Veeky Forums Why aren't you buying this coin?
Elon Musk is behind it.
This is about to go viral. :)
Veeky Forums Why aren't you buying this coin?
Elon Musk is behind it.
This is about to go viral. :)
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Post a link you faggot
substantiate your claim
This has nothing to do with the OP
unironically the owner of nexus father is the owner of VSS ( vector space systems ) which has been shilled by Elon, has connections to spaceX and is sponsored by NASA
A strangely quiet but well performing coin, defo long term
>Elon Musk is behind this
sauce? I see some news about plans to beam internet from satellites, but there seems to be no link between the cryptocurrency and him
Sorry wrong link
Yet they can't afford to develop a decent website and have a shyeeety wordpress site :/
Long term but low marketcap so could see a rise
Post yfw musk is the wale shorting everyone
Websites cost money
I'm huge into this desu senpai.
VSS successfully testing launching rockets into space with the idea that the Nexus blockchain is on cube sats in space. How much more decentralised could you get?
It's quite strange, they have excellent ideas, a quantum resistant blockchain but no actual implementation strategy for the cubit satelittes or actual broadcasting of this independent network which is Nexus's "unique factor" and biggest selling point
The whitepaper and updates that are coming up look good, but where's the planned route to the big stuff that they always talk about ?
Decentralized internet is Nexus, Independent blockchain is Nexus
Where is the implementation strategy ? Without these it's just a shiny shitcoin with ambition
World currency potential, built in reasonable rent and inflation.
nigga, i can make a better looking site on fucking squarespace in 15 mins and it will cost almost nothing
Count me in, musk all the way. Where can I buy me some of this memecoin
That was my take as well.
It was a lot of buzzword cryptobullshit.
Maybe they're just bad at getting the point across, but I'll wait until it's for a real implementation
nobody using this pool?
that being said, I can imagine with a little funding and one tweet from Elon Musk and it would be sitting at a 10b+ marketcap overnight
Was gonna download the miner for window, virus detected.
kek u nearly had me u cheeky shill
Where is the wallet?
>Failed to Connect to Mining LLP Server...
>Failed to Connect to Mining LLP Server...
>Failed to Connect to Mining LLP Server...
>Failed to Connect to Mining LLP Server...
>Failed to Connect to Mining LLP Server...
>Failed to Connect to Mining LLP Server...
>Failed to Connect to Mining LLP Server...
>Failed to Connect to Mining LLP Server...
How to fix?