>Overthrow and execute the monarchy
>six years later they're under a monarchy again.
>overthrow monarchy again
>under another monarch in four years
What did they mean by this?
>Overthrow and execute the monarchy
>six years later they're under a monarchy again.
>overthrow monarchy again
>under another monarch in four years
What did they mean by this?
It was a trick to btfo europe
It's hilarious to see them try to justify it with shit like 'Napoleon was safeguarding the revolution'.
french need to be taken down a peg on this biard
One could say the threw up the white flag in the fight against authoritarianism
He was though, and that's also why so many Europeans crowned heads were against him, he was bringing liberty and equality to Europe.
Napoleon did indeed contribute in the spread and survival of many concepts of the French Revolution
Claiming it was his only goal and that he was a selfless hero would indeed be retarded, but so is denying that his reign preserved lot of revolutionary ideals that would have died had the Old Monarchy been restored by 1799 like it was planned by the Directoire, instead of Napoleon's enlightened rule occuring for the 16 next years
yep thats why they're a republic now
holy shit control your butthurt nigel
France can't into republic
they had like 5 of them and the fifth one is probably going to collapse in the future anyway.
The Revolution was against divine right monarchy and the quasi totality of state powers in the hands of the king only.
They favored a parliamentary monarchy with checks and balance, the reason Louis XVI was beheaded for lies in him requesting external europeans powers to wage war on his own people so he could preserve the status quo. That is treason.
Btw, the guy who'll probably win the French elections next month is a communist who wants to terminates the 5th Republic to launch a 6th one
>He preserved the republic by dissolving it
Uh huh, sure.
The reason France is a republic now is because Napoleon;'s nephew was a failure.
>muh democracy
The French ruined Europe
>Melenchon winning the presidentials
were the englightenists the baby boomers of their time?
Why would I be butthurt about a series of wars my country came out the victor of?
>the reason Louis XVI was beheaded for lies in him requesting external europeans powers to wage war on his own people so he could preserve the status quo.
He never requested external European powers to wage war on his own people so he could preserve the status quo. He repeatedly wrote to the European monarchs that foreign armies were not to enter French soil, and even threatened them if they did. He wanted the backing of the European powers towards the end because there was no other solution at that point--he and his entire family were being threatened with violence regularly and the military, police, and government did nothing to stop it.
He didn't want to return to status quo before the Revolution, he wanted to stop the absolute chaos that was the current system of government, where what few laws were being enacted weren't even upheld by the police or military because mob rule had taken over; he wanted to stop the increasing amount of heretical, anti-religious laws; and he wanted to ensure that people's personal property was respected (aka, priests and nuns who did not comply with the heretical Civil Oath resulted in church property being confiscated).
>implying you'll ever get through to them
frogposters on this board see themselves as holy and can do no wrong
Is Louis XVI /ourguy/
>didn't know how to ejaculate
>tells his family to go away after they offer to help his problems
>gets killed by the people he once called friends
>religion violates him the most
Also make a melty dog cartoon of him
>he brought liberty and equality by reminding people how they were a different nationality and so should unite and fight their 'oppressors'
Real peaceful protest there user
literally why would you do this
de gaulle terminating the 4th republic made sense at the time, but this makes 0 sense to me
Because the current constitution isnt suited for a communist regime
Written to his brothers, who were going rogue and telling everyone they were going to march into France:
>The party spirit that divides [France] and the destruction of all authority are the causes of her trouble. Divisions must be made to cease and authority re-established, but for this purpose only two means are possible--union or force. Force can only be employed by foreign armies, and this means having recourse to war. ... Is not the remedy worse than the disease? I have therefore concluded that this idea must be abandoned, and I must try the only other means left to me--the union of my will with the principles of the Constitution.
He then goes on to reproach them for attending the Conference of Pillnitz and releasing statements indicating they would invade France without his consent.
>Will it ever be believed that my brothers do not carry out my orders? Thus you will show me to the nation as accepting [the Constitution] with one hand and soliciting foreign powers with the other. What upright man could respect such conduct, and do you think to help me by depriving me of the esteem of all right thinking people?
The Emperor kept on making statements to the affect "we will take action and invade France if the king and his family are disrespected or harmed," and Louis XVI eventually had to write to various European powers telling them that if they didn't disband all emigre armies or foreign armies intended to enter France, it would be considered an act of war.
Most of the early revolutionary reforms were Louis XVI's reforms that he tried to push through during his reign but was routinely cockblocked by the nobles and wealthy clergy who didn't want to lose an ounce of their power or money. The only 'reforms' he wanted to roll back the clock on were the laws which disrespected freedom of religion, freedom of property, and he wanted to end the divisions within the government which exacerbating the lawlessness of Paris.
he just wanted to make locks
Napoleon believed in genuinely meritocratic ideas about equality - a civil service determined by exams and stuff like that.
He didn't believe in personal liberty however, he thought the great mass of people were largely stupid and that the fetishization of liberty was brought about by more intelligent minds projecting their own psychology onto the hoi polloi, when in reality all the hoi polloi wanted was stability, prosperity and indulgence.
Ironically, today Napoleon would be considered a wicked fascist for merely suggesting that batteries of cognitive exams should be used to determine ability and place people accordingly (see how leftards reeeeee about grammar schools in the UK for example).
Who lad you'e so delusional
MRS. President will Make France White Again
For the billionth time, the Revolution wasn't directed against the monarchy but against the aristocracy, initially even in defence of the monarchy.
