Why do Atheists / Christians hate God and refuse to submit to Him?
Why do Atheists / Christians hate God and refuse to submit to Him?
But I already submitted
F*ck G*d
God already controls all of the existence. So there is no need for submitting to God.
he aint real boi
Don't you fear being boiled in Hell for all eternity Shlomo? Don't think I can't spot someone posting """""G*d""""" when they mean God / Allah.
God is indeed Greatest.
You still have free will, even when God is all powerful.
Go be jihadist somewhere else Ahmed
My name is Mehmet, shitposter.
Also despite what you may have hear in the corrupt, Jeiwsh / atheist / Christian Western media Islam is a religion of peace.
t. unexploded ordinance
It's catholics that hate god, christians are the God's chosen people.
I don't differentiate between different sects of Atheism.
Here ya go saracen.
Have fun in hell.
Because I love my freedom.
Hell and Heaven don't exist because they are already here on Earth.
the real question is how is a bomb talking to me? Or more importantly, where is your man?
Don't mudslimes believe that all people will go to heaven eventually? I thought that everyone is supposed to be a Muslim in the end, after like a thousand years of torture.
Nice bait.
This whole thread is bait.
You should look up the term 'cukcold' or just look in the mirror.
>wear a shitty headscarf to keep men from lusting after you
>put on pounds of make up
>tfw she will never collect your jizya
Why do you not accept Christ death for your sins?
Why wouldn't you hate God, OP? Did you even read the Bible? He only takes 7 chapters to kill everyone and doesn't get all that much nicer from there.
I'm glad God's not real, he's a fucking monster.
Why do Atheists / Muslims hate Jesus and refuse to submit to Him?
Hey some of them also wear heels and yoga pants too.
Really makes you think
The Earthly plane allows us to experience both pleasure and pain. But there is a certain amount of pleasure and a certain amount of pain that surpasses what we can experience on Earth. People go to hell when they've done something that cannot be exhausted on the Earthly plane. That is, when they are deserving of pain that Earth cannot bring them. For example, it is theorized that murder would put you all the way out of the Earthly plane, for the karma given to a murderer is such that the Earth cannot exhaust it. Think about it, how does the Earth exhaust murder? Is an appropriate response to kill that person? Well then where does he go when he is dead? Is he reborn again? Then what was the point of killing him? Furthermore, murder is worse than just the taking of a life as it makes the victim petrified, it has all kinds of effects on the victim's family, etc. Furthermore, a murderer is likely to have done other bad things in his life as well, which add onto the deed of murder.
What happens to these souls? They go to hell to exhaust the bad karma they have accrued that cannot be exhausted on Earth. Then once this is done they are reborn again on Earth. Same premise for heaven but for good karma.
Christians believe these things are permanent for whatever reason, but it doesn't make sense- it's not just.
Islam must die.
Everyone believes in karma. Without it there is nothing. Every other teaching in Hinduism is just karma taken to its logical conclusion.