>Most impressive empire in the post-Rome world
>Veeky Forums never talks about it because they are upset they conquered some Greeks LARPing as Rome
Say something positive about the Ottomans. Go ahead.
>Most impressive empire in the post-Rome world
>Veeky Forums never talks about it because they are upset they conquered some Greeks LARPing as Rome
Say something positive about the Ottomans. Go ahead.
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Mehmed was ok
2. They collapsed
>Say something positive about the Ottomans.
They ceased to exist.
>Most impressive empire in the post-Rome world
That would be the First French Empire
What did the Ottomans ever conquer aside from a bunch of unwashed arabs and squatting Balkans bydlos?
They were the true successors to Rome
If they were so great, then how come a small city-state was able to cuck them of so much land in the Mediterranean?
>conquered nobody of note
>produced nothing of note
a few rocky island /=/ so much land
>If I don't look it up it doesn't exist
>Western Albania
>Ionian islands
>the entire Greek archipelago
If you can't get any dominance over those very important locations, that means you never get to expand into the Western Med. That's what happened with them.
Yup, we all know of the Ottoman Shakespeare
Because the Venetians were constantly sucking Turkish cock and sniveling to avoid getting their shit kicked in. When the Turks finally got around taking Morea they were well past their peak and Venice was nearly broke
I really like their aesthetics.
An empire can only be considered successful if it lasts long enough that nobody remains alive who can remember it not being a thing.
Probably the least accomplished major empire in history, they stole everything from everyone else.
ERE at least developed the theme system, plus some pretty strong hit and run/counter raid tactics before being cucked at Manzikert. Only Turkish innovation was the siege cannon, in typical Turk fashion wasn't a Turkish invention was was made by a Hungarian. Otherwise they just cav zerg rushed until the cannon made this too obsolete and they began to decline
Name anyone or anything of relevance to the modern world from the Ottoman Empire. You'll find you can't
You don't even read Arabic. Who are you to say there aren't any big names.
What has Arabic to do with this?
They were colossal faggots.
>The köçek (plural köçekler in Turkish) was typically a very handsome young male rakkas, or dancer, who usually cross-dressed in feminine attire, and was employed as an entertainer.
>Famous poets, such as Fazyl bin Tahir Enderuni, wrote poems, and classical composers, such as the court musician Hammamizade İsmail Dede Efendi (1778–1846), composed köçekces for celebrated köçeks. Many Istanbul meyhanes (nighttime taverns serving meze, raki or wine) hired köçeks. Before starting their performance, the köçek danced among the spectators, to make them more excited. In the audience, competition for their attention often caused commotions and altercations. Men would go wild, breaking their glasses, shouting themselves voiceless, or fighting and sometimes killing each other vying for the boys' sexual favors
>Köçeks were much more sought after than the Çengi ("belly dancers"), their female counterparts. Some youths were known to have been killed by the Çengi, who were extremely jealous of men's attention toward the boys.
>Byzantiboo faggots have zero actual historical knowledge
Color me surprised.
Morea/Peloponnese was a temporary acquisition that happened very late, shit for brains. They conquered it only in 1685 and kept it until 1715. Venice was just as much of a rival of the Ottomans as they were a rival of the Byzantines.
>Osman Agha of Temeşvar who fell captive to the Austrians in 1688 wrote in his memoirs that one night an Austrian boy approached him for sex, telling him "for I know all Turks are pederasts".
>Most impressive empire in the post-Rome world
The Chinese have always had the most impressive civilisations. Even in modern times.
7% middle class
76% middle class for urban areas.
Straight off of the back of one of the biggest modern kill counts.
>>Most impressive empire in the post-Rome world
>what is byzantium
>Veeky Forums never talks about it because they are upset they conquered some Greeks LARPing as Rome
>entire history can be summed up as 'they beat the byzantines, then tried to keep everything the same for 500 years and failed.'
a good thing here?
True heirs to the Greco-Roman tradition of pederasty.
The most impressive post Rome empire is the Mongol empire
They didn't even have any impressive cities.
How much do we know about ottomans?
Seems like theres little info regarding such a big and long empire. Ive reed that kemalists have burned all that ottomans left to remove kebab and arab influence, dunno if true
did they finally figure out that whole providing running water to most of their population thing yet? or is that going to be after they're all """middle""" class.
Didn't they invent cigarettes and marching bands?
>he's a buttblasted amerifuck realizing you can live in 'poverty' and be middle class.
Your tears are delicious, quite frankly. You simply cannot hate the greatest, longest running nation in the world, simply impossible. You are a coward, scared of a billion individuals with a single voice, and a shit fucking ton of money.
Chang, you already had your 50 cents, go home.
