Why do you think civilization arose in Mesopotamia? Arab genetics perhaps?
Why do you think civilization arose in Mesopotamia? Arab genetics perhaps?
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Stop with these race baiting threads and go back to /pol/.
wheat, barley, cattle, goats, etc were all domesticated in mountainous region just outside of mesopotamia. settlements gradually moved south into Sumeria as irrigation techniques developed that could work the land
>Arab genetics perhaps?
No. Mesopotamia is nowhere near the Arabian Peninsula. The first Mesopotamian people weren't even Semitic.
As for why, it was simply an extremely fertile place with all the right environments and geography for proper development of agriculture.
dude water lmao
Agriculture especially the more primitive type.
If you want to shitpost about pol go to pol
It is called the Fertile Crescent for a reason.
"nowhere near"
it's literally attached right next to the peninsula you can't quite get closer without being in it fuck you talkin bout
I bet you could fit your brain in your pocket.
A watch pocket at that.
Go away jared diamond
You're a goddamn retard.
The Master of Mankind
landing site after the flood.
The way genetics over spacetime work is they start at the nodes of highest chaoticy and work outwards as the icecaps recede from last glacial. The genes that started there followed the 'easy money' outwards as they immigrated north and east. Also if you look at siberias rivers theyfunnel into northern asia combined with the himilayas system and the yellow you get the rest of civilisations trickle via indus and early changa. Also look at what use to be doggerland and another eqyivalent between the korean peninsula that were originally inhabbited as coastal proto civilisations in the wood-stone age and synk with the rising water levels. Fycking carbon users. Also things like that naturally forces territorial disputes as reacquistion an d merger of groups and people collide. Fuck and kill for kin is a natural and delicate interplay that guides all our collective's evolution.
This is the most likely answer
I always thought it was due to the great fertility of the land between the Tigris and Euphrates. Reliable agriculture is necessary to maintain civilization, this is the reason it started there moreso than any genetic advantage (physical, intellectual, disease resistance) that comes to my mind.
are you fucking kidding me? the picture fucking shows mesopotamia is literally adjacent to the arabian peninsula. So is the Sinai, and I'd argue Egypt and Asia Minor and the Caucasus are also "near" the arabian peninsula. But that's another matter, you can't possibly be closer to the arabian peninsula, than mesopotamia is, without actually being IN the peninsula
Arabs didn't live there yet, they were only in the arabian peninsular until the 500s AD.
Basically, it's the fertile crescent. Great place for agriculture and trade which allowed cities to develop.
Arabs didn't largescale migration from the peninsula till Islam
and this is, in any way, relevant to the point that geographically mesopotamia is, unlike that guy I responded to said, "nowhere near the arabian peninsula, exactly how?
The original post was that >it was due to arab genes
The 'no where near' was a 'no it's not arab genes, they're from a different place'.
And by ancient travel standards? Yeah, it's no where near.
if you follow the retarded pol narrative yea
but since science is not following racist rhetorics its just the best place to settle down for growing shit at that time and level of technology
>And by ancient travel standards? Yeah, it's no where near.
People from the Mesopotamia traded with the Indus valley dwellers and Egyptians, both of which are siginificantly further away.
Traders, yes. Large scale population movements (e.g. 'arab genes')? No.
"these 2 regions BORDERING each other are not close"
The guy just said mesopotamia is nowhere near the arabian peninsula. That's an indication of spacial distance. A wrong one at that. Sure arabs didn't move and migrate to mesopotamia but that's not because "the arabian peninsula is nowhere near mesopotamia" because that's just text book wrong
You don't need large scale population movements to get arab genes into mesopotamia. But its also irrelevant because arabs in no sense existed until long after the rise of civilization in the two river valley.
You clearly have no idea what the fuck the word "adjacent" means if you think it applies to Mesopotamia and the Arabian Peninsula. Unless you're under 18 or retarded, there's no excuse for this kind of ignorance.
next to or adjoining something else.
"adjacent rooms"
synonyms: adjoining, neighbouring (on), next door to, abutting, close to, near to, next to, by, close by, by the side of, bordering (on), beside, alongside, abreast of, contiguous with, proximate to, attached to, touching, joining"
Thanks for proving my point. By that definition, Mesopotamia is literally and objectively not adjacent to the Arabian Peninsula.
>Having to include half of Iraq in your stupid imaginary border just to try and save face
You're projecting so hard right you autistic fuck.
Are you just trying to pull any random word you can think of out of your ass in an attempt to sound smarter than you actually are? Because that's what it looks like.
>arabian peninsula borders mesopotamia according to the borders I found out googling
>the definition of adjacent includes but is not limited to "bordering"
Stop embarassing yourself
Nice, you did it again.
>Having to include half of Iraq
Half of Iraq is in mesopotamia though.
Mate, you went into Paint and conjured up your own arbitrary definition of the border between Mesopotamia and the Arab Peninsula just so your argument wouldn't fall apart in front of you. That's beyond pathetic.
Now that I know you're a retard, I don't have to deal with you any more.
Mesopotamia stretches partly even into Kuwait which is in the Arabian Peninsula itself.
Mesopotamia is by every definition of the word adjacent to the arabian peninsula. In small part it even stretches into it.
No, I googled "arabian peninsula" and copied those borders onto OP's mesopotamia pic
Also the project guy is not even me
Mesopotamia is commonly defined as the area of land that lies in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. So, it's not, in any sense, "adjacent" to the Peninsula.
