are there really rich bois here or nah?
Whats the networth of Veeky Forums
About 60, gonna be 80 soon once I sell this truck I bought off an auction
I owne 27 billion USD in cash.
i am worth 150k, more or less
>tfw fabulously wealthy by global population standards
>tfw barely lower middle class by elitist standards
If we include my crypto holdings I'm about 400k. If we don't include my crypto holdings I'm about 10k.
Nivga cash out and get a vanguard portfolio. What are you doing playing the devils sport when you have asthma?
I own that chick in ur pic
i have roughly
$10k crypto
$35k bank deposits
$120k in house (value of the house minus remaining mortgage)
im an oldfag though (32)
holy shit lol. i hope you make it user
I own 40k nigger coin. Do the math.
had nothing, bougt eth in december.
now i got 80k
Lol bro... Your net worth is 80 already then hahaha.
Sure, at least a few.
6 mil here, but where I live that's not very impressive.
lol same boat pretty much.
been involved with crypto since 2012 but living like a NEET and haven't earned money from like anything else since then. lol
I'd be worth so much more if I had kept all my cheap bitcoin from 2012-2013. At this point though I think i've exceeded my expectations from years ago. It's just so easy to go back and remember spending fuckloads of bitcoin on retarded stuff like weed when they were 5-20 dollars per coin.
dont feel rich though. own an average 2004 corolla with 200k miles, live in a really shitty studio apartment downtown (in a nice city though), don't really have any assets besides crypto and a bit of silver. Have gone on like 2 or 3 vacations in the last 5 years.
my sights are on 2021, probably be living like a bum until then. even at 1 million usd worth of crypto I won't feel like "cashing out" maybe at 4-5 million i'll sell half to invest in more traditional stuff and get a guaranteed passive income.
been living a pretty delusional life lately lol.
I own 1.7m in property (see slumlord) and have ~210k in liquid (funds, with easy access to about half of that)
Ive got £80 in my wallet and about £25 worth of shitcoins.
>putting all your memecoin into a worthless dollar, and then into an overvalued stock market on the brink of collapse
-40 000 dollars
Loan from dad, student loan, business loss, car loan. Shit's fucked. we're ALL gonna make it brahs
Also I am a nocoiner.
Come to Asia and live like a king, on a beachfront home, eating lobster, banging girls everyday.
70k networth, I make 12k a month from the comfort of my own home
put 10k of that into crypto, gained 5k
to be fair if I sold some of the shite I've got lying around I'm probably worth around £3k
Youd be dead if that happened
Nah, I don't really care about being the biggest fish. The fact that it isn't impressive here doesn't bother me.
Own a cash for gold that revenues about a million a year. Boat, 2 cars, 50k deposits, a lot of material investments, gold diamonds coins watches, guns, antiques, etc. Just got into trading crypto because I want to live abroad with my family. 10k deep in it at this point, 8k of which I deposited in cash.
what do you do from the comfort of your own home for 12k?
>Own a cash for gold that revenues about a million a year.
if that isn't a larp, what is your profit on that? where did you learn to appraise precious medals, like say if a gold cross is worth more as jewelry or melted down
My net worth is high enough to know that western women are a fucking terrible investment and that relationships / marriage are financial suicide.
Also, all women are like that. Yes, all of them.
No man with a brain thinks marriage is profitable. It's about love, sex, and children.
A better question would be to ask these rich people how they got there. I got like $1000 as a retarded NEET.
generally store wide I run about a 30% margin. Gold sits closer to 25-26%. My father owned a jewelry store in the 80's so I had some insights.
No man with a brain thinks that marriage is going to result in love or sex for very long.
No man with a brain thinks his spoiled wife isn't going to go running to the family courts and get his children taken away permanently.
Enjoy the woman meme, user, you can have mine too.
Started with 2k and I'm now at 3.2k. Even if it took 3 weeks to do I'm still very happy with it
that's cool, thanks
Idk bro, maybe if you had a good relationship for some years then it's ok thing.
not all woman are cucks but i wouldn't know because homo
>the woman meme
That guy seems like a whiny clusterfag. The barbarians would ass rape him to eternity.
Forever alone beta
>25 y/o
>earn £34k
>£14k in savings and crypto
Feel like there's no hope for me unless I hit £1.5m+, I'll just be another wagey for the best years of my life
>My crypto holdings
I love this 2017 meme
There's Bitcoin and theres scamcoins that retards buy
>$20k usd
>$50k crypto
>still a poorfag
Have about £1.5K, £350 worth of Crypto, then £24,000 in student debt.
I feel those who are doing well tend to avoid posting their worth on here because it spirals into a shitty begging thread.
For example, the blockfolio threads. Like, they are giving out a literal blueprint of what they think will go up. Yet, dummies come in and just beg for it.
I might be a poor fag, but, beggars will always be beggars. I'm just glad I invested before the storm of normies come crashing into crypto.