Thoughts on these prices, guys?
Thoughts on these prices, guys?
fuck is that to lease or own?
People pay over 20k for a baby here
Post btc prices
Can I pay with my shitcoins?
this shit is self sustaining
>Investing in a slave
No wonder ISIS is collapsing, they should have got all their subjects to invest in Bitbean instead.
>the definition of buy high and sell low
Wtf I paid more for ETH. WHERE MY KIDS BROS AT?
btw slavery is inefficient as you have to feed and house them, much cheaper just to pay a non living wage
Just bought in, this things gonna pump!
This next check I want 20 5 year olds please.
>not buying a 1 yr old sex slave
doubt this is accurate. pretty sure a female sex slave is worth $8000 in IS territory
Where I can buy some?
and how do you know that Abu Ali al-Bitbeany?
even isis hates old roasties, kek
says user the isis expert
>tfw can't choose between buying a new PlayStation or two 9 year old waifus
Ill take two 6's and 1 8 pls
My kneegrow
Waifus, no doubt
Feminists cucked the west with AoC bullshit, and they wonder why birthrates so low
1. slaves are a liability more than an asset
2. those prices are ATH
>2. those prices are ATH
Unless we reach a level of global total war, it's not going to fall more.
This is awful. ISIS is plain evil
Why would anyone spend $165 on a single child when you can get 4 MILFs for that same price?
No shit
yes but consider those aren't top-tier euro women, those are middle-eastern low-iq inbred mohamedan females
1-9 years are shit investment. High upkeep, low roi, high chance for tantrums, etc. There is literally no reason not to buy two 21-30 women and one to pimp and other for domestic servitude plus you can pump a child in a year and when have return of investment for both slaves
Why would you pay more for useless children?
>go to iraq and but 20 infants
>get legal documents
>sell in us for 20k each
21-30 is a good price if you can get the 21year old desu.
do they accept bitbean ?
People buying now are pioneers. Once slavery becomes mainstream each slave will be worth millions. They'll be swimming in lambos.
>go to iraq and but 20 infants
>get legal documents
>sell in us for 20k each
I doubt you understand legal framework and logistic of 20 infants? How the fuck will you carry them? In the bag? In the luggage? or like Simpsons indian guy with body suit of babies?
Clearly locally pimping 21 years old for ammunition and bread is more viable strategy than transporting them back to west
you could probably fit like all of them in 2 barrels
There the fuck i'll find barrels in war torn nation?
>buy a healthy slave
>extract one kidney from the slave
>sell that kidney for $50,000
>give the slave $10,000 for his/her cooperation
There you go.
near bakeries, of course
some say they are left over from bombs of the barrel type, I've seen pics made by the clinton foundation about this
Hold up.
You can sell a kidney for 50k? That's like 20BTC
>Healthy slave
Good idea man, no shortcomings. Mean time you could also buy land as it is in dip
Dude I will not transport children in bombs barrels. I have integrity. I am slaver, not gun trader
In the U.S., a black market kidney actually costs around $200,000. Seriously, Google it.
If you're ever feeling so miserable and poor that you're suicidal but you want to live, consider selling a kidney on the black market.
Why don't some NGO's go undercover and buy up all the slaves they can so that they can then free them and put them up for adoption in the west? Seems like it would be very cheap to do.
Daily reminder that the US government and Western media fabricated lies about Gaddafi owning rape dungeons, murdered him, destroyed his nation, and blamed the citizens when outsider slavers and other camel fuckers took over.
Because it doesn't matter how many times you multiply it, zero value is still zero.
based colonel did nothing wrong, in fact he kept the savages content, away from their death cult and entirely in check while curbing the flow of subsaharan gibsseeking r-selected invasive species from entering europa
Because the priority is
a) Destabilise Europe, by sending huge waves of illegal immigrants.
b) Control all the oil wells they can.
Human lives are out of the equation for the jews and the north american governments.
Yes, those evil middle easterns
I wonder (((who))) provided this data and how it was gathered; I've yet to meet a local christian slave in CE
>I've yet to meet a local slave
10/10 post
that's a hell of an arbitrage opportunity
If only there was a source...
Stop these disgusting talks.
This sounds about right. No way the slaves are this abundant unless they're trying to get rid of new captures. ISIS has so much other income (oil, taxation), they'd be practically giving these slaves away.
Also consider that the GDP in ISIS territory is $1000 - $2000, a human life would not be worth a fraction of this amount.
War-torn regions have a women surplus. That's why polygamy exists in the first place.
>Human life would not be worth a fraction of this amount
Poor wording, I mean it should be worth much more.
A horse would be worth more
wtf this pic is offensive, delete this.
I have a modest proposal for them
During "slavery times," the prices were MUCH higher, this is dirt cheap for a human