What was actually the biggest cause for Portugal being a shithole today?
— Lisbon Earthquake
— failure to industrialize
— Carnation Revolution
What was actually the biggest cause for Portugal being a shithole today?
The case is basically universal for south europe
Maybe they were always shit and got lucky once.
This, catholic, club med, failure.
I would say failure to industrialize mostly. Countries like Italy and Portugal had a severe lack of important resources such as coal, oil and steel to fuel the industrial revolution. All of it had to imported from the British. Northern Italy was able to industrialize through hydroelectric power though, while the south remained a backwater shithole like Portugal.
You can see the difference very well to this day.
A colonial-era Portugal was functioning on a different level than it does today.
It aimed to bring wealth and prosperity trough trade to ambitious merchants and keen nobles, to spread the word of God through Catholic missions and to bring power to the state by relative influence.
It never aimed to be a strong Nation State, although one could argue Portugal realised even that by guaranteeing its integrity up to this day. Even the greatest lost its colonies in the face of a changing world.
It's mostly poor though because they spent too much on socialist policies instead of adapting to a modern world.
Mário Soares
Race-mixing, same thing that happened to ancient Egypt/Rome/Greece. Google "The Black Man's Gift to Portugal".
Kill yourself, /pol/turd.
dirigisme and catholicism makes up for a very bad mix.
plus, it was never capable of capitalizing in its trade empire and assume a more central role in europe. even in its heyday, it remained a peripheral state. this wouldnt be a problem if they had created their own sphere and ignored europe altogether.
This was kind of the plan of the Greatest Generation with Prince Henry and King Joao II. Unfortunately, Joao II died without an heir, and King Manuel fucked everything up.
After that, it was always a step back from the centre of europe. too late for political change, too late for industrialization... Estado Novo brought a big change, the biggest political change since Marquês de Pombal, and for the first time in centuries, the country had something resembling a long term political strategy, but Salazar eventually fucked it all up by being too intransigent and being incapable of dealing with decolonization pressures by the US and the USSR.
He was a failed, faulty attempt at being Lee Kuan Yew, in a way.
1. Reserves doesn't mean production.
2. Just because you do or don't have resources doesn't mean anything. Japan and Africa for example.
>Not industrialized
It's poorly industrialized since it was all built to just funnel resources out of the continent, but it's still there.
Economic decline happened under the Estado Novo regime, not in the post-1975 democracy.
are you stupid? that user clearly meant that japan doesn't have resources and yet is industrialized, while africa has resources and isn't
>— failure to industrialize
this really
Their resources were under European control and today under burger/chink control. Not entirely their fault.
99% leftist population
Japan also has quite a small GDP per capita compared to resource rich countries. Barely higher than Italy and it's indebted to shit as well. Still, they could industrialize more efficiently at the time because they had plenty of coal and oil at their disposal.
Once again missing the point as Portugal had not industrialized either
and all the resources they had in the colonies?
>inbf holding land rich on important resources exclusive to Africa is economically draining
>Portugal being a shithole today?
It's not that bad. It's not Germany or Sweden but come on most people of earth would gladly live in Portugal.
The first two. And also the death of D. Sebastião, leaving no heirs but the king of spain, who then proceeded to lose almost all of our fleet against the british.
We never really recovered. We could have, with a better and earlier industrialization, but the methuen treaty fucked us for almost 100 years.
this, tbqh
am i understanding you right?
>plenty of coal and oil
I'm not sure I would refer to themas a shithole but their biggest mitakes were failure to innovate and industrialize which bit them in the ass hard. Salazar had a complete hard-on for the colonies and was deathly afraid of a communist takeover when he should have just dropped them and focused on mainland industry more which was severely lacking.
>the words "Brazil" and "Napoleon" aren't even in the thread
I'm disappointed Veeky Forums.
The short answer is that after Napoleon waged the Peninsular War, Portugal was both militarily weak and infected with enlightenment ideas.
The Portuguese economy had been oriented towards Brazil for about 3 centuries, so when Brazil broke away from Portugal (muh enlightenment) thanks to Portuguese military weakness, the Portuguese economy wasn't prepared.
In Iberia poverty correlates to distance from France. The regions close to the Pyrenees are wealthy, the others arent apart from Madrid which is the capital, and the Balearic Islands because they are the beach tourism capital of Europe for Brits and Germans (Ibiza).
Portugal is the region of Iberia most far away from France/Europe, in the same way Southern Italy is the region of Italy most far away from proper Europe. Thats why they are poor.
Being on the Atlantic was an advantage both for Lisbon and Sevilla/Cadiz when those countries had colonial empires. Trade changed, the world changed, and now the most advantegeous situation (in a trade route sense) is being close to the important part of Europe.
Not even refugees want to live in Portugal:
>Portugal has offered to host 10,000 of the refugees who’ve landed on Europe’s shores from the globe’s war-torn zones. So far, it has taken in 234.
>Not because it doesn’t want to. Rather, because few have come knocking at its door.
>“It’s not a very appealing destination given the unemployment rate,” said Rui Serra, chief economist at Caixa Economica Montepio Geral in Lisbon. “It’s easier for an immigrant to go to the center of Europe where there is a more concentrated market than in some countries of the periphery like Portugal. In the center of Europe income per capita is higher.”
I forgot what's Sweden like noawadays
France is a poor shithole outside of Paris region, Pierre.
>People think Brazil has anything to do with it
Portugal had one of the largest economies under the Estado Novo regime and Antonio Salazar. A lot of Portuguese people, even today, reminisce to when the Estado Novo party was around. Portugal's economy was rapidly growing throughout the 1960s, in large part to it's colonies in Angola and Mozambique. The standard of living in Portugal was the best that it had ever been. As someone said here Portugal had failed to industrialize in the same sense that Great Britain had, but that did not mean that Portugal did not have their own resources. Portugal were the highest exporters of tungsten in the entire world during the 20th century, and famously they sold tungsten to both the Allies and Nazi Germany during the war. Portugal had always been more of an agricultural nation to an industrial nation, it still is to this day infact. My family come from a small village within the centre region of Portugal (Alentejo) and when you walk into the village, it's like taking a time machine back to the 1960s. While that may seem like a "shithole" to people who live in the US, or the UK etc., to the Portuguese who live in their beautiful village surrounded by amazing history with their families all around them, growing crops in their back garden and drinking beer all day at a café, I'm sure London seems like a shithole. The fact is, with the Colonial Wars ongoing in Africa, this not only brought on economic hardship but the more and more the war waged on, people yearned for "change". Then the Carnation Revolution occurs and the rest is history.
But as I said previously, MANY Portuguese prefer the old days to what it is now and out of all of the nationalities I've met, I'd say the Portuguese are the most full of pride.
t. Half-Portuguese Englishman
I love how they have an ultra rich capital while the rest of the country is 3rd world.
Also, people have to realise that the Carnation Revolution was a MILITARY COUP, not a popular coup. My grandfather fought in the Colonial Wars and was apart of the military during the time of the Carnation Revolution and he tells me stories that it was only when they reached Lisbon did they have any idea what they were going to do.
TLDR: Left-wing commanders who opposed the Colonial Wars overthrew the government, despite Portugal being at it's peak in terms of economy, quality of life and standard of living.
Other of it was discovered very late.
>Salazar had a complete hard-on for the colonies and was deathly afraid of a communist takeover when he should have just dropped them and focused on mainland industry more which was severely lacking.
THIS. 100% this.
>dat liguria feel
Prepare to feel even worse.
So simple, in countries where it's difficult to starve and there's a steadily naturally growing population simply because the environment there's little need to industrialize