Any good Veeky Forums icebergs?
That's the best one
Here's one I was working on, I'd like feedback
>Argentina under Peron
I would recommend the shitfest that came after, including the time when our naval air force bombed our capital
>world war 11
Add the Blemmyes Genocide to the last one.
>USSR is a Crypto Colony
I have something related to this in my map folder
History of mathematics and physics is only difficult because historians never bother learning mathematics or physics.
Nobody implied anything about difficulty.
Well what does it mean then?
>Try seizing power in coup d'etat
>Bomb the capital instead
>world war 11
I'd put Picts a level up
you would know somewhat about them when learning about the Anglo-Saxons
>Third Rome
nah they've been "we wuz Byantines and shit" since its fall
>nothing about trees
Veteran of the 3rd Balkan Cyber War.
>africa has so little history
>what little it has are civil wars and warlords
eternal anglo spotted
that was the joke...
European colonization is written twice in the second level
>The Resurrection of Leon Trotsky
I bet Posadas was behind it
>Enver Hoxha
>Albania is the successor to Rome
>weimar germany
>Strasserite America
>mushrooms are sentient
Quick rundown?
>you know what, the anglos were the good guys
First time I have physically laughed in weeks. I needed this thread.
>Dynastic intermarriage
Anyone got a template?
i just looked up iceberg meme and then took an blank pic off google images
>south american dreadnought race
wew why haven't i heard about this
A lot of shit happened in South Ameirca, SA history is almost obscure as African one, just because everyone just doesn't care.
>Cretan owls
>Youtube comments Yugoslav Civil War
>no mention of Kreigsmarine
Steve who?
>schizophrenic shit tier ramblings of a disenfranchised midmainlander.
Maybe if he invaded england instead of poland.
Edward 7 being an english king from a german house/dynasty, the door was open. Instead get some napolean sperg out and reactionarily seek to conquer the mainland while na is stable unified and not engaged in any current conflict.
Herped that one old boy.