>im totally not mad guys
-you, 2017
>longest running nation in the world
>conquered by manchus in 17th century
>had a revolution that overthrew the old chinese order in the 20th century twice
>it's a coward gets triggered by the chinese
Ohhh me thinks i struck a nerve
It's ok, you'll sleep better after daddy Xi gives you your shillbucks
>hates china
Oh, it's obvious now. Kek, what "pill" are you?
>yuan dynasty
>the mongol conquest of china counts as another chinese dynasty
>warring states
>a time when china was divided into multiple kingdoms
Nice bait so far 6/10
Kek. Take those dynasties out, and you lose 300 years of thousands, literally nothing. Great argument senpai.
>Oh no, China wasn't totally united for the 200 years of the warring states
>what about the literal thousands of years before and after
(your argument). Keep arguing. It's a simple historical fact that China has been and still is the longest running nations in the world, with the largest amount of history and culture.
You simply cannot dispute pure facts, without going autisim mode.
>Hates china
No Chang, i don't , for your information I am Chinese- Indonesian, I don't hate my own people
>Hates the CCP, who pays you
That'd be correct.
You see you paid 50 cent posters are awfully easy to spot, maybe if you up your fucking game you won't be made fun of. You claim that anyone who opposes you hates china yet you support the government that mowed down literal millions of chinese people.
I don't go there, sorry, you missed this time.
>interruptions that last centuries
>the entire timeline still counts
Nigga China has been like 20 countries in its history, people have just been so successful and conquering the chinese that they simply created a new china.
>yet you support the government that mowed down literal millions of chinese people.
Kek, care to point me to where I said this? Holy shit calm down senpai.
>I don't go there, sorry, you missed this time.
>Lying online
Kek, you understand there is only one type of person on this website to use the word 'shill'. Don't even bother trying to hide it, only makes you more pathetic.
But yes, I am actually a CCP shill getting paid by the chinese government to increase Chinese nationalism on Veeky Forums.
Holy shit.
Fucking explains it all, Indonesian are pure scum.
t. Australian.
Lol what a retard
>Greece may have been conquered by the Romans and Turks but there are still Greeks so Greece has lasted for thousands of years straight!
>Modern Egypt is completely different to Ancient Egypt but the call themselves Egyptian so Egypt is actually 8,000 years old! Who cares that they spent most of their post-Persian conquest existence under foreign rule
>Western culture has existed since ancient Greece and the US is western therefore the US is thousands of years old
Literally you
>the Chinese are not Chinese
>Amerifuck education
And for the record, before the Warring States China had existed for about 700 years
After it's been 1100 from between Warring States and the end of the ming dynasty.
There are some European states that have been around for that time. Denmark and England have been around since the 10th century,
>the mongols, turkics from central asia, and the manchurians are han chinese
>faggot education
Chinese dynasties have existed and been historically recorded from the Chinese since the Xia dynasty in 2070 BC. Actually historically recorded, not "thought to be" as it is with the Egyptians, actual recorded history in their annals.
Like, it's actually hilarious.
>they were conquered
>therefore not chinese
>not just adding to a diverse peoples and diverse culture
>my whole argument
Can you try?
>Kek, care to point me to where I said this? Holy shit calm down senpai.
Well you may not have said that, but your ultranationalistic rethoric of "China" First! Is awfully remiscent of that used by said paid shills.
>Kek, you understand there is only one type of person on this website to use the word 'shill'. Don't even bother trying to hide it, only makes you more pathetic.
You do realize the word shill has been around in the english language since the 1900 right? But yeah, I must be some stupid /pol/ack white nationalist for using a word that even children's gaming channels use today
fucking kek
>Fucking explains it all, Indonesian are pure scum
Says shitposter supreme
Kek, the majority of your argument is literally if or not you are a pol poster, you know what people do who aren't pol posters who get accused of being one? They simply do not address baseless accusations, only you know the truth after all but there really requires no proof towards a baseless accusation (if it were one).
Go back to pol, you fucking idiot.
The Akkadian Empire existed as early as 2300bc
Therefore it is safe to say Iraq is 2300 years old
It doesn't matter that the land and people have been conquered and settled by many people many different times, as they were merely 'adding to the diverse culture'
Woops, about 4300 years old.
Not that user but if you want to shitpost about pol go to pol
That's an interesting hypothesis, care to back it up with history of the Akkadian people?
Because you know, the genealogy of the Chinese peoples has been extensively studied.
Sounds like the ERE.
You first
I just searched the dates of the Assyrian empire in order to make a point.
you're a shill cuck nu-male race traitor
I don't browse /pol/
I'm not that poster
2 (or 3 in this case) can play this stupid game of projection. A certain jargon is certainly indicative of browsing habits but absolutely by no means is it descriptive
>Most impressive empire in the post-Rome world
>what is the british empire
>let me be ignorant
You understand 92% of MODERN Chinese are Han Chinese.
