Out of these guys, Who would win in a street fight?
Out of these guys, Who would win in a street fight?
muhammad obviously
that's ali you drooling retard
The blue guy on the upper right. He's got arrows that he can use to impale the eyes of his enemies. After that I would say the guy below him in the green. He has a book that he can use to blunt the others to death.
i think we can all agree that buddah would lose.
Hindu would win and Christianity and Islam have been at a stalemate for 1000 years. sooo... stay tuned for the winner of that one i guess.
>i think we can all agree that buddah would lose.
Nah, the other three and basically all of reality itself are just illusions so Buddha would win by sitting next to a tree for a long time until they all just dissipated in the cold light of his perfect nibbana-discernment.
That's fucking Ali
Jesus and Buddha probably wouldn't fight.
Ali is a great warrior, but he's just a guy. Isn't Krishna literally a god?
Rama would definitely win, he already kills demons.
>Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed or God
God, duh.
What a dumb question.
Everyone can not move sitting him and the biggest when he stand up.
Buddha when he bulks
Jesus is his mortal form though. In this state he will need at least to go holyspiritx20
Please diet
I'm not going to compare the men with the god because that's not fair.
However between the 3 men:
1)muhammad, only guy that's actually a warrior
2)jesus, has that carpenter strength and he's got that Diaz thing going for him where he can seriously take a punch
3)buddha, literal emaciated peasant that probably weighed 90 pounds and would get fucked up by either of the other two
Haram-kun will probably use pocket knife or some shit.
That's Ali
But either way he and muhammad would easily trash the others
>turns the other cheek
>gets killed
>gets killed
>has a fighting chance
>has a fighting chance
>not a god
Bottom left has a flaming heart (some kind of hand grenade?) though.
Jesus was put through torture for days, and then made to carry a heavy ass cross by himself with bones broken and shit. He would win a fight to defend an orphan or something
That's Rama.
He was a Prince you dumb fuck
Jesus is God himself. Omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent.
Muhammad is a mere man and never claimed otherwise.
Buddha is a mere man and never claimed otherwise.
Krishna is indeed a god, but is far from omnipotent.
Sounds pretty one - sided to me. It would probably go:
Jesus>(times infinite, because of omnipotence)>Krishna>(times a lot, as he is a god)>Muhammad>(successful warlord and messenger of God)>Buddha
Jesus christ
He is the most drunk, moreover,he grows violent under the influence of wine
kek jesus got shanked in the chest m8
Ali could be God...depending on who you are.
He exploited the colony and accumulated all the wealth of the world
That's not Buddha.
walk into the battle field and this guy slaps your thrid eye and kills all 10 of your heads, what do?
Literally changes nothing
If Jesus is God then is Mary God's mom?
Yeah man, but in a street fight? Hes gonna get crucified
is the even a question?
Well ALI was an undefeated swordsman so he would win.
Jesus (ascended)>Rama Dama>>>>>>>>>>Jesus(supressed)>>>>Mohammed>>Buddha
Krishna. He led armies and fucked shit up.
It's always Hindu gods who are most hax.
rama is god you pleb rama=jesus>>>>>>>>restthats not krishna you dumb fucking retard its rama, although it makes no diferance
How can you tell that it is Rama?
krishna is omnipotnent he is an aspect of vishnu who is and aspect of brahman which is the imperrishable, krishna is aware of his true self and is there for imperishable, so weither its kirshna or rama it makes no differance krishna is god himself the imperishable therfore krishna/rama win becuase he is the only one that knows the truth that all beings are himself imperishable, the sky is the body of the mind that sun up there is the luminous apperance so the extent of the sky and of that sun is the same, as the extent of the mind. this pair compulated and from there union was born breath, which is indra and he is without rival for there has to be another to have a rival who ever knows this has no rival,
the bow
Shit goes in the loo ramesh
Buddha, Shiva and Jesus would be bros and gang up on Muhammed. They got no reasons to fight between each other anyway, but warlord need to be stopped.
enjoy crying that life has no meaning and that you have 'depression' becuase you cant find a job outside of wall mart and you cant get a girl freind steve.