See my above point.
Doesn't which one is which, you're both retards.
>Mesopotamia is commonly defined as the area of land that lies in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
No its not. Its the cultural area around these two rivers, at no point has it ever been strictly between them. By your retard goalpost moving Ur would not be in Mesopotamia.
Wow! Who knew Syria was on the Arabian Peninsula! Crazy, huh?
>Mesopotamia is commonly defined as the area of land that lies in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
No, its commonly defined as the land surrounding this river system. A river system consisting of more than two rivers, Euphrate and Tigris are only the main rivers. As you can even see on the Map multiple clearly mesopotamian cities like Basra and Ur are outside of your made-up definition.
>No its not.
Yes, it is. That's literally what the name means in Greek. I'm not the one moving the goal posts by making my own borders up.
Arab and Iranian wewuzzing really is a cancer of Veeky Forums and if you speak against it you're "/pol".
>Yes, it is. That's literally what the name means in Greek.
>Mesopotamia (/ˌmɛsəpəˈteJmiə/, Ancient Greek: Μεσοποταμία "[land] between rivers"
Not its not, stop emberassing yourself you mongo. mesopotamia means land between the rivers, not land between two rivers.
You're even more autistic than I originally thought.
>big E is actually a turk
Okay by your special snowflake definition, what is supposedly between the southern mesopotamia and the peninsula?
Pic related. Now, stop typing and go take your retard pills.
>herp a derp Ur is not as mesopotamian city
Yeah, no.
Kuwait, you imbecile.
>moving goal posts
That's EXACTLY what you're doing, again projecting fucking lmao. Autism of the highest grade.
Oh wow you quoted some random excerpt of a mistranslation.
Literally no map of mesopotamia ever made shows Ur or Basra outside of it. Your autism is as worthless as your pathetic life.
LMAO Now Kuwait is not on the arabian peninsula either?
>Kuwait is not on the arabian peninsula
I don't even.
Imagine someone being so butthurt about having made a wrong claim he goes so far to try to pretend Ur is not a Mesopotamian city and Kuwait is not located on the Arabian Peninsula.
Just how sad is that?
>Your autism is as worthless as your pathetic life.
Now THAT is projecting. Thanks for providing such a good example.
You asked me what's between the two areas and I answered, it's a literal fact that Kuwait is between them. You cannot deny that.
I never said Ur wasn't in Mesopotamia, you moronic fucking retard. I said the common definition of the area goes by what the Greeks called it. Learn about this thing called reading comprehension and come back to me when you've grown a few more brain cells.
>I never said Ur wasn't in Mesopotamia, you moronic fucking retard.
Yes you did
>defined as the area of land that lies in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. So, it's not, in any sense, "adjacent" to the Peninsula.
And ur is definitly not between the Euphrate and Tigris.
And no, its not the common definition because no one ever defined the cultural region of mesopotamia as to not include Ur. its the region located in that river system, not strictly between those two rivers and never has.
>You asked me what's between the two areas and I answered, it's a literal fact that Kuwait is between them.
>A place located on one of two places is between those two places
Do you not understand what "between" means? By your own admission the peninsula is adjacent and borders mesopotamia, because Kuwait that borders mesopotamia is ON the peninsula. So wtf are you ever arguing?
>You asked me what's between the two areas and I answered, it's a literal fact that Kuwait is between them. You cannot deny that.
>Kuwait is adjacent to Mesopotamia
>Kuwait is on the arabian peninsula
>Yet Mesopotamia and the Arabian peninsula are somehow not adjacent
Thats some high level mindbending you got running there.
No, I didn't. Walk with me here: I say most definitions of Mesopotamia go by the name the Greeks gave it, which is a name that denotes its geographical location between the Tigris and Euphrates. I then use this information to conclude that Mesopotamia is not adjacent to the Arab Peninsula. Granted, it's a somewhat loose definition by modern standards but not an inaccurate one, because the general area of Mesopotamia does correspond to how the Greeks saw it. I'm talking strictly in geographical terms here.
At any rate, the point still stands, whether Ur (or Eridu for that matter) is between the two rivers or just outside the Euphrates, they aren't close enough to the Peninsula to be considered properly adjacent.
Take a look at the top image pic related, this is river system you're talking about. It stretches from the Persian Gulf all the way into Turkey. But you can clearly see it's not conjoined with Arabia.
As for Kuwait, the bottom image in pic related provides the political and geographical borders for the Peninsula.
>the mesopotamia of first pic (which i'll have you notice is not strictly just the land between the 2 rivers but goes a wee bit beyond) and arabian peninsula of second pic are "nowhere near" each other
The hell are you talking about? I never said they were nowhere near each other. I said they weren't adjacent.
And im the guy who sparked this retarded discussion by saying mesopotamia and arabian peninsula are indeed close, later saying they are adjacent when people argued they were "nowhere close". And you've been adressing a minimum of, I reckon 3 people as 1, then complain when I conflate your argument with that of the first guy arguing against me. Brilliant
Anyway I can admit that mesopotamia and arabian peninsula being adjacent depends to a degree to which definitions you adhere to. The UN definition might not be the [insert widespread geography book], which might not be the same as common definition, which might not be the same as experts' definition. By some mix of definitions they are definitely adjacent. But that wasn't even my original point: that 2 regions can hardly be closer to each other without actually intersecting