Why is the Islamic world still stuck in the medieval mindset?
They have yet to go through a renaissance.
Why is the Islamic world still stuck in the medieval mindset?
They have yet to go through a renaissance.
I've never been able to find the source for that.
I mean, I've seen the videos, but they never say anything like that.
Islamitards still follow monotheistic logic which means they kill anyone who disproves it.
They're never going to. To Muslims, the Koran is the literal, perfect, and inerrant word of God Almighty. Any deviation from that belief is a capital crime. This is completely at odds with the process of adapting to local cultures and changing times that has allowed Christianity to change from something very much like Islam to the largely peaceful, positive religion we see today.
So no, they're never getting an Enlightenment or a Renaissance. They're getting an AGM-114 Hellfire right in the butthole. They all have to die, and the sooner the better.
I think the original is "Israel" instead of Albania. It was on a show where they pranked an Egyptian actor into thinking he was being interviewed by an Israeli station
oh my God, this shit is real
fucking farfour
you document leaking SOB
oh Fuck that was hilarious
Are those all legit?
To be fair, if we went with the German name and ate Puten at Christmas, our relation with Russia at the moment would be a lot worse.
no. still funny though
do you have the source?
can't argue with that
No new testament equivalent. There will never be an Islamic revolution at this rate.
You have to have a culture before you can re-discover it. The Muslims are less advanced in all ways than literal niggers in Nigeria.
wtf I love Arabs now
you're just mad they don't tolerate your degeneracy
>So no, they're never getting an Enlightenment or a Renaissance.
Unfortunately, in some regions, Muslims have already gone through both.
these are a stitch
My sides
give it up, Farfour
Is any of this real though?
the whole shia/sunni hatred is as dumb as the protestant catholic situation in ireland
Zulus are 'bout to come
The Saudis sustain their power by pushing religious fundamentalism and suppressing any form of Reformation, and they are protected by the Western powers because of the petro dollar.
I would argue Christian texts forbid violence to defend Christ or his message (Matthew 26:52). The contrast between the New Testament and the Quran is striking; the logos made flesh vs. a marauding Arabian warlord who mandated violence
This. Islamics make Calvinists look flexible and hyper-progressive.
Monotheism is an extremist mindset. Compare: "my people's god is x" to 'there is only my god".
Islam is a particularly bad version of monotheism. Judaism is non-proselytizing. Christianity isn't strict about its monotheism and doesn't call its believers to war. Islam on the other hand is uncompromising in its monotheism.
Being a good jew or christian is mostly about your actions. Being a good muslim is mostly about having the correct theology (strict monotheism).
>Pre-Islamic Middle East
but is he wrong tho
Putting my two cents in.
Shia here, Islamization is not good at all; any civilized Muslim would be against it.
Pre-Islamization of the government and law in Afghanistan and Iran, for example. In pictures, you can see women with skirts roaming freely, whilst at the same time, Muslims with headscarfs could also walk.
Islamization and Sharia Law is the worst thing to ever touch our country, and it leaves a bad stain.
First, headscarfs were a choice that some chose to take. After the Taliban and Islamization, it was the law.
I literally come from a Muslim family, spent half my life in Afghanistan.
Women are not looked down upon. They are treated like goddesses; they should be treated with utter respect. You treat your mother bad, you will be disciplined. You talk bad to someone older than you, you get disciplined.
The problem is with again putting a faith with the government and law, which creates backwards kind of thinking people, who thinks everyone should have to follow Islam. It's a shame. An argument against this would be, oh, the caliphates, and the Ottoman Empire. Yea, not every single of their actions were good, and we acknowledge this. It's a blemish in our past, just as every civilization or group has.
They did.
the fall of the Ottoman Empire, oil, and European colonization of the Levant sort of fucked things up.
suddenly the backwater of the arab peninsula was driving force of the islamic world. Instead of the turks.
Fucking based
Is he an Arabic Alex Jones?
The renaissance was fucking hell on earth for normal people in Europe.
If you're referring to the TV screenshots, it's as real as watching fox news and saying it applies to all Christians
How so?
400 years of constant war, including the 30 years war.
is middle eastern media the ultimate redpill?
>hates jews
>likes lolis
>lazy fat brown people who just sit around indoors all day
it's /pol/ personified
He looks strikingly similar to Avery Brooks
Been saying this for YEARS desu