Why were the ancients so obsessed with fertility?
Why were the ancients so obsessed with fertility?
heirs and the continuation of a civilization.
>why is modern society so obsessed with sex?
they're bored
>stone age
the jews
op kys
Because between infant and maternal mortality rates, and the high risk of other death by accident or disease, they were barely at replacement level most of the time. A loss in fertility meant your tribe or whatever your group was dying out.
Their sexual impulses were directed towards fertility, unlike the decadent modern man they knew what sexuality is for.
I saw the original of the middle one IRL
Talk about anTHICCquity.
same, but for the left one while I was in Peru. cool shit, lots of sex art. pic related
I sincerely believe these were made as a joke long long ago. Archeologists can't get more funding if they find someone's joke doll, but they can if they find a pseudo-religious fertility idol.
>the jews
The obsession with porn is due to the jews. Sex obsession is innate.
Fuck off
That one looks like a straight up sex toy
Archeology is almost entirely just careful digging and bullshitting
here have some more
Lack of spirituality.
Lack of spirituality.
They weren't.
Irrelevant, but modern society is cancerously vicefully individualistic. Sex is merely a means to an end.
Sex isn't anymore innate than a favorite type of food or a favorite piece of art. It's also not an obsession with sex itself, rather the gratification which is actually, speaking in biological terms, a negative because it results in weaker offspring. Suffice to say your claim is not backed by science, but it is backed by a psychology, in a different way. Sex is just masturbation using someone else, or at least, hookup culture is and casual sex. The biological incentive has been stripped. I wouldn't be surprised if people would evolve out of enjoying sex and end up killing us all because of a resistance being built up to the pleasure of it without the positive effect of aiding strong offspring.
nice dubs and nice Redpill.
Never really considered all the speculation which no doubt occurs by necessity. Or at least I've never considered it be speculation alone.
>a negative because it results in weaker offspring.
what the jesus faggot lord christ are you shitting about
fun fact, these Venus figurines are only found in Europe. With very few exceptions, namely one important one in Siberia.
Rome's most sacred artifact
>why do people like sex
Gee I wonder