Why do leftists hate white people?
Why do leftists hate white people?
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because the left champions and favors victims, as they would depend on the state, and white people can actually handle their own shit and prefer to be left alone.
white people are seen as aggressors
They don't, other than a few "intersectional" knobs who have no actual power and some FBI plants intended to divide and conquer groups like Occupy and BLM. You should go back to your containment board.
what a loaded question, what people and events are you actually referring to when you say "leftists"?
/lefypol/ detected
Why do retards post /pol/ threads on Veeky Forums?
>shaking hands with someone means they hate white people
What a loaded as shit question, are you afraid that Mutti will be replaced by based Schulz?
Kek do pro Schulz people actually exist on Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums represents a wide section of society. There are committed commie fuckers and nazis on the same board.
I dont see why there wouldnt be Schulz fans.
Hell I would bet there are MORE Schulz fans than Merkel fans here. Can you think of a single time a german expressed anything resembling positivity to Merkel?
Voting for her multiple times?
They sure do seem to have a lot of sway for people who have no power.
Because white people are responsible for creating the racist, sexist, classist kyriarchy we are fighting against
Hmmm shareblue or leftypol?
I don't think its possible for a society to be like how right-wingers want it. So it does actually seem like its the right wingers who hate white people, because white societies are usually at least half liberal or left-leaning.
>People are replying to blatant off topic threads
Why hasnt Veeky Forums been deleted yet?
liberals aren't leftists
Why is /leftypol/ such a boogeyman? Any of you faggots actually know what its like there?
>hey, lets get triggered as shit over about an anonymous internet image board, that'l show the leftists!
>Why do leftists hate white people?
Retarded loaded question. Schulz and Soros are neoliberal faggots, not leftists.
>he thinks neoliberals aren't leftist
They hold such right wing opinions such as globalism, mass migrations of people, open borders and fag marrige, right?
I have some theories:
1. Rich people, i.e. globalized company's ceos and celebrities live in a fantasy land where everyone is equally capable, so they feel sympathetic to non European immigrants whom they feel can assimilate easily in European countries
2. Cheap labor for big businesses
3. A feel of entitlement from either media and public school brainwashing or the welfare state, or both
4. Single parent households and lack of positive role models cause emasculation that leads nominal leftists to rely on feelings rather than rational thought.
5. Lack of self responsibility which leads to blaming an external force such as the patriarchy or white people for non white's failures.
Yes and? Last one is neutral though
>in current year