Why were the RAF pilots such pussy cowards that they could only bomb Germany at night, dropping bombs innacurately on farmland, whereas German bombers were openly bombing Britain throughout the day?
Why were the RAF pilots such pussy cowards that they could only bomb Germany at night...
>it's another fat shut-in autistic teen Walter Mitty shits on combat servicemen because they are Brits thread
US bombed during the day. Guys had big balls.
Germans are retarded, that's why
Who won the war, Hans?
>whereas German bombers were openly bombing Britain throughout the day
Is this bait?
The perfidious Brit is a natural coward, hiding on his island, running away from the real battles and shitting on his allies.
>the Brits just bombed farmland
>Never forget muh Dresden
You can't have it both ways stormfag
Upset your Bomber Harris thread got deleted OP?
You utter fucking weapon
US had the day shift
UK had the night shift.
The point was to make it that Germany was CONSTANTLY being bombed to shit.
7 bajillion innocent germans died at Dresden though!
The Germans switched to night bombing in 1941
>Germans couldn't even break the spirit of a people that were getting bombed almost daily on a rainy, grey island
The Luftwaffe were a fucking meme.
Also, more bongs died in the blitz than muh dresden as well.
>when you're getting invaded but decide to keep blowing up London with your fancy new rockets
America and Russia