this lol
they cannot detect even obvious click fraud botnets
there is literally zero way they can detect this
Where there's actual discussion ayyy
I wish i could trust advice here more but as the pink id man said there are too many shills trying to dump their bags. We should open up our own firm in new york and just work together whale hunting meme coins. Imagine the payouts. Plus itd be fun working with you buds.
What about actually creating a subreddit for Veeky Forumstards. I know it sounds stupid but only a small community where you could actually see the posting history of each other would make it easy to separate real news and advice from shill and fud
Private subreddit?
Though their format confuses me so I'd rather go somewhere else
My Ark bros have done me right
Most coins shilled here are shit tho
Doesn't even need to be privat. You can check the post history of a dude to judge if he's full of shite. And if people spam it with shitcoins they just get banned by a dictator mod.
>10 years ago /b/ formed a huge pool of people who would click on each other's adsense
Im blacklisted from adsense for life because of this lol
>It's almost impossible to tell real advice from shilling here without doing your own research
Not true, it's not hard to tell shilling or a bad pitch from a solid pitch
Ah OP yes I remember the good old days of Blogger/Adsense clicking. I made like $200 off that in about a month going absolutely nothing but having people click my ads and I would click theirs. Good times
>Unfortunately it's almost impossible to tell real advice from shilling here without doing your research, which makes the advice and tips almost useless
It's fairly easy to tell bad pitches from solid advice. Requires no knowledge of the topic, just knowledge of people.
This is a skill relevant to any area of business. If you can't manage that, there's only two options: be a genius in some area of expertise, or slave away for a boss your whole career.
there's virtue signaling for you
you missed the ARK? I'll invite you when we get to top 52 again .... KEK
You're welcome:
it's dipping now, maybe until tomorrow. Will get to a minimum of 9.000 sat. And moon again.
I understand, It's not easy to know who to trust ;(
SENSEI!!!! (the "remember-me-guy (xvg)", If you are reading this!
I am sorry I pulled out of LMC... this looked so shitty ;( ... I betrayed you too many times. Don't look at me (but I would gladly follow your service for pay, as you told us). Daaaaamn
You would already be banned from our subreddit
ah don't think so... :) doing good even when making mistakes. Bit of learning, research, a calm mind and ooooooooooooooohhhmmmm ;))
you just can't trust anyone on Veeky Forums