Mohammed because there is actual documented proof he existed.
Ali has Zulfiqar tho
Buddha and Jesus existed too.
I would rape krishna's blue butthole into submission cos he looks like an effeminate bitch.
Krishna is a beast dude, he is the only one with magical weapons, hands down he takes it.
Ravana could beat Jesus/Muhammad/Buddha. Let's not even talk about Rama.
Well we can presume all are real but Krishna for the most part
the mahabarta the epic in which krishna plays a large part has many details relating to astronomy which can be dated acuratly to prove that the events taking place would of been around 3000+ years ago
>mfw Buddha and Jesus have documented proof of existence
Buddha would create barriers, Jesus is the mage while Rama tanks...
I'm going to assume that's Mohammed.
In any case, you can't compare Rama with the other three. Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha were actual people, and were ordinary people in the sense that none of them had any magical powers whatsoever.
Rama is purely mythological. He's worshipped, but there isn't that much historical evidence to support the fact that he ever existed.
So if you're willing to club Rama with the other three, he would win, hands down. Hindu mythology is surprisingly detailed when it comes to magical weapons (astras). Rama has tons of astras, he can probably destroy the universe.
Annnd had military training.
Which god though?
>all these guys were real people, so I won't include any of the powers attributed to them
>but this mythical hindu god gets to have all his powers
That's not right, it's all or nothing. Either you go 100% historical and assume Buddha, Muhammad and Jesus were just men and Rama doesn't exist, or you say everybody's theology, beliefs or mythology counts, in which case Rama exists and gets all his stuff, Jesus is 100% judeo-christian God and 100% man with the power to command nature, give sight to the blind, heal the sick, bring back the dead and resserect Himself, as well as being Ominpotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent etc., Buddah can, amongst other things "multiply into a million and then return, he could travel through space, he could make himself as big as a giant and then as small as an ant, walk through mountains, he could dive in and out of the earth, he could travel to Heavens to school the Gods and return to Earth" and Muhammad can make prophecies, split the moon, travel to heaven and back in one night, conquer people and do some other trivial stuff.
I'd say in the former Muhammad wins by being the only warrior, while in the latter it goes
Jesus>>>>Rama>>>>>>Buddha>>>Muhammad, with Muhammad dying early on due to little supernatural powers, and the rest of the battle being quite amazing, with Jesus ultimately taking it because the Judeo-Christian God is quite literally the most powerful thing ever, out of everything that has been and will be thought of and can and can not be.
>The Jade Emperor and the authorities of Heaven appeal to the Buddha, who arrives from his temple in the West. The Buddha bets that Sun Wukong cannot escape from Buddha's palm. Sun Wukong smugly accepts the bet. He leaps and flies to the end of the world. Seeing nothing but five pillars, Wukong believes he has reached the ends of Heaven. To prove his trail, he marks the pillars with a phrase declaring himself the great sage equal to heaven (and in some versions, urinates on the pillar he signed on). He leaps back and lands in the Buddha's palm. He is surprised to find that the five "pillars" he found are in fact the fingers of the Buddha's hand. When Wukong tries to escape, the Buddha turns his hand into a mountain. Before Wukong can lift it off, the Buddha seals him there using a paper talisman bearing the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum in gold letters. Sun Wukong remains imprisoned for five hundred years.[3]
Unless muhammad's hand is the size of a mountain this isn't a contest
>because the Judeo-Christian God is quite literally the most powerful thing ever, out of everything that has been and will be thought of and can and can not be.
t. brother nathanael
Ranged DPS
Melee DPS
Tank > MDPS > Heals > RDPS > Tank
That is Ali
Well it's true. You can't be more powerful than an all powerful being, for if you could, the being isn't all powerful. Since, according to Christian Dogma, God is all powerful, you can't be more powerful than Him.
rama was a warrior and a king and when fully realised is GOD in its imperishable form you idiot and is thus equal to god in any of his other forms they are not differant, i see you have little knowledge of any religion other than christian and even then its very limited
That's not the prophet mohammed but Ali,retard
Rama could beat Mohammad, who could beat Jesus, who could beat Buddha in turn.
