Historically speaking what was the worst mistake in history?
Historically speaking what was the worst mistake in history?
Unironically communism.
stabbing Julius
Augustus deciding to marry Tiberius to Julia.
Napoleon deciding to go to Moscow.
The bolcheviks deciding to let Stalin get more power.
>Augustus deciding to marry Tiberius to Julia.
I came to post this
glad to see someone else realise this
The last Byzantine Sassanid war.
Either the murder of Aurelian or the murder of Majorian.
just major league stupidity all around.
Napoleon wedding Josephine
The Romanovs surrendering their kingdom to the Danes
The Balfour Declaration
not taking moscow as early as possible
give me a quick rundown
>Not one mention of the burning of the Library of Alexandria
which time?
>Augustus deciding to marry Tiberius to Julia.
Why was it bad? Because it made Tiberius depressed and miserable for the rest of his life?
How did that change history?
There was nothing of value in it though. Just boring transcripts and boring Greek stories that all go the same anyway.
The peace of Westphalia
I kek'd so hard
this thread
splitting the roman empire
crucifying jebus
Siege of Baghdad in 1258
Imagine Muslims but with greater than Alexandria-tier library.
Honorable mention: destruction of Su Song's clocktower
discovering agriculture and ceasing to be hunter gatherers
African Slave trade
world war 1
This. It's too bad nation states were discovered so lately.
Clinton being elected president
2 edgy
Anyone invading Russia or Afghanistan. Pick any beligerant or era
It led to Augustus though
I think Tiberius still had a bit of hope when he became Princeps. It was when he found out that Rome's senators, the only men that he considered his equals, neither wanted or were able to shoulder the responsibility of running Rome after only three decades of coddling from Augustus that he "gave up."
Britain gave to go-ahead for jews to pour into palestine/Israel post-ww2
> anyone
Lol ok, they are special. They didn't exactly have a lasting impact though
>Anyone invading Russia
Adopting the American plan at Breton Woods instead of the British one.
Nearly every economic malady today can be tracked back to this single mistake.
>listening to economic advice from the nation that went from world creditor nation to debtor nation in 4 years and destabilized their empire in the process
>Proceed to do the same thing to yourself by making your currency the cornerstone of the international monetary system.
>the murder of Aurelian
This, someone starts to rebuild the empire and what do his idiot men do? Murder him.
Well done, you've ensured the collapse of your empire.
>to yourself
>implying I'm Murrican
Is this the fabled British autism?
I'm not implying you're American, I'm saying that's what Americans did. (Since it's from the American perspective that the idea is laughable.)
>to yourself
>Historically speaking what was the worst mistake in history?
Universal voting rights.
>muh undefeatable Russia
Why is this meme so persistently parroted?
I have to wonder if inferring a 3rd party perspective is some kind of weird theory-of-mind fuck up in itself, even if not the really obvious sally-anne test one.
(Since it "represented" not only what you think, but what the Americans thought at the time, even though evidentially here it was just what you thought.)
Or maybe I'm overthinking grammatical laziness.
I was gonna go on trolling but your grammar won me over.
This, but unironically
You never start a land war with Russia.
He may have been able to prolong its life into the 500's, but the problems ran far deeper
Fighting Hitler
Trusting Arminius.
Imagine a world without Germanics. Augustus should have gone Ceasar 2.0 on them.
I'm pretty sure the Commonwealth got away with it at one point. And then there's the Mongols, but they came from the East, they don't really count.
>not knowing the difference between history and prehistory
The people's decision to centralize power into one person or group of people and sacrificing their liberties for the sake of free stuff.
Pick whichever example of it you'd like, it always ends the same.
EU refugee crisis created by the open borders corporate globalism agenda
fuck off to /pol/ you motherfucking idiot
Das kapital
Julius would have given his place to Augustus nontherless.
There wouldn't have been a civil war.
i posted that unironicly too.
im not anarchoprimitivist. I realize we wont be able to go back to being primitive as we are so reliant on civilization now. We as a species should have stayed longer in the primitive stage and let our brains develop more, and we shouldnt have advanced civilization at such a rate. Nearly every modern mental health issue, which btw are becoming leading causes of death (through suicide and such) is cause by our brains inability to adappt to life in a civilized society - there would be no depression or anxiety if your life would be reduced to pure survival. Probably the only illness would have been schizophrenia but it has been proven that the old approach to it (treating the schizophrenics as shamans) makes them function like normal humans.
thats why i said invention of agriculture. Also, more anprim memes plz.
