Who is the worst President in history?

And why do you think so?


Unironically, Lincoln.

Thanks to him we have this trend where a "good" President has to grab as much Federal power for himself as possible.

blame the south being unable to contain their autism for that one, without a crisis there would have been no need to crystalize power with the executive

Truman? Arguable.



Tie between Taft and FDR

only a nazi would go against Isreali interest

Fucking kike. Gas yourself.

This guys. Ruined his country and made it a grotesque joke even by third world standards

If you're talking about burgerland, Johnson, immigration act of 1965, it opened the flood gates for hispanic thugs, while European immigration became severely limited

Fucking Justin faggot Bieber has no place here,

>had the opportunity of high petrol and gas prices to build a working industry for his country, but instead kept the economy relying on natural resources
>managed to make a 40+ million neighbouring country hate Russia for the next hundred years by annexing territories and sending troops to cause conflicts
>revived NATO when most members were talking it's time to dismantle it
>killed journalists and opposition
>by ensuring there's no democracy or normal opposition will throw the country is much troubles when he steps down or most probaly when he dies
>is a manlet

>managed to make a 40+ million neighbouring country hate Russia for the next hundred years by annexing territories and sending troops to cause conflicts
>implying they didn't hate Russia before
>implying the revolution had no significant anti-Russian component
>implying they wouldn't kick the Black Sea fleet out of Crimea in 2017
>implying they wouldn't join NATO by 2025 if not for the frozen conflict
>implying Ukr*ine will exist in a hundred years
I agree with the rest tho.

Justin Trudeau
>b-but he's a prime mi-
Still sucks arse


this desu

Nicolae Ceauşescu was pretty bad

George W. bush. Easy

>ignored the cia's warnings about 9/11 and basically let it happen

>started an offensive war on a country that didn't attack us(iraq)

>his administration was underprepared for hurricane katrina which made that whole situation worse

>Cut taxes on the rich which lead to the economic crash

>signed the patriot act into law which was the start of nsa spying

>tortured people in guantanamo bay
(which is occupied illegally)

>dick cheney

>trashtalking FDR
I'm gonna rip you a new deal, motherfucker

>implying bush was the cause of the recession
>implying cuba didnt give us the land to gitmo
otherwise i agree

here's some of the worst
1. Lincoln
2. Roosevelt
3. Truman
4. Wilson
5. Johnson
6. Obama

muh agrarian republic...muh empire of liberty

real list is
1. Buchanan
2. A. Johnson
3. Tyler
4. Pierce
5. Grant

>destroyed race relations by resegregating the federal govt & empowering the KKK
>started judicial activism and the "living constitution" meme
>established the fed
>established federal income tax
>women's sufferage
Name a bigger fuck up in American History. I'll wait.

Constitutional amendments are ratified by the states you retard

>Implying Lincoln started that trend
Presidents started power grabbing roughly six minutes after Washington took power

In this age and any age, always Woodrow Wilson.

>want America to be more involved in world affairs
>deliberately engineer a situation whereby US becomes involved in a catastrophic conflict
>seeing the horrors of war and the feckless political gaming of the post-war powers causes america to do the opposite of what was intended
>political disgrace leads to intense conservative revanchism that leads to isolation and the disintegration of the pre-war financial system

Just terrible.

I'm sure Wilson's liberal use of the bully pulpit and his influence over the media had nothing to do with it.

>And why do you think so?

Reagan, Buchanan, Grant, Harding, Johnson, Tyler

why are retards just listing names like anyone gives a fuck? say one president and why, othervise fuck off with your pathetic attempts at bumping the thread.

What was wrong with Reagan?

take that back, cuck



They attacked cute and christian Georgia because of memes too. Fuck the Russians.

>implying Ukraine wasn't 50-50 for/against Russia before Crimea

"Freeing" all the ethnic Russians tipped the scales of Ukrainian politics. Even the Russian-speakers like the Kremlin a lot less now.

>bureau of censorship
Come at me

Whichever president we have right now.

>got america into ww2

>Roosevelt was a communist
>Roosevelt was the agressor
what the fuck are you doing on a history board, faggot?

>immediately closed at the end of the war
wow, FDR is literally hitler! He hated freedoms and loved big government!

Slavery would have outmoded itself because of technology.

The South lost the moral highground when they attacked Fort Sumner.

The blacks are stuck in arrested development psychologically, because Daddy Federal Gubmint liberated them, rather than them having to sort themselves and determine their own national destiny if and when slavery were to end otherwise.

The South is still caught up in an archaic hacienda culture because they remain buttmad.

>Roosevelt wasn't the aggressor

Fuck off Neocon faggot, it's not our job to be world police, now or then.

You're witnessing him

fuck off commie scum

Definitely that guy


>two months

>implying they didn't hate Russia before
they really didn't. this is anecdotal but when i was in western ukraine (the nationalist part) a short while everyone i spoke to like putin

>mfw pearl harbor

I agree, ruling the world was Britain's job. USA should've been an isolationist great power... But then we would've turned out much like Canada today.

