Who here has actually made money? post what you started with and give us details of your journey
Who here is a winner?
Other urls found in this thread:
>browsing ukranian dildo board
>making money
pick one
>listened to a retarded frog shilling Ether
>held since late March
>Up $7k
I haven't made much. I started with about $2500 back at the end of March and now I'm at about $8000.
I started with ETH and then thought I could get rich off of shitcoins and ended up losing a bunch to pump and dumps.
I fell for the Madman pumps thing and lost some money in that. At some point, I realized that ETH was making me money consistently, but I kept selling little bits of ETH as it got higher and day-trading it and all that.
I bought Dash at $100 and sold at $50.
I had to learn why it's best to just hold.
Eventually everything that I sold at a loss at first is now way, way over the point I sold at. All I had to do was hold them. But I failed at first so many times until I learned this.
My biggest regret is not simply going all in on ETH and holding.
I started practicing arbitrage too, got better at that, and now that's how I make a lot of crypto money.
cool to hear a real story.
any advice and what no to do's are invaluable
Give arbitrage protips
Wish we had perma ID's so I could reward him with some Ether
>Put $500 into CSGO skins in Jan 2016
>Traded / jewed my way up to $1000 of skins
>Gambled on pro games, got up to $2000 of skins
>Traded out skins for BTC, discovered BTC trading
>Some faggot on plebbit.com/r/buttcoinmarkets mentioned that Ethereum is better than buttcoin
>Put $2000 into Ethereum at $10
>Margin traded 200 eth into 450 eth
>portfolio value 1.5 yrs later: 170k
started from the bottom now we here
bought around 50k worth of bitcoin durings its bear market of 2014-2016
been involved with bitcoin since it was 5 dollars and bought thousands of them to buy drugs on SR back then but did not keep any of my cheap bitcoin.
Used all my drug profits to buy back into crypto when it was around 400-600usd.
finally paid off !! :)
Now its litecoins turn to moon. 100-300 usd this summer.
just crazy hearing about average dudes creating mini fortunes for themselves this quickly.
>Now its litecoins turn to moon. 100-300 usd this summer.
>Now its litecoins turn to moon. 100-300 usd this summer.
justification needed.
swear on me mum m8. numbers are fudged a bit but i put between 2000-2500 into ETH in march 2016 and rode the gravy train til now. im a college student so my grades suffered last couple months due to excessive margin trading. fuckin worth tho
any plans to cash out the ETH and enjoy it/actually have it in your hands?
i feel like id lose sleep having that kind of cash sitting anywhere other than under my mattress or in a bank?
i mean, how long do you ride it out? if it all came crashing down tomorrow youd be on the verge of playing hop scotch on the interstate
It was me.
long term, 170k is shit. I'm not in debt and have good job prospects so it is not worth it for me to cash out. I went 70x once, if i can go ~5x again i'll have a million, which is enough for financial independence (if i live like a NEET). At that point i would seriously consider cashing out
I'm poor, but made $48 on Litecoin.
Started with 1000€ when eth was 48€, and bought more when it was 90€ (invested 4000€ more).
> 5k total invest.
All started on coinbase .. then found bittrex and all his shitcoins. bought lots of different and sold lot of with a loss.
> sold shitcoins with a loss, mistake.
I tell to everyone - never sell at a loss. just fucking hodl.
My story goes on: bought 350k dgb when it was 500-600 sats, then it goes up and up and up, ... my total portfolio went to 24.000€
(had the chance of having 100 ether, but i fucking felt for the memes)
if i had 100 ether today.. 30.000€
now i am at 15.000€
with a few eth, golems, bat, sia..
It's all my personal opinion but
2.5 billion usd market cap for the best alt coin is very undervalued.
Litecoin works just like we want Bitcoin to, and it's without all of ethereums ICO bullshit, questionable pre mine beginnings and wealth disparity. Litecoin is the oldest & most signifcant altcoin that had a fair launch and likely has best wealth distribution after btc. I need to read more about proof of stake but I believe many are skeptical of Ethereums future switching from proof of work to proof of stake.
Transactions are fast and never more than a few pennies for fees. With the lightening implementations coming because of segwit(litecoin.mit.edu
Also chartwise we still have not made the previous ath in 2014 look small. Anything could happen but yeah to put it simply I think these next few months are going to make the previous ath in 2014 to 50 look small... 100-200 is a conservative realistic estimate imo. some poeple are saying as high as 400-600. At $650 litecoin that puts it at the same market cap as ethereum. So its not all that improbable.
interesting point and youre absolutely correct.
crazy to think you just need to 5x and youre laughing for the next 40-50 years
nice having real info from someone and not intense shilling about moon missions.
Im about to get started with about 6k USD and im thinking about going heavy on litecoin. you sold me. were off to a good start to having an actual informative thread on here.
continue Veeky Forumsness men
STRAT at around 10ct last year and sold for around 2.5$.
WAVES at around 20ct and still holding
A bit Eth at 50$ and sold most of it for 350$
LTC started buying at 14$ untill 40$ and still holding
These are my biggest gains. Also holding some random sitcoins. I bought most last year and held.I almost never trade.
started a month ago. made most profit from dgb which i bought at 600 sats and sold at about 1800 sats. made some good gains also from aragon, ubiq, and ark. made some losses on stratis that i bought at ath, and then again on stratis when i thought i was buying the dip at 315000 sats...i'm also still holding swt, although i sold most of it off before it crashed so it would need to dip to around 4000 sats for me to stop being in profit. i'm up about 2.5k from 4k. just over a week ago i was up 4k but then everything shit the bed.
I started by finding a job, and two years later I'm 100k up. Pretty good return
sounds solid.
do you expect litecoin to take off like the user above?
Yes. I have some more buy orders at 40USD but i dont expect them to go through. Biggest reason i believe in it is Charlie Lee.He knows what he is doing.And it is by far the fairest coin. 0 premining
>post what you started with and give us details of your journey
Nice try, IRS.
Literally me, I had 250 ETH I bought a year ago and now I have 50 because I didn't hold and fell for shitcoins.
The secret is to just hold solid coins.