Or dualism in general.
Any Gnostics here?
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I like Gnosticism and think they got some sediments right.
Watched this last night and this afternoon. Talked about dualism and how it influenced St. Augustine's views on women.
I've seen it been said that Gnosticism predates Christianity. What elements of it do exactly since most sects and texts seem to at least rip the Jesus character from the gospels?
I don't think the 'pre-christianity Gnostics' theory is true.
cathars did nothing wrong
Feel free to take a nap on train tracks
Eastern mystery cults.
Valentinianism is the good one.
Western esoteric ism like Hermetism
They mean neoplatonism and other related isms
I like to touch his van dyck facial hair desu
Can somebody explain this Gnosticism to me?
The world was created by an evil demiurge (Greek for craftsman) who is like a god but is less then god he just happened to create the world, and since everything is evil or something gnostics live a life of asceticism and reject things like money and materialism because it's evil. Throughout history gnostics have been persecuted because everyone thinks they worship satan or are faithless heretics.
wtf I hate gnosticism now
In the beginning was nothing but a single consciousness. This primordial awareness had no content, as there was nothing in existence of which to be aware. It existed in a timeless, thoughtless state analogous to the Buddhist experience of Nirvana.
This consciousness split itself in two. The reasons given are various—desire for companionship, curiosity about itself, or just plain boredom.
The two minds, one male and one female, interacted creating a pantheon of deities known as aeons, who inhabited a divine realm of light known as the "Pleroma".
The most distant aeon from the Source, named Sophia (Greek for "wisdom"), fell into error. Some versions say that she tried to emanate a universe without her male counterpart, others say that she tried to take on the mind of the Source in its entirety. Whatever the reason, she fell out of communion with the rest of the aeons and became trapped in the primordial material universe. Some say that Sophia was destroyed and her remnants would become human souls.
From the matter that solidified out of her divine power, a False God was born, known as the Demiurge or Yaltabaoth, the Gnostic equivalent of Azathoth. The Demiurge then creates the Universe that is isolated from the higher dimensions above.
The reason why suffering and evil exist in this world is because it is actually governed by this flawed Demiurge who mistakenly believes himself to be the absolute God. This is the deity worshiped by many Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam and others) who are materialistic, vicious and not in possession of true spiritual wisdom. Analogous to Mahabrahma in Hinduism and some forms of Buddhism, who also mistakenly believes himself to be the ultimate authority while the rest of the gods snigger behind his back.
Human minds and souls are sparks of divine light from the Pleroma, who are trapped in the material universe and who must endeavour to free themselves and their kin from the misery of matter. Some versions say the Demiurge originally created a bunch of soulless apes out of matter, and that Sophia took pity on them and breathed sparks from the Pleroma into them, only to have the sparks become trapped in the material bodies, but also giving the bodies the capacity for intelligence, hence the evolution of humanity. Others say that the sparks were the destroyed remnants of Sophia herself, imprisoned and tortured by the Demiurge. Sometimes also considered a reinterpretation of the story of Genesis, with Sophia herself as the Tree of Knowledge/Prometheus-equivalent (her name implies that role) who gave intelligence and souls to the ignorant animals who then became mankind.
The Demiurge, and his created servants the Archons, manipulate humanity into violence and misery to feed themselves and further their egotistical projects.
The Messiah came to Earth to spread the Gospel of the True God, explaining the discrepancy between the Old and New Testaments. Gnostic beliefs about Jesus' nature varied radically. Some believed he was fully divine and his physical form an illusion. Some believed he was a divine being who temporarily inhabited a human shell and was "freed" at death, others say he was the intended counterpart of Sophia who came too late. With the true knowledge of the universe he imparted, others could hope to achieve the same divine state.
The essential nature of the universe is an illusion, and the essential task of humanity is to both demonstrate love and compassion and strive to escape from materialism. Gnosis is a specialized form of experiential knowledge that comes to a human being when they recognize the universe as being fundamentally similar to a dream, hologram, or illusion.