Yeah I think Roosevelt was probably one of our best now that I think about it. I mean, do we really want to be another Canada?

The batasista government gave us guantanamo, not castro's

>failed health bill
>failed immigration bans
>string of embarrassing scandals
>promises to fix everything
>waaahhh it's all obamas fault if i fail

Good shit, stealing this.

Good list

Better list, assuming it's A. Johnson

Yeltsin was way worse

>run as a republican but give amnesty to illegals, forever turning California, the most populous state blue
>close down mentall health facilities giving USA and homeless bum epidemi
>helped al qaida
>Iran contra
>increase military spending (which where already ridiculously high) so that US can fight more useless wars that only get's the country into more debts
>increased the debts
>believed ketchup was a vegitable
>stil have a shitty cult of personality around him
i probably missed alot of shit


He was the one that made California pro gun control


25 year rule you fucking Trudeau.

If you want bad, take a look at his old man.

He laid a wreath at a Heer cemetery that coincidentally had a dozen Waffen-SS personnel buried their.

>do we really want to be another Canada?
you probably should want that since your global influence is fading away and your country have the biggest debt in the world

Justin Bieber.

Yeltsin was way funnier.

Remember how everyone was blaming Obama's fuck ups on Bush right up till 2016?

I hate Manifest Destiny as much as anyone else but FDR really did nothing wrong.

>disliking Bush means you're a commie
found the neocon

found the jap

I remember. Obama was garbage.

You see, it's different because one is a neo-lib and the other is a neo-con and you're only allowed to hate neo-cons because the media says that's the way things have to be.


There's literally no difference between neocons and neolibs.



I think by Buchanan's time the country was too far gone to really be able to save. If not Lincoln's election then something else would've triggered the southern states. He was still a shit president but Pierce's signing and drafting of the Kansas-Nebraska Act which led to Bleeding Kansas as well as his enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act empowered and emboldened the southerners and pro-slavery types. There was the foreign relations bungling of the Ostend Manifesto to try and annex Cuba. Ignoring all of that he was in no mental state to run the country what with being a depressed alcoholic who watched his son die in front of him and had to take care of a depressed and sickly wife.

>implying sanctions aren't an act of war.

People always say this but hispanic immigration didn't take a sharp increase until the 25+ year period after the signing of the Immigration Act of 1990. That's also when the H1-B was created too so if you're worried MUH DEMOGRAPHICS and jobs being replaced by cheaper Pajeets then Bush is who you need to look at. NAFTA was conceived under his administration too.

>failed immigration bans
Those ones are a very clear case of judicial overreach though as it's well within the President's powers. The most recent one was basically just a feels argument with no legal precedence stating that he had to rule against it because, essentially, our first amendment rights exist to non-citizens living in other countries which is completely absurd.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as judicial overreach in the United States. Marbury v. Madison was a fucking mistake.

Jefferson and more importantly Jackson are more responsible for that trend than Lincoln.

>talking shit about based trust-buster Taft
I'll fite you nigger

>Taking away the screaming child's toy is abuse

>The South is still caught up in an archaic hacienda culture because they remain buttmad.
Perhaps 30 years ago. Not any longer.

Obama. Illegitimate, useless, degenerate faggot.

See, now you're just saying being world police is good again.

Didn't Hamilton die because he dueled with his Vice?

Imagine if Trump and Pence just decided to fight to the death

What wrong with Trudaeu-kun

>Women's Suffrage
okay, I laughed

>of all the presidents in the USA's history it just happens to be the fairly average one that was in power when I was 12

hamilton never got elected president, he was treasury secretary. burr had been VP though

Republican blue or Democratic Blue?

Remember, Republicans were blue until the 2000 election (I think)

No, I don't believe the Republicans ever had blue as their party color.

it is true, but to his credit Obama never whined about inheriting Bush's mess and they were on good terms with each other. The same can't be said for Trump.

he's right though. they're both classical liberals supporting globalism. the only difference is that the neocons are hawkish imperialists who want to use force to support american business interests. That said, shillary also was basically a neocon but she was a peculiar case and i would say most democrats are anti-war.
as for the media, what you say is untrue. the media was falling over itself to support bush during 911 and the iraq war. they only turned once it was clear that war wouldn't be won quickly and some of the unsavory aspects of the war on terror got revealed.

I've got /pol/ bingo!

>he hated freedoms and loved big government
uh, yah, how many programs and government agencies came into existence under FDR while ballooning the debt.
Not to mention the japs getting put into internment camps.
Come on, mate. Try a little harder


any of those 7-8 wankers that were president before george washington... and everyone after those wankers except for teddy...

This guy desu.

Jimmy Carter was pretty bad, but it's debatable whether or not he was the worst president.

>it is true, but to his credit Obama never whined about inheriting Bush's mess
Ah, so I take it you started paying attention to politics on January 20th, 2017?

And Kennedy is a doughnut.

American-German relations post war have been so full of gafs and dumbassery because we were always looking over them at the Russians.