You are still going, about /pol/ I literally admitted to be baiting you, and you are still fucking going. Seriously, fuck off to pol.
i do
let me remind you that at the time of the ancient xia dynasty, the people inhabiting the vast majority of china were considered barbarians before the sinicization?
>Come into a Ottoman thread
>Chinese debating contemporary politics
Uh, see ya.
>i'm literally not even that guy and I just dropped in the convo
Now your argument is they were barbarians? Are you saying they are not human?
Because you were saying they are not Chinese due to being invaded over and over, but 92% can trace their DNA back to one of the original Han Dynasties, your argument is getting weaker and weaker.
/pol/ poster in a nuttshell. Just in case you didn't know, the Han dynasty appeared ~1000 years after Xia.
Why would I?
They punished anyone who had a printing press with death.
>strawman strawman strawman
The ancient chinese called the other chinese barbarians.
The Han existing 1000 years after Xia proves what exactly?
The Iraqi people are genetically similar to the ancient assyrians, my argument remains strong: You can't use the age of the most ancient civilisations as part of your argument about modern china's age.
Too bad it ended
because most people on here dont actually read history thus know nothing about history except memes and stock lines
China is 95% Han. They have never been too dissimilar to each other. There are no big natural barriers like there are in Europe so they are not as culturally diverse.
China has definitely been the most stabley impressive through history.
Meh, I prefer the Safavids because Abbas the Great was far superior to Suleyman in my opinion. Persia was humiliated from Chaldiran and beset on 2 fronts; Ottomans in the west and Uzbeks to the northeast. Abbas avenged his father's failings, strengthened the economy via direct trade with Europeans, and promoted artistic works that last to this day.
I do concede that the early Ottomans from Osman to Bayezid I were like something from an RPG. They went from an obscure tribe to the most formidable power in the Balkans and Near East.
>Everyone always used the latin alphabet everywhere
Until cultural revolution
>greatest building wasn't even built by them
>invent nothing
They managed to hold together though. The inner revolts are still Chinese no matter who wins.
They've killed off much of their own culture
There is no such thing as killing culture just adapting culture
My nigga. I love a fellow Safavid fan. I'm generally a Persiaboo in general because their whole civilization is criminally vilified.
However, as great as Abbas was, he failed to secure a good successor. The Safavid dynasty suffered because he killed his sons.
they invented Coffee. So I'm cool with them for the most part. Ava Quasar il Rum!
How come they went from being a poverty stricken country to a global superpower full of supercities?
Holy shit you are dumb
ottomans are comfortable
I wouldn't be able to live without Coffee
>muh sickman
There isnt that much in english. translating it is pretty difficult as well because ottoman arabic is straight up retarded.
oh fuck off with this goddamn propaganda
It literally targeted traditionalism
Some """"" culture """""
Marked by famine, godlessness, and repression?
China is the most pathetic region to ever exist. All they do is die and starve by the tens of millions every couple centuries and the only reason they have power is because they have so many of their little insects. And they really aren't even that poweful. China would never stand in a war against any true powerful nation. I.e. Second sino japanese war
get a load of this guy
>global superpower
STOP WITH THIS MEME THERE ARE NO SUPERPOWERS THAT EXIST ANYMORE. China is fucking useless and in a real war their entire economy would collapse and everyone would starve to death. As for any nation today because nobody has any actual industry anymore and the countries that do are poor shitholes. Until countries start taking control of their own destiny and are actually able to project their power efficiently and effectively such as say imperial japan who literally btfo'd all of china at once. And wasn't even that powerful compared to the west. China is a poor shithole as is every communist country. Inb4 "not gommunism" stfu then what is it? If you're nation doesn't even have a definitive government or economy then wtf even is it?
Good one of the most retarded fucking dictators to ever ruin his nation. Literally starved more of his own people than stalin and you insects don't care because his communism has literally corrupted china into a nation of no morality with no care for human lives. China is disgusting if anybody lived in china and had the chance to live in a western country or even japan they would.
No but they sacked a few.
I agree. China lacks a blue-ocean navy; that's one of the requirements to be a global power. They definitely have economic muscle and their army/air force is something to reckon with, but they're not a cultural exporter like they used to in Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern times. They're arguably the strongest in Asia, but they're still hemmed in the Pacific by the US, Japan, Australia, and other nations that are wary of their encroachments.
Yeah he admittedly made some mistake and started to backtrack. He had a good heart and meant the best though.
He was just a good old boy from small town Shaoshan who got driven into politics by forces he had no control over.
Beijing was rebuilt into something greater.
Well that doesn't mean he didn't murder millions and destroy China's culture forever it would seem. Human suffering and repression are rampant and that hellish government needs to be put down once and for all.