How does Monotheism triumph over Polytheism?
How does Monotheism triumph over Polytheism?
Better organization gives an advantage in large-scale conflict and proliferation.
>East Asia
Japan is a Buddhist country. Not non religious, dumb ass.
A lot more of the European countries should be 'non-religious'.
guess the map goes for 'majority'
Buddhism is in the majority in Japan. Search "Japanese funeral". It's almost all in Buddhism style. Non-religious people don't do such thing.
People unite and do a better job if it ia for one god. Too many gods brings many groups of people. One good one great group
One big god is stronger than many weaker ones? Id believe it.
Based on how black people act its possible for polytheism to be violent.
>Christianity is monotheistic
Through actons march of history towards a great reset. There can only be 1!!!
more like one god - one monolithic religious organisation - one political force - gets shit done
but then again thats obviously wrong, theres schisms and sectarianism in monotheist faiths as much as in polytheist except in monotheism the resulting fallouts and conflicts are far worse
also catholicism isnt realy monotheist, theologicaly yes, but practicaly far from it, christianity might as well have been polytheist, catholicism would have been exactly the same, same goes for orthodoxy but to a lesser extent
politicaly one of the reasons was precisely the monolithic aspect of it, before that the ruler had to gauge out his legitimacy by prooving himself to all sorts of lesser political and religious elements and groups and dealing one way or another with various subgroups of the population, or just be a despot
with monotheism the ruler is put there by god, not even as a pagan divine king or god emperor, but automaticaly by birthright, the king is placed there by god, and its his godgiven right to be king, the caliph is the emissary of god on earth, the pope is the continuation of authority placed on earth by jesus personaly etc etc... a polytheist ruler might in some sense be a divine figure, but he can be deposed and the next one will be just as divine, since its the function that makes him such a figure, the gods didt hand him the crown, even if some god did screw his grandmother or something, and if he screws up hes lost his mojo, and in some cultures they ritualy executed the king if he fucked up, then basicaly elected another one trough some mixture of religious and tribal-democratic process
Most people in Japan practice both Buddhist and Shintoist rituals, but less out of genuine belief and more as tradition.
Yes and no
It's just done for the sake of tradition
That's misleading as Chinese have many superstitions that would make a western atheist cringe.
In any rate it's not so much that monotheism is special than that you need to have have a religion that possess doctrines, philosophy, theology and a desire to propagate itself. The big religions which aren't monotheism (Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism,etc) all have that even if they are limited in scope to a particular civilization (see Chinese religions and Hinduism).
Also don't fall under the trap that monotheism obliterates what came before it. Pre-monotheistic beliefs usually integrate in one form or another with whatever comes to replace them. Unless you have a particle dogmatic form of monotheism like Protestantism or Wahhabism.
You can't tell what's in people's hearts. We have no reason to think most Japanese don't sincerely believe in Buddhism at least philosophically.
>same goes for orthodoxy but to a lesser extent
How is it lesser? If anything Orthdox is more.
Most blacks are monotheistic
There's one true God who doesn't give a shit about his creation, and a myriad of nature/ancestor spirits
Don't think do... According to the eurobarometer 2005 only 20% of Norwegians believe in God. It's not a majority Christian country in any meaningful way
All have the same god. Not only do they fight each other, they also fight internally.
>Every pagan society is monotheist cuz it makes muh god boner harder
kill yourself cuck lol
Easier pill to swallow, I'd say.
No one wanted to believe that shit ever since the early proselytisations of pagans in the Roman spheres of influence. They got lucky during the colonial era with a few technological advancements and chance discoveries which allowed them to spread their culture even further. In the lead up to that Muslims were slaughtering their way into dominance but none of these faiths would have been as successful had they been ethnic exclusivists like the Jews and the Zoroastrians.
>Zeus worshipers went to battle with Ishtar devotees.
Zeus worshipers didn't fight with Ishtarites because they believed in a different deity. Neither they denied her existence. That's the thing with monotheism, autistic universalism of abrahamic religion leads to more death than religious differences of pagans - pagans while not worshipping the same gods (or at least by the same name) still manage to get along fine simply because there's no "one true god" to be worshipped and others to be called false deemuns. For more information on this check on Roman Empire, and how eastern gods get followers among Romans without any kind of genocide and holy war going on.
If you ask Japanese people if they have worshiped a fox in the last year, something like 90% answer yes. Even if they don't think of themselves as being religious in a strict sense, it's obvious that the average Japanese takes their metaphysical belief more seriously than a lot of self-avowed "Christians" in the west
>it's obvious that the average Japanese takes their metaphysical belief more seriously than a lot of self-avowed "Christians" in the west
Not really weeb.
You don't get his point at all.
Its based on state religion idiots
Polytheism leads to infighting among High Priests.
>Who are Aaron and Moses?