How would be the human lifestyle if the nazi regime had won WW2? Could mobile phones and other actual tecnologies exist like ours now? Post your theories.
How would be the human lifestyle if the nazi regime had won WW2...
>alternative history thread
please stop
Technology is Jewish invention, we would live in caves and hunt dinosaurs.
We would know how big Hitler's cock had been because a mortician would have had the opportunity to prepare him for a proper burial.
I wonder if he was getting hard, or semi hard in that picture?
It would be pretty shit to be honest, unless Japan invents anime.
Meh, considering how the Japanese went full retard after the Taisho era and started censoring the bawdy aspects of their own traditional art and culture, Hitlerworld anime would probably be shit too.
>It would be pretty shit
Care to explain?
I'd like to know his measurements in both inches and centimeters during various stages of arousal. I used to think he was about 3-4 inches in a fully erect state, but am now of the mindset that he might have been that big when completely flaccid! His girth appeared comparable to a golf ball.
>ywn use a mobile app to report Jews to the authorities
I'm okay with this.
Well, I imagine most of Europe would be a baking, irradiated hellhole, so they'd probably develop technologies for dealing with fallout rather than consumer goods that we have today; so pretty shit.
Oh look, ANOTHER le nazi thread
Hitler and nazi regime kept a consumer society going. A lot of our tech comes from nazi scientist desu.
I'd wager yes, we'd still have such things as cell phones. Nazism is a scientific materialistic ideology like Marxist Leninism or liberalism. It isn't Luddite like.
>imaging being the guy that has to chisel the foreskin on the statues dick
^ More answers like this plz
Much depends on what wwii fallout is like: Is there a protracted cold war? What happens to communism? What happens to liberalism (in America)? Does Fascio-Euro experience student movements? Is a counterculture allowed to develop?
>japan never brings united staes into the war.
>germany roflstomps yurop in less than 2 years
>united states profits 500000000x more greatly than they did
>controls europe economically with loans and rebuilding projects
Usa was already bleeding edge and invented all of the modern technology you love, so we'd probably just have invented it sooner becos we'd have been more richer
>Third Reich's economy collapses
>Le Lebensraum and resettlement and extermination meme never takes off because even during the war leadership saw the idea as fucking retarded
>conquered states formed into puppet protectorates under the governance of Germany
>EU is formed early
Nazism, if we take it at face value is against large cities and prefered the agrarian life style. That was partly the reason for Barbarossa to begin with, lebensraum even though Germany itself could easily fit alot of people due to urbanization.
It would be a mistake to say there would be no cities or technology but with a greater emphasis on rural life, land acquisition and deemphasis on the consolidation of capital, knowledge and experience in a highly concentrated urban center the technological process would be different. I suspect much less advanced for the consumer side.
This is all just speculation of course, and in "reality" alot of ideological underpinnings of national socialism would not have been possible or not a good idea to replicate.
Also it should be noted that Hitler got Germany back to its feat with extreme keynesian policies. The War debt was manageable with looting, destroying enemies and total war footing but at some point it would have to be addressed and it would have left the Reich in a crippled state for decades.
>no red scare (repaced with something else?) so Nazis go to space purely to show off to the more stubborn subjigated nations that they cant do shit against the greater reich.
>Clean energy is enforced harshly once the scientists report it to whoever is the leader in 1960. Hippies and other such social progress groups might emerge yet get repressed...hard.
> 70s now not quite as filthy. Anime is a popular import from ally Japn and is endorsed by the nazi regime (the family friendly kind) Disney gets involved in distributing the most popular anime of the period for many decades over pokemon: 'Legend of the galactic Heroes'.
Disco still happens but still dies by 80s.
>80's: Gobbells film inc makes top tier action films with movie-uber-star-for-life, Arnold Shnitzelger. Video games were more graphiclly ahead than are time line (by about ten years since the 70s as nazi scientists were intrested in the tech.) Synth music very popular. In medicene, great leaps have been made to 'fix' homosexuals and they are given more sympathy by the state and just put in asylums rather than leatel injection/labotamies.
>Wildwest lawless areas (read: 'free' zones) around the world where those who slip though the net try to simply survive. Small goverment there that cooperates for major fugitives being caught outof fear of town being purged by crack SS units. This goes on way into the 1990's. Also a new threat emerges from the internet (invented for citizens to be spied on better in 1984 but proves difficult for cyber SS to keep up with) The ALLIED HAKKORS FOR FREEDOM
>2000: The AHF are not as much as a threat than NNN media first blew it up to be. Turns out to be mostly teenagers in New Dresden and so on posting about 'blue pills' and how the Nazis were evil. A counter cultere of Emo is born but it is ridiculed by young and old alike.
>Cross dimension internet is finally invented so young people can lol and shipost in realities where the allies won.often mistaken 4 /pol/
Also, unlike our reality, german girls dont get BLACKED and german men are not on HRT and cucked...
Well we know who the jew is.
He did. No good anime.
We know that Germany kept a consumer economy going as long as they could during the war.
Anime wouldnt have existed without post war american occupation and radiation.
Maybe...('sniff')... maybe
Pffft please, modern nazi germany would have looked like how East Germany ended up only with less jews and a different symbol.
It would mellow out some but you'd have little in the way of political freedoms and there would always be a pervasive fear of your neighbours. If you were part of the party, your life is prob not all that bad.
There would prob still be a cool punk rock /industrial techno scene in the capital of Germania.
>was already bleeding edge
How? Most things like microwaves and velcro and other NASA-derived tech were from Herr von Braun.
Hi this guy again.
Just a disclaimer, Im not a Wehraboo or advocating The nazis would make the world better, im just playing OP's question as seriuous and considering are reality and the butterfly effects of if nazism were the world power.
I also think that the US would possibly be the Greater National Socialist Empire's (tm) be its colw war foe if it got better after the great depression and american industey exploded like it did. I assume the GNSE would keep america in economic bondage so they dont seem so great, thus making america even more isolasionist...
..I Can imagine the americans on there being all YOU CANT HANDLE OUR FREEDOMS NAZI EUOPE and i suppose in that case, they'll be spot on lel.
>modern nazi germany would have looked like how East Germany ended up
Thats bollocks. If you said, say, London would look that way, id agree. The nazis would make Britain pay for the war finacially as they caused them alot of hassle/would continue to do so.
Ironically, London would still be the survailance capital of the world, only being spied on by SS HQ rather than there real goverment.
Oh and that royal who had to abdicate for being a nazi sympathiser would be reinstated as a propaganda thing/ keep british working class happy.
Nazi won Berlin would be THE capital of europe, Speer making, id guess, 40% of the modal's he made for pre war berlin a reality.
I dunno, supposing the war would have made people want happy movies, i could forsee Walt disney getting asked to work with some japanese artist to make a cooprative film for the Japanese empire market. So it would probably be a weird blend of western story/characters but the art being anime like. I imagine a JOJO art-style would be quite popular and importable to the Nazi Empire for there saturday morning cartoons forlittle Han's and Eva's in the metropolitan of New Berlin...