Mandatory Verge thread

Mandatory Verge thread.

Been keeping under the radar recently. Lots of faith in Verge.

Any other holders here?


Been buying since 20sat but my last buy was at 180 and I am dying for some good news.

I won't give up on you buddy.

25k @ 44 sat
3k @ 147
not too much but its still a profit

holding 90k

>tfw bought at 9 and sold at 18.

Lesson: Only meme coins can be below 100sats

Verge is on a meme coin, it's literally the gold standard at the moment for anomity. Their roadmap has a ton of valuable items for July. Worth checking out.

Not shilling here but u generally think 120 or there about is about the floor before the next pump.


*Verge is not a memecoin. I'm on my mobile.


love verge... just needs to fucking do soemthing

Sold it ages ago. Fucking shitcoin.

Check the July roadmap, should be moon.

Bought 1 million for 150 dollars.

Holding with strong hands. Not going to sell. It will be going to be at least 5 cents usd.

Hodling since 50sat

Hodling since 14 sats.


Sitting comfy at 50 sats with half a milli. Waiting till it's least 10 cents per Verge by the end of the year, maybe I'll sell half then. Maybe.

Bought at 230

Holding until end of year, very positive about future prospects moving forward if they can execute their road-map effectively.

Very disappointed that I didn't get on earlier though, I don't have many coins at all - Any kind anons ITT?

If this doesn't go beyond 500 sats before the end of July I'm gonna kill myself.

Shit better reach 1$ in 5 min or I kill myself

It'll go above 500 don't worry.

Hodling 15 mil...bags getting heavy...

Holy shit, what did you buy that at?

Started at 30 then on up to 140 or so. I keep buying dips. And it keeps dipping...

I should have sold this ages ago, namely on the 1st of June.

I mean for gods sake Bitbean made 5x gains while this shit was stagnating.
Every other coin was making gains fucking Verge took a huge dump from 240 to 90.

I bought at 106 and I keep on holding for some retarded reason, despite knowing everyone will dump this sucker at 180 at most.


What the hell is with this tumble then?

Rumors of whales/bots keeping prices low on certain coins so they can accumulate. Rumor has it that ARK and CFI are being manipulated the same way. I'm not 100% sold on this, but it might be true. This is pure speculation, but it seems like the literal shut coins are being pumped right now but they are saving the best for last, so to speak

I know it's true on ARK, bittrex has basically admitted it. Also ARK follows a pretty predictable pattern if you watch it for a few days.
Verge is just dropping dropping dropping.
Not sure if I should be buying more or just holding. I really like this coin, so I'm leaning towards buying more, but if it is bots then there's no way to know when they'll let it free, so maybe trying to hop on a couple PnD coins would be better until it starts trending up again.
Fuckin bots make any TA so hard

I had like 900k, 600 of which were bought at 62sats
Over time, I lost more and more faith in the coin, and sold like 400k at 130ish so I'd have money to invest elsewhere
It'd be nice if it mooned but it's not really worth waiting for that moon since it still has 150 sats to recover just to reach teh previous ATH, and the resistance there is going to be insane, considering all the bagholders desperate to stop feeling like they got duped into a shitcoin

OP is a dumbass. The logo has been updated. No wonder this shitcoin has been steady losses for a month.

It will pump sooner or later, its just sleeping right now. Holding, just like RDD and a few others.

It can't pump all the time.

>have 150k
>Waiting comfy and ready

Patience is a virtue.