Ali would lose to all of them.
Jesus would win though because he is at the very least the adapted son of God and the first of all creation.
If you go deepest lore he actually is God.
Thats Ali dude. Not Muhammad
Yeah but Jesus's plan is to get killed for the sins of the world, so he's a goner for sure.
I was about to say the same thing. If he loses he would just claim it was for all of humanity of something.
But that IS Muhammad not Ali, except it's the Shi'a representation where they all sort of look the same with doe eyes and green turbans. The 14 Infallibles in those pictures are told apart by their attributes. Ali has the sword Zulfiqar, while Muhammad holds the Quran, like in the OP.
Ohhhh that fucking sexy beard
no, it's ali
shia venerate ali
Buddha is beyond god-tier. Jesus and Rama can't even touch him, never mind some prophet.
>Implying Jesus can't use his stigmata as projectile blood jets
>rama was a warrior and a king and when fully realised is GOD in its imperishable form you idiot and is thus equal to god in any of his other forms they are not differant,
Top kek, the Hindu Gods aren't the same as the Judeo-Christian one. They are most certainly different. Rama is the seventh avatar of vishnu. While Dvaita does consider Vishnu to be the brahman, which is the same as all other religions gods according to Dvaita, only a fool would say this is the only view of Vishnu, and it would be dishonest to claim that there is widespread consensus amongst hindus that Rama is equal to the Judeo-Christian God.
In opposition to this, the vast majority of Christian denominations say Jesus is God and that God is all powerful, all knowing, ever present, etc. because of this, there is no real situation where Jesus doesn't have those abilities. If we were to appease every denomination of each religion by having each version of the 4 fight each other version of the other 3, the majority of times Jesus will have all His attributes, and thus win the majority of the time, and thus once again I say
>i see you have little knowledge of any religion other than christian and even then its very limited
I didn't go through seminary to be told by some follower of a poo in loo religion that I don't have knowledge of my own religion. Sod off, Jesus as depicted in Christian dogma>any other being. Just how it is.
All are cucks
This guy would slaughter them all(btw he died in battle, like a true man)
Thats Ali not Muhammad
> any other being
I am sure there are beings who are depicted to be at least equal if not the greater than Jesus. You just need the metaphysical system that does not deny the possibility of being stronger than omnipotent. Some can say this notion is absurd, but some would say the same about omnipotence itself so a honest way of resolution is just to roll with whatever claim is claimed.
>there is no real situation where Jesus doesn't have those abilities
Nigga rama gathered an army of monkey men, made a bridge to lanka and defeated a world conquering army and the Emperor of the Three Worlds in a huge battle at his Lankan capital.
Jesus just kind of died on the cross willingly and people deify him.
I think Rama wins cause he got his girl and beat up chad.
>I am sure there are beings who are depicted to be at least equal if not the greater than Jesus. You just need the metaphysical system that does not deny the possibility of being stronger than omnipotent.
Nah, the nature of Christian dogma wouldn't allow for that. While one can debate if the concept of omnipotent is absurd, Christian dogma makes clear 2 things: God is omnipotent and God is unequaled. Thus, no being can be equal or greater than Jesus: as He is all powerful, there is nothing God can not do that another being could be greater than Him at, and no being could equal God.
As such, the only way you could create something that is equal to God is by creating God and then giving it a different name, but God argueably still wins out due to the sheer number of followers in real life, so He is still technically more powerful.
Honestly, and I say this as a devout Catholic, it's a little bullshit in any VS type scenario, since God is quite literally the one kid on the playground who says "nuh uhh, I'm the most powerful thing who can do anything and nobody can ever do anything better than me."
It's rather dumb (from this current fight to the death perspective, certainly not from a theological one, as anything less would deserve no worship) but that's just how it is.
