>Costs maybe $2-3 to make a vial of testosterone enanthate
>Sells for $50 per vial in Canada
>Market is not saturated
Explain to me why you are not selling steroids online yet.
>Costs maybe $2-3 to make a vial of testosterone enanthate
>Sells for $50 per vial in Canada
>Market is not saturated
Explain to me why you are not selling steroids online yet.
where do you source the ingredients
Much more risk involved in that than trading crypto. Plus gotta setup the supply chain and bottle everything. Ideally create a sterile environment so you don't end up killing someone due to infection they got from gear you provided them. It's definitely good money but you have to be willing to take the risk that comes along with it.
From purplepandalabs.com
If you want to get super into the weeds with the science you can use potatoes to get the cholesterol which is basically all you need to create the testosterone. If you are truly interested google and there are also subreddits. A great source for info closed a few months back though.
i thought you had to buy it from chinese who extracted it directly from bull testicles or something
What the fuck? It's simple chemical reactions to brew it.
That's not how testosterone is synthesized.
Go to purplepandalabs.com you'll see prices they have top reviews.
Is it true that you have to inject it in your peepee hole?
No you inject it into muscle, glutes are the most painfree with no major blood vessels.
I agree but most people don't have that sort of understanding so it could be considered in the weeds.
You follow a step by step guide. It is tremendously easy to brew anabolic steroids.
>implying I don't already do this
It's incredibly simple. If you can put the round block in the round space, and the square block in the square space, you can mix BA, BB, Carrier oil, and active compound in a vial.
>Mix all of the above in a beaker
>Filter through a sterile filter into sterilized media bottle
>Use bottletop dispenser to dispense sterilized solution into vials
I make ~$3,500 a week selling steroids at a ridiculous markup to old guys looking to regain any youthfulness they feel they had (but never did)
That's not including growth hormone figures. $1.14/IU of growth hormone and I sell it for about $11/IU, have four monthly customers setup for 100iu. It's an absurd market.
On top of that the sterilization is easy as can be with about a $5000 investment in proper equipment.
I should mention, this is WITHOUT online sales. If I transitioned my business to the most well-known online market, $10,000 a week would be child's play. Again, the markup and profit margin is absolutely retarded. That $10,000 worth of substance has about a $500 continuous reinvestment for more reagents, outside of the equipment costs, if you know what you're doing it can pay itself back in a week.
The best benefit is I've hooked up all of my customers, even though it isn't online, with a guide to paying me in BTC. So I get to suckle on that sweet cryto-daytrading nectar while I spend about five hours a week (((working))) and brewing the gear (for the unfamiliar, slang for steroids) :^)
I wouldn't want to sell them desu. If my life is still shit in mid 30s I will be permablasting.
You god damn jew!
Please get me started! !!!
When I die at 28 because I'm addicted to permablasting 1.2grams of test and 500mg of DHB I'll pass the reins on to you user
because they are among the class of most illegal drugs here, and your punishment would be the same as if you had been dealing heroin, like 10+ year prison sentence
I'm in canada and the market seems to have a huge vacancy. I really want to get started!
What country do you live in?
I actually ordered like 120 worth of test-e powder but getting vials and a crimper was longer and more bothersome then contacting a chink to send me the shit.
Also this was in the UK.
Steroids are legal to possess in Canada.
>tfw for a second there actually considered making my own cheap steroids and injecting them in my butt
Vials and crimper are found easily on ebay and shit here. Equipment will be a much larger cost than the raws to start up. My initial investment (over time, for all equipment I have now including sterilization shit) was about $9,000
>Not using deep web blockchain F[actory]aaS dApps to manufacture and manage mailed packages to A[ddress]aaS dApp platforms.
Breh why aren't you selling on r/steroidsourcetalk?
For canada there's literally two sources so I think I could make bank if I got in.
Nice, dude. Get paid, pupper.
How'd you get into this? I'm guessing you were already into health and fitness and someone lined you up.