And Napoleon wasn't overthrown by the people. In fact his and that of Napoleon III are the only regimes in French history that weren't overthrown by the people, because Bonapartism (a kind of Republican Monarchy) is the one regime that matches the French national character.
The French Revolution was always more about increasing the personal rights of the middle and upper middle class than creating a democracy. None of the revolutionary governments were democratic.
For more information read this, and then someone please shut down this cesspool of a board.
The one smart poster
>yep thats why they're a republic now
After a second shit attempt at Empire, sure.
>Napoleon wasn't overthrown by the people.
Literally nowhere in the OP post was this said. Unless the only Monarchs of France ever were Napoleon and Napoleon III.
>overthrow monarchy again in 1830
>replaced by another monarch
>overthrow said monarch in 1848
>another monarch (aka emperor) takes power 5 years later
>renounce said emperor in 1870 after getting btfo by prussians
>crypto monarchists rule republic
>crypto monarchists get thrown out in 1876
>monarchism is gone for good. long live the third republic!
>presidential monarchy institutionalized by the 1890s.
>clemenceau essentially becomes elected monarch killing strikers in first decade of 1900s
>during wwi clemenceau takes power during last half of war and rules as effective dictator/monarch again.
>k, wars over lets have real republic now
>conservative governments for the next two decades
>with great depression these governments become increasingly authoritarian
>said government gets btfo by germany again
>new conservative dictatorship to run France
>said dictator gets overthrown by the allies after five years
>new republic born, chaotic party governments
>French government uses authoritarian means to crush any dissent in "French" colonies.
>Lose Vietnam, Algeria becomes such a bloody mess that the shit starts leaking into French politics
>Army basically coups French government to keep the Algerian War going
>De Gaulle brought in to appease said militarists
>De Gaulle turns on militarists, pulls out of Algeria, sets up Fifth Republic with a "Presidential Monarch"
>Said Frenchman rules as Presidential Monarch until 1970 before dying of heart attack
>Every French president ever since has ruled as a Presidential Monarch
>tfw France has always been crypto-monarchist
>that's why they're a republic now
KEK, what are they up to now, the 5th Republic?
>didn't know how to ejaculate
Pretty sure he just had phimosis.
(((They))) are never going to let Marine win my friend.
Enjoy the chimpouts and your 1st People's Republic of France
Melenchon will only go up after the debate.
He cannot be stopped, froggo.
wat. the jews probably support le pen more because she's anti-muslim and the muslim community in france has been harassing and intimidating the jewish community in France for a while now.
All the other monarchies of Europe were shitting their pants and they decided to band together and maintain the French monarchy.
Probably not.
Multiple physicians, including the most renowned in the country, examined him and found that there was nothing physically wrong with his penis that made sex impossible.
here's a nice tl;dr screencap with quotes from letters on the subject
Also, the "didn't know how to ejaculate" comes from a letter written by Joseph II, Marie Antoinette's brother, writing to another brother after a trip to France where he had an intimate conversation with both Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI about their sex lives. According to Joseph II:
>In the end, it’s not a weakness of the body or spirit; it’s simply that he hasn’t had his ‘let there be light’ moment yet, his technique is still in the process of formation ... In his marriage bed, he has strong erections, he inserts his member, remains there for perhaps two minutes without moving, withdraws without ejaculating, and while still erect, bids good night. It’s incomprehensible. He sometimes has nocturnal emissions but always while lying motionless. He’s satisfied, saying he does it only out of a sense of duty but has no desire for it. Ah, if only I could have been present once, I would have set him straight! He should be whipped until he discharges in anger like a donkey. My sister does not have the temperament for this and together they make an utterly inept couple.
Russia is a Republic now, does that mean Alexander I safeguarded Republicanism?
Louis WAS the French state
The 1st French Republic was what you'd get if reddit ran a country
> In fact his and that of Napoleon III are the only regimes in French history
>The 3rd Republic was overthrown by the French people
He was just a fag, it's not that hard to understand
Nope, he loved his wife. It's really not hard to understand, based on the contemporary evidence: they were both teenagers when they were married, both of them had physical problems that made sex painful, and neither one had any idea what "consummation" actually entailed. Once Louis XVI was taught how to do it, he had no problem having sex and Marie Antoinette was regularly pregnant every year (she had multiple miscarriages) until she gave birth to what would be her last child in 1786.
So if I'm reading that last bit right, Louis had a cock thicker than his forearm.
Where'd you get that from?
Winter is stronger than an army of vassal nations
You really don't seem to understand how the jewish elites work
They want Europe to burn before they GTFO to Israel or the US
Now the lower class jews may support Le Pen, but unlike the elites they're irrelevant
>You really don't seem to understand how the jewish elites work
i don't because thats retarded tinfoil speak
>Now the lower class jews may support Le Pen, but unlike the elites they're irrelevant
hurr durr theres a massive jewish conspiracy but most jews aren't onto it! there is an elite class of jews who are so nepotistic that there is even a lower class of jews!
Shame she's isn't a Monarchist, France needs to drop republics all together
>Shitskins chimp out
>Marine declare that they don't want to integrate and vivre-ensemble failed, and France must now change its policies when it come to citizenship and immigration
>They are sent back to Africa
No you're right, it just led to such complete fucking chaos that France didn't have a proper government throughout the 30s and was basically in a state of anarchy when Germany waltzed in. Amazing.