I just got mine how about you? follow me if you want to come to the moon
I just got mine how about you? follow me if you want to come to the moon
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fyi not sure why it says ends in, it just started
I'm in
you won't regret it, this is not a shill post whatsoever youtube.com
>no cap
I looked at their site last night. I gamble online once in a while and I like their model. I think it's cool that they basically are building a platform that anyone could use to make their own online casino without "recreating the wheel" or having to figure out to finance it. Of course that's legally murky territory, but it doesn't stop places like Bovada, so why not take a chance on it.
This dude just went in hard --- 730 ether
Whales know when they see some good shit
>tokens prohibited from sale on exchanges
fucking lol
and you faggots are trying to get anons to buy this trash
thank you for supporting my argument
sorry friend you're getting dumped on enjoy being poor tho. only cant send eth from an exchange because its not on exchanges yet you stupid peasant, its a fucking ico
Explain to me how they can do that
It's in the disclaimer section of the white paper. That's probably just an ass-covering maneuver to avoid getting in trouble for dealing in unregulated securities.
How do I know if my ETH got accepted? When will I see the token in myetherwallet?
Also, sent a tiny bit of ETH via my Bittrex, is that gone?
Just like all the ones that say it's prohibited for people in the U.S.
Yeah... "OK"
once it's confirmed it'll appear, mine still isnt and is on 100+ confirmations. and yes sadly the exchange eth is gone lol
Expect it to take for fucking ever. I'm still waiting to see if my ETH to Civic yesterday went through or not. Could be days before you see tokens in your wallet.
Dumbass... the instructions specifically tell you not to send ETH to this token sale from an exchange, so yes... your ETH is gone.
>ethereum gaming
Ethereum blockchain is hardcoded to update every 10-20 seconds. It takes at least 3 updates to ensure block validity.
I can't imagine that a gambling DApp would be particularly engaging with 1+ minute latency. Or is it not a DApp and they're just pretending by throwing the "smart" in there?
How long does it take to confirm/appear?
Oh well, it's like .1ETH, fuck me.
welp. I paid for my mistake...I'm a retard.
It's not necessarily a casino coin, but it's made to improve all other casino coins
First step is admitting you have a problem
I do wonder exactly how typical gamblers would cash out their FUN though...
mines an hour and still waiting, just be patient and check back later. There should've been a transaction page brought up after you made the transaction anyway
Ah well, an ICO's and ICO. Might as well dump like $20 USD into it and see what happens, gambling gets people wet after all.
What wallet should I sent the eth from? They don't seem to recommend one on their site, just a lot of warning about what not to send it from.
hour later
so the hard cap has been reached? Guess I missed the boat
presale ends at 6;32pm utc
yeah I saw that and sent some anyway. Can you explain why it states that there's a hard cap of 1 billion FUN to be created, when that values already been reached on their website...
w/e that means lol
no thanks
I spent an eth on this at $6 when it wan an ICO, but dont listen to what I say and keep your precious eth pleb
i dont even hold eth fucking retard
well then you're the retard
Okay, I see how it works now. It uses its tokens on the platform so it's not limited by Ethereum's blockchain update rate. The delay would only happen when you buy tokens or cash out.
Maybe interesting. Might even look into the development side of it if the platform is any good. Generating gambling revenue from operating a casino has always been a dream of mine...
When do we get the tokens?
This is what I'm talking about. I wonder what would be involved.
If it's anything like developing for the Ethereum platform itself, you basically write a smart contract which serves as your backend and you pay an eth fee to upload it to the distributed network. You then write a frontend just like you would any other webpage. Users have to use the Mist browser which gives you access to the Ethereum API in your JavaScript so you can connect it to your backend.
I wonder if there's any good anonymous hosting and domain registration methods with crypto. I wouldn't want crypto gambling linked to my real identity in the US where they could go full nazi on crypto at any moment.
Tokens when? Do I have to add something to myetherwallet to get them to show up?