>Nigga rama gathered an army of monkey men, made a bridge to lanka and defeated a world conquering army and the Emperor of the Three Worlds in a huge battle at his Lankan capital.
M8, Don't get me wrong, I understand how powerful Rama is, I had to take some IRD classes back in school. None the less, if we base it off the respective theologies/mythologies, Jesus wins because He is literally the most powerful being that can be, the "alpha and omega."
Plus, even ignoring that, Jesus has resurrection spam, He'll be able to tank Rama's monkeymen, it'll just take a while because of the three day waiting period. And if the fight goes on long enough, He'll come back as Second Coming form Christ, where He's got infinite hosts of angels and a bunch of other stuff.
> Nah, the nature of Christian dogma wouldn't allow for that.
The point is that the nature of other dogma can allow for that and from neutral point of view you can't favor one dogma over another.
The same can be said when hardcore hellenist would claim that Zeus is strongest because the christian absolutes aren't allowed by hellenism.
> I'm the most powerful thing who can do anything and nobody can ever do anything better than me
There is always can be a guy who would say that he is even stronger than that and that is just how it is or some other over the top claim like that.
There is no real need to accept such claim, but it is pretty clear that claim to be stronger than even the strongest of beings ever is more impressive, than original one.
From point of view of Christianity there is nobody stronger, but some other point of view can make use of even more radical statements.
Zeus is a huge pussy and has to be shamed by his daughter Athena to do anything though.
I don't think that it is fair to use monkeys or angels in 1 vs 1... it ruins the point.
>rama gathered an army of monkey men, made a bridge to lanka and defeated a world conquering army and the Emperor of the Three Worlds in a huge battle at his Lankan capital.
I don't even.
That sounds like straight out of an anime.
>From point of view of Christianity there is nobody stronger, but some other point of view can make use of even more radical statements.
I think you're not understanding my point. The nature of the dogma means that, if you were to create something more powerful, God would become more powerful (or technically he would have always been)
Its like if one said a line was the limit of universe no matter what. Then someone else says a place was outside the line. But because the line is the edge no matter what, the line moves to make the place inside it.
Now, one could say "this place is outside the line no matter what," which I guess is what your getting at: the old "can God make a rock so heavy He can't move it?" Or in this case "Can God make a being so powerful that even God isn't more powerful?"
But that's a paradox, and at that point were getting into a realm without logic, and we're getting into things that can't really be defined properly: all powerful can be defined as "able to do anything," and Almighty as "the greatest being of all; supreme," but how could one even define more powerful than all powerful or more mighty than the most mighty?
Such things don't even make sense. They do make for very fun thought experiments though.
Rama has the Brahmandastra that undoes all existence. You loose.
That's probably true. Even then, Second Coming Christ is amazingly powerful, since He handily defeats a dragon which "drags a third of the stars of Heaven with his tail, and throws them to the Earth" amongst other things.
And if we include God/Jesus' feats from the OT, you have all the stuff He does in genesis and the book of Job.
But the real question is, can either Jesus or Rama defeat Madara Uchiha?
>That sounds like straight out of an anime.
well the japs actually made an anime of it, though it isn't as it is meant to be they really did try to make it honest to the source.
suffer through existence till i am released from the cycle of birth and death that will show him
>destroying existence in anyway harming a being who exists outside of time and space or affected by anything within time or space
>and who can't be changed at all, I.E. Not destroyed, as that would be changing Him
Outta my way polytheist fucking shits
you are saying a lot of nothing, vishnu is a aspect of brahman and is therefore brahman the inperishable and is therfore the almighty god and so rama wins your religion as a meer 2000 years old its only a baby and barrows many things from hinduism which is over 4000 years old
you got it my niggah!
It doesn't matter if you exist outside space and time because weapon destroys existence, not just space and time.
Mohammad. He has no morals to stop him from fighting dirty. Fuck hell curb stomp a toddler.
He is smarter than the other three guys