Iconomi is going up again, this one is going nowhere but up. Platform will launch on 1st of August. Still time to get in.
Iconomi is going up again, this one is going nowhere but up. Platform will launch on 1st of August...
where to buy?
What are the chances of this dipping before then? I wanted to buy some up last week but I just now got verified on Kraken.
I expect some minor dips at most, maybe up to 10%
you literally can't go wrong with this
Is taas also a good investment with icn?
Add me on Skype: CryptoAnna.
as opposed to being hypothetically wrong?
Extreme IQ coin, buy now.
>trying to convince people to buy at ATH
It's been ATH for the last 48 hours. Want to miss the ride?
I got in at 1.50, wish I would have got more.
Im planning on getting another 80 icn tomorow. Good decision y/n?
It is bound to hit $10 before the platform is launched on August 2017. I am selling half of my other coin assets to invest in ICN.
And after its launched? What are the projections?
i seriously hope you people aren't falling for this obvious pump and dump.
Read up on the coin and argue why it's a pump and dump
>hurr it's not a pump
>posts pic of muh sick gainz ($200 lmao)
gonna convince pajeet to spend his 20 rupees on this and nobody else
Nice rebuttal, thanks for proving you've done 0 research.
Carry on.
Wow, awesome original argument! Carry on xDD!
I dont think you understand how markets work. It's an auction.
People pump, because it has value.
THey dump then cause they can make money.
"Buy when there is blood in the streets- even your own."
More people come because its a good product/idea
More people come because they saw others make money with it, and right now if you aren't a full on shit coin:
Volatility is viability.
If it can reach that price once, it can do it again.
one rich chinese asshole can fuck up your coin within nanoseconds.
carry on.
wait, you guys are actually buying this after it has TRIPLED in just a week?
Its severely undervalued, i bet you didnt buy eth at 7$ either faggot
The iconomi platform will provide index funds for the crypto space. It will serve fiat directly to icnx or icnp. The icn tokens will be bought back and burned nakimg them worth even more.
They thought thus through very well
Oh and not to mention it's not even listed on polo or bittrex yet and it's marketcap is less than 500 million.
They are one of the few cryptos with an actual functioning platform.
Carry on brainlet
>sold at 42k sats
it's a good long term hold, even at this price
Holding 8k since 1.20 USD ty biz