How to be one? Anyone here gone from being relatively inefficient to being an efficient work machine and reaped a reward?
just have a good upbringing
Was a hopeless NEET when I smoked pot everyday. Stopped smoking, started independently studying finance, got a job as a salesman (averaging ~$24/hr), got Veeky Forums and now life is looking pretty fucking great. What helped me the most was making a schedule; wake up at 7am and study until 9am, then gym from 10-11:30, then work from 12-6, then more studying from 7-8, then game for a bit and eventually sleep. Hope this gives you a little bit of insight.
What are you interested in?
How do you not want to kill yourself living on schedule?
NOT being on a schedule is what makes you want to kill yourself mate.
rewards are very rarely worth the effort
It took a week to really adjust to it, and I wanted to revert to my NEET ways along the way. BUT, once you get past the initial hump and see how much more productive you are and how much shit you can actually get done, you'll fucking love it.
Something worth mentioning: it will take discipline. Motivation may get you through the first day but it'll go away, only discipline will keep you on track. If you can't stick to a simple schedule then you need to work on self-discipline before anything else.
Yea but only if you are procrastinating. Tbh even imagining that you know exactly what you are going to do at any hour any day makes me want to kms. I can see sleep/food schedule but everything else?
Just stop being a NEET and all should be well.
As says, getting a proper schedule is crucial.
I get paid like a workaholic but don't actually do anything at my job.
Does that kinda count?
Ive been there user. Didnt have a job a year ago and always quit after a week of any shit one i did get. Then I got a job that I decided i was going to really try at like what you are trying to do, force yourself to be an idiot happy-go-lucky enthuastic person for a week when you start. After that week you will reaalise how its way better working when youre actually trying to enjoy your work.
>"but i hate work because its boring/slow/not what i want to do/ a waste of the day"
Heres a thing you can try instantly, if you have to wake up for a job you hate and you always find it hard to get out of bed, go to bed so that you can have a full 7-8 hours sleep with an hour before you leave the house on top of that. You'll find you will have a faster day and better experience just by doing this. Now apply that forced-enthusiasm to work and you will start to be efficient and good at your job.
>t. just been promoted to supervisor after 7 months of being on the lowest jobs
>liking work for the first time
>love waking up to be a wagecuck
>not burned out when i get back every night
>still enough energy to work on hobbies/further gainz/vidya
glad it's working out for you anons :)
You have to enjoy what you do for a living. If you don't, you'll never have any reason or motivation to do more than the bare minimum. Money alone will never be enough motivation if you hate your job.
t. somebody who makes 6 figures and wants to kill himself every day
was it worth quitting weed? im on day 2 of noburn
Can you give me $10,000? Maybe donating and making someone else's life much better will give you a sense of pride or happiness for a little while.
Entrepeneurial life, so business. The thought of actually seeing money coming through a working business makes me dizzy with joy and I'm working on my making that happen, but I'm cruising way too much with vidya, material pleasures and relaxing.
What makes you think I even have $10k? I live in a country where $100k isn't much money after taxes and the cost of living is factored in.
I've done it. Was a lazy teenager. Found a job I loved and became obsessed with working. Then some bad things happened that threw me off the rails. Now I'm trying to get back on my feet.
But let me tell you something, you should work to live, not live to work. I mean, it's fine to have a job you love and work 60 hours a week. But you're also missing out on a lot of other joys in life. It's all about balance.
For me personally, I think I was a workaholic back in the day because I was running away from bad feelings. If I was bored, I would get depressed, so I would just always keep busy working. But that didn't get to the root cause of why I felt like shit when I wasn't keeping busy.
Even if the workaholic approach was not a solution I assume it made you a good chunk of money right? That can help with life problems like debt and a low standard of living, so maybe it was worth it?
t. NEET who can afford to invest $30 a week out of his NEETbux
lifes easier when you try instead of denegrate, user
>mfw im about spend my last two bucks on beer and i dont even care
Yes in some ways it was worth it. It was certainly better than sitting on my ass playing video games. But I also missed out on a lot of social stuff in my late teens and my early 20's.
I can't complain too much. I was happy during those years and that's what really matters. I just wish I would have balanced it a bit more by going to a party every once in a while, instead of working every friday and saturday night.