>tfw you add up your wallets and realize you just surpassed $250000 for the first time in your life
>tfw you almost took up a wage slaving (AKA "job", as wage slaves call it, only months ago
>tfw still don the NEET look and idiosyncrasies
>tfw Normies still look down on you as they proudly slave 60 hours a week for Mr. Noseberg
Tfw you add up your wallets and realize you just surpassed $250000 for the first time in your life
>that much money
How about sharing literally the tiniest fraction and share some positive vibes?
I need something to jumpstart, don't wanna be a wage slave forever ;w;
Shut the fuck up. Seriously
i hope one day i can know these feels
Fuck you idiot
I can completely understand your frustration with posts like those.
But it doesn't hurt to try if someone is doing so well, sharing is caring.
Nobody would be doing this if it wasn't a last option, user.
How did you do it? Did yoy daytrade or just held investments?
I love these LARPing NEETs..
Dream on!
Hope i can reach that number. How much you started with? How long it tooks
feeling pretty cozy but still living like a complete bum as I don't feel like cashing out a significant amount of crypto until 2021.
crossed the 250k level about a month ago now ranging around 380-430k. i've got like 500 dollars in my bank account though lol.
make it more believable next time
I'm honestly proud of you user. Not even kidding. If you're not a LARPing fucking newfag and post your portfolio balance here to solidify such proclamations I am sincerely glad you've achieved at least short term financial independence and hopefully stability.
Now don't fuck it all up with margin trading and gambling you PoS. Enjoy you sunavabitch
PS, I hope you have a Shift, tokencard, or Bitpay Visa card so uncle Sam doesn't mouth rape you in your sleep for capital gains taxes cuz you're dumb enough to turn it all into fiat. Kisses
It is 100% LARP
get the fuck out
I'm bout to turn 34 and still wageslaving with no money saved. Kill me now
You are obviously some redditor that discovered /pol/ and then infested Veeky Forums right after. Fuck off, scum.
Ok heres a snapshot of just my polo wallet : )
>be poorfag
>thought about investing a thousand (half my savings) in ether a couple of months ago
>decided not to despite being relatively confident because I need it to barely afford college later this year
>would have made 30000$ if I invested
>wouldn't have to worry about money for a couple of years
hahahahaha if this is real I wait for the day it all comes tumbling down and you scramble to get some funds off the exchange. Fix this withdrawal limit or pay the price someday
Just drop out of College already my dude, it is just a money succ
tfw you wake up from your power fantasies
I think you'll be waiting a while bud : ) People talk a lot of shit about Polo when it does the most trading volume and has never fucked up. They have no reason to exit scam when they are already making millions running the website.
All in all I am weary of your point though. I have been waiting for 25k withdrawal limit approval for a couple weeks now. You start out with only a 2k withdrawal limit per day. it's ridiculous. I have been taking out like 5k per day into my ledger wallet for the last week or so.
Even If i lost everything on my polo wallet I have more on my btc-e wallet and more on my ledger. Thinking that polo is going to fail is pretty out there to be honest. over 130,000 bitcoin traded on polo in last 24 hours.
Btc-e is bad ass their withdrawal limit is 100 btc or 5000 litecoin per day WITH NO ID VERIFICATION!
Polo withdrawal limits are so shitty because its based out of the USA and have to abide by really strict KYC/AML laws. It's understandable really.
How else am I supposed to do anything without starting capital?
Without a degree I'd be living from paycheck to paycheck and wouldn't be able to start investing.
My plan was to get my degree, wageslave and invest the surplus from my salary.
Plus I get gibs from the government for studying, so it's only the tuition fee loan I have to pay back.
1000€ in 2013
if normies look down on you then you haven't won shit
you're still a dirty, SMELLY LOW STATUS NEET
you better start dressing and behaving like you're worth something now
Don't follow this advice. Don't fall for the status meme.
>you're still a dirty, SMELLY LOW STATUS NEET
and I love it
then why did he made all that fucking money at all?
it's all fucking WASTED if other people still look down on him
it's not about showing off but subtly indicating that you're not a lowlife anymore, in fact you've achieved something most people haven't and won't in their lives
fucking degenerate
are you a masochist? I am, but only in the sexual sphere so I don't like being shat on
>yes goy, spend money on things you don't need to impress people you don't like!
>then why did he made all that fucking money at all?
To be independent and not having to bow down to society's dumb memes like dressing "well".
One day it's going to be me. How much time did it take you? and what was your initial investment?
4 years, 1000 EUR
>it's all fucking WASTED if other people still look down on him
>it's not about showing off but subtly indicating that you're not a lowlife anymore, in fact you've achieved something most people haven't and won't in their lives
I rather be ignored, i agree that you should try not to be look down on. Just blend in. Be a regular guy. Attention is bad for people like us.
>for people like us.
I'd take positive attention, thank you very much
Fuck that , this guy is 100% correct: >yes goy, spend money on things you don't need to impress people you don't like!
If I get to a decent six figure level I'm going to buy my house outright and work a comfy part time job!
how did you learn so fast?
Iconomi coin
> LARPing
If he was going to LARP I'm sure he'd pick a higher number.
Making $250k trading crypto for 4 years isn't unbelivable.
Why did it take you so long ? are you actively trading or you've been holding few coins all this years ?
> Living for the approval of normies.
Incredibly pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm not a great trader, took breaks to work jobs, cashed out some when my car broke down
I hope you fucking die in poverty, scum
Other people don't matter you teenaged redditor