What's your favourite period in history, and why?
What's your favourite period in history, and why?
Bronze Age
alot of wacky civs all over the place
Late Antiquity
Bridging the gap between Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages I think it often gets overlooked and when it's not overlooked it seems to be grossly misunderstood and overly simplified. Just look at every hack pseudohistorian in the world coming up with their own set of reasons why the western Roman Empire fell.
Dark Age Greece.
Seems comfy, living a small life in a small country between the times of big empires
Fuk History; I like Now!
>humans didn't exist before writing
This one
World War I
Literally unlike any other event in history
The last war of empires and kings, waged by madmen
Sounds like he's talking 476~700, unless he's including the Early Middle Ages, which would be 476~900
>waged by madmen
Fuck, that's for sure.
>tfw Kaiser Wilhelm mowed down animals with a machine gun and called it hunting
when black pepols wus kangz and whytey still living in caves n shieet nigga
den whitey take it all away n shieet blacks actually invented space ships
enlightenment period
period where Europe really did get their shit together
A lot of people did that, like Franz Ferdinand.
roughly from 230 AD until 476 AD, though in the Eastern Empire you could say it lasted until the 8th century
Roman History, particularly the Julio-Claudians.
When I was a kid I was a massive Romaboo who drew Centurions and glu-tacked them to his walls so there's a bit of nostalgia mixed up in it, but I think the main reason for it is because there's just so much interesting stuff to read about Classic Rome. It never gets old and there's always new depths to plunge into.
Classical Greece is a close second.
12th to early 14th century.
High point of Western civilisation.
The 13th Century was absolute dogshit, though.
The 12th Century was the high Point of the Catholic Church
The Ediacaran
Age of Exploration/Colonial Era. I just love fantastic naval voyages and battles, building in a virgin lang, pirate, and the shift to gunpowder warfare
>A fucking annelid
Victorian (for lack of a better term) Europe
It's interesting seeing all of the massive technological and social upheavals going on at the time.
Classical Greece.
So many inventions and discoveries are tied to them, great art and culture, birthplace of western civilisation. Lots of unique independent city states battling it out, only to btfo the persian empire when it comes knocking. Climaxes into Alexander just conquering everything.
Was really into it as a kid, still love the hoplite aesthetic.
Pre-Colombian South America, particularly the Andes and Amazon Basin. Iberians truly do ruin everything.
Especially the smell of smoke inhaled by children
18th and 19th century
>Height of western civilization before the world wars and decolonization
>Enlightenment ideas and new inventions (while not as impressive today) were revolutionary back then
>Warfare was less total and brutal compared to later
>Smaller government in America at least, no Fed or IRS
>Fashion seemed interesting, tricorn hats looked cool
The time period just after the fall of Napoleon when Europe was going through massive social upheavals.
Wtf I love WW1 now
>t. Wehraboo fascist shithead
Being a mongol cavalry archer before the burning of baghdad and the mighty waves crash upon the cliff walls of civilisation. Literallyall you do is drink eat fuck kill burn rape murder and smoke pot. And be skilled as fuck, feint all day and live forever. Or that again ad a hun bteeding out the north uralic missies. Or a high priest from either of the mesos. Something that involves sex and cannabis and physical and mental exertion at users discretion = high life
Late 17th century
19th-20th century.
So much happened that wasn't supposed to happen on a scale no one could have predicted.
Warring States period for east, Classical Greece for west
First half of the 20th century. Must be interesting seeing everything slowly go south and living to see the recovery.
>ywn never live in a comfy Mediterranean palace of dolphins and titties
why even live
"waged by madmen" is not what id consider praise famalam
American Civil War because I like BTFOing all the lost cause southerners.
>mustard gas
>trench warfare
>Calvary charges against machine guns
>wooden planes holding hundreds of pounds of explosives
>mass conscription
>mustard gas
>Lice: Some of the soldiers described lice as pale pawn colored that left blotchy red marks all over your body. They created a sour, stale smell on people. They hid in the soldiers trousers so they couldn't be found. One way the soldiers tried to get rid of them was to run a candle over there pants without burning themsevles or their clothes. It was said that if you put the candle were they were the thickest you could here them pop like popcorn.
Nah I'm good... think ill pass on WWI times.
I don't care when, just VENICE
Crisis of the third century to rise of Islam
>cavalry charges against machine guns
t. Retard
1900-1980s, anything afterwards is completely uniniteresting
He gets it
I think you meant 14th century, not 13th. The 14th saw the black plague, various famines, the decline of the Byzantines, the start of the Hundred Years War, etc.
imagine the countless stories that happened throughout ages like that. now theyre are now lost to time. man, time machine when
Victorian Era
Hadeon Eon,nothing on earth,only the inferno.
1950's. Why was I born fifty years too late?
Bronze to Iron Age.
Glorious Minoan master race please god send me back
The period we are in right now.
Its fun watching white kids perform mental gymnastics.
The Cold War era (60s-80s).
In that era there was so much shit going on:
>The Vietnam War
>The War on Drugs
>Sexual Revolution
>conflict in the Middle East
It's interesting to see how all that shaped the modern world for better and for worse.
This to be honest.
Plus it had the best music.
Why oh why did we ever teach your family English?
Look what you do with it. Better we had left your people behind than this
>What's your favourite period in history, and why?
I didn't fuck up my life yet.
>Viking Age, but extended back 500 years and extended forward 300 years
I would say the Dark Ages but that's kind of a misnomer and the Middle Ages doesn't include the Roman Empire (in its traditional form). The period of 200-1400 is the most interesting period in Europe, Ancient Greece comes very close though.
t. gommie :D :D
There is no such thing as "the Bronze Age". Each civilisation had it's own Bronze Age, assuming they had a Bronze Age that is.
Personally I'm obsessed with the whole narrative, the way it all connects, but if I had to pick it'd be the 19th-21st centuries. The more you look at those centuries the more it becomes clear we're living in a post-apocalyptic utopia struggling to find its way.
Late Antiquity/Early Middle Ages.
You have the decline and fall of Rome, a massive Germanic influx all over Western Europe, the rise of the Catholic Church, the rise of Islam, the start of the Holy Roman Empire, all that shit's just dope.
I’ve also always been a Romanist as their military, political, cultural and economic organization made then the first truly “modern” state and thus all of European and by extension, most of global civilization we have nowadays, is descended from the Romans.
Interesting to speculate what could have happened, had the Romans managed to keep it together and continued expanding
(also, slave girls)
19th Century everything.
I love the Napoleonic Wars, the revolutions of 1830s and 40s, the Crimean War, the emancipation of Russian serfs, social Darwinism and the scramble for Africa, the Gilded Era in the US, etc. Also photos became a thing.
It's close enough to be familiar but old enough to be antique.
Late Bronze to Early Iron age. Everything was collapsing and people had to pick themselves up.