>russians cannibalize each other, famines, civil war and misery
>poles come
>russia unites again
shouldn't have intervened desu, they would have been balkanized by 1620
you dont invade russia, you let them destroy themselves
The invention of Capitalism
I'm gonna go with this. Or, to be more specific, letting women vote. Women don't vote in the interest of the nation state, which is the reason for voting: to decide what is best for the nation and its people, nobody else.
Does voting even decide anything?
you vote for one of two biggest parties so that the one you like less doesn't win
The destruction of the library of Warsaw is up there too
Bringing negroids to America. Imagine how much safer this country would be . Imagine all the cities they've destroyed
Why? It led to an international United States. That's both a blessing and a curse.
Hoping that it would score them good boy points from the Jewish bankers, who were lending Britain money for World War I, and later World War II.
I don't understand one thing though.
How come Israel was founded on 1948, when the Declaration was made on 1917?
No. Just go back to your containment board. It's there for a reason.
I think Communism was a lot worse for everybody, except for the rulers of the country.
communism is the reaction to capitalism
an autistic attempt to fix obvious flaws
>an autistic attempt to fix obvious flaws
Agreed. Capitalism needs regulation. But going overboard with it is autistic as well.
the loss of the Alexandrian library and world war I
>world war I
Why was World War I a bad thing? It had to happen; the balance of power had shifted. It lead to today's world, which isn't that bad.
The great war without a doubth
remember that time hitler decided it would be a good idea to invade Russia in the middle of winter, even though others had failed before him (the first that comes to mind is napoleon bonaparte) ? yeah that was a major fuck-up
It's because Britain didn't actually want to follow through on the declaration since it would piss off the Arabs in the region. What happened after WWII was that the Allies found themselves with hundreds of thousands of stateless Jews from the liberated camps with no place to go. The Allies' home countries didn't want them and the Jews didn't want to return to their homes for obvious reasons. Zionists in Britain began pressuring for them to go to Palestine, pointing to the ignored declaration, and aid workers and volunteers to the camp survivors introduced them to Zionism. Camp survivors began illegally immigrating to Palestine by the thousands, and Jews in Palestine began carrying out terrorist attracts against British targets and fighting with Arabs. The Brits only decided to honor the declaration after they were too sick of dealing with the immigration and terrorism. The UN stepped in with a partition plan for Mandate Palestine in 1947, the Brits said fuck this shit we're outta here, and the rest is history.
The Fourth Crusade
The formation of the european cuckold human race.
>there would be no depression or anxiety if your life would be reduced to pure survival.
are you serious or is this bait?
"Civilisation was a mistake" - the Sumerians
*Elects Donald Trump*
He's not wrong. Papuan tribesmen have have the most free time out of anyone in the world.
Step one: wake up
Step two: shoot a monkey
And unless someone's committed a crime and needs to be eaten... That's all you do all day
t. Retard
>hey some Mongolian is here, he'd like to talk to you about a Ghenghis or something my Emperor
>fuck it just kill him
i am serious. The more primitive a society, and the smaller the tribe, the less mental health issues which run rampant in our society it will have. Depression can not occur if you do not have time to think. If you lay around all day long in the wild, youd starve. Trust me that survival instinct would take over and youd start moving. Depression and anxiety issues are enabled through modern life.
actually id argue that we'd have to have less free time. Papuan tribes have it easier nowadays too.
The perfect life would be tribes of 10-12 people living in larger distances from eachother.
>invention of capitalism
so you mean like some farmer investing some money to buy more land and crops or do you mean banks and the stock market?
>They didn't exactly have a lasting impact though
Muslims went from being at the forefront of academia and cultural/intellectual advancement to becoming primitive, backwater retards thanks to the Mongols, and they haven't recovered since.
Mongols didn't stop Russia from becoming superpower.
Apparently muzzles love to blame everyone but themselves for their shitty situation
>we wuz oppressed by crusaders
>we wuz oppressed by mongols
>we wuz oppressed by west
But what about all the shit that won't be there because it was built by black slaves?