What do some of you think of a family tree thread?
Here's mine. Grandparents went through a fuck ton of divorces and craziness leaving me with around 12 people I consider to very close grandparents. Most of the divorce-grand-parents are american. Seems to be a lot of drug use scattered like all over my family but that explains me desu. Tell everyone about your family tree y'all
What do some of you think of a family tree thread?
seriously you should all just bow down and start sucking by this point.
It's pretty much entirely Germans and Bohemians living in Texas. I'd draw the tree, but it'd be somewhat inaccurate because you can't really ascribe a nationality to someone who lives, works, and speaks English in the city but goes home and speaks only German after that.
Grandmother on my father's side came over with her parents from Germany just after WW1. Things were starting to get shitty since there was a communist rebellion in their hometown and everyone was worried they'd be killed, either by the rebels or the police. So they immigrate to Texas, grandma marries a nice German man who had been here a few generations, and he gets sent back to Europe to fight in WW2.
On my mother's side, my grandfather was a fourth generation Lutheran German-Texan, he married a Bohemian lady and had my mother. He lived through WW1, only to die while working on a substation for the local electric company (Something was suppose to be off, turned out the guy who was suppose to make sure of that didn't.). Grandma died shortly after mom turned 20, heart attack.
It's pretty much just Germans and Czechs living in isolated communities, except one instance of a Ashkandi jew who converted to Lutheranism back in 1860. I don't know what the history was before the 1850s.
>dead language
What the fuck am I reading
Could be overall summarized as mostly Irish, but is much more interesting in the details
I don't even know what to call myself desu
Here's a template.
>Jewish gf
Sorry for the really shit editing I'm using my phone
That's only interesting when you have a mutt's pedigree
These niggas not going all the way back to Charlemagne.
*You wuz not kangs
Mongrel bastard children of the new world whore.
Intéressant ! Tu fais quoi toi par curiosité ?
Thats impressive user.
>tfw Polack
>want my Polack genes to live on, dont want mutt kids
>only way to ensure this is to move back to Poland (first gen immigrant, moved here when i was 3)
>but my whole life is here
>entire family lineage fought and died to call themselves Poles
>dont want to ruin it
ive dated a few qt Polish and Polish-American girls, but if i wife one up all that means is my kids will fuck up my tree
im still a young lad, 21 in July, and have a fuckton of famiy in Poland that i visited 2 years ago, but my entire life is here
You mean
>Bohemian Romani or Bohemian Romany is a dialect of Romani (a European Indo-Aryan language) formerly spoken by the Romani people of Bohemia, the western part of today's Czech Republic. It became extinct after World War II, due to extermination of most of its speakers in Nazi concentration camps.
>bohemian language
Brb screenshotting this so I can post it on /pol/ :^)
every one of my ancestors back like 5 generations is american born and raised kek
I had to consider posting it there just because of how explosive it'd be
It's cool. I'm actuallt Irish on my dad's side and Jewish on my mother's. Probably whiter than most people on there, going by the meetup they had where about three white people in total turned up lmao
This got me good
>Not being able to track your unbroken family line back more than 30 generations
I want plebeians to leave
>americunts forsook God's church
solid american from the 17th century baby
Just have children with a Polish qt and buy some land in Poland. Visit it once every 2 years or something. One of your children will keep it
All of my family is portuguese though I don't know about my grandmother's father - he was some aristocrat that got the housekeeper pregnant afaik
you annoy me
Romani is a Gypsy shitskin language, whereas Bohemian means just Czech.
did paper even exist in northern europe then
Very impressive user! Furthest I can go back is the late 10th century, before we just have speculation. The guy we know about who founded the family's castle in the 900's is probably a cadet from a local noble family who was granted his own land for some reason. But that family has been exctint for centuries and it's records lost, so except for a few tombstones and records from the nearby abbey that they donated land and money, we don't know shit about them.
Furthest I can go is Rorby Rorbyson a minor chief of western """Sweden"""(technically modern day sweden but Nordic af at the time and also way before the concept of 'swedes' existed) in the pre-Roman mid iron age.
Aw the o with the slash through it doesn't work on Veeky Forums
Fucking Iceland. Us ordinary northerners can't guarantee knowledge beyond the 12th century.
El año que viene estamos en Cuba!
Well, we can hope, at least.
I'm guessing that because Iceland has such a tiny population, and because the island was mostly spared from wars, church records survived way better than in other parts of Europe.
Some of this is conjecture, up to our grandparents should be accurate though.
I'm the circled figure.
is your wife cute
forgot something
She was when she was younger.
Just put on Canada, for Christ's sake.
Every flag of mine would be Ukraine/USSR except mine, which would be Canada. Most of the men in my family were either farmers or engineers, most of the women were teachers, all of them drank the typical Slavic amounts, which makes me good at parties.
I'm trying to get back into it.
>muh heritage charts
stay in
Iceland has a detailed record for most of the population.
Since the United Kingdom was formed my family history has been very boring
She didn't let me.
19/32 part german
10/32 part english
2/32 part french
1/32 part australoid
cause I know this is /hum/ as well, multiply by 3~ for percents
50% pure viking, 50% pure anglo saxon cocktail
>nah man, but taking britain from the oust was beyond my resource-capacity
17 generations, furthest direct ancestor on the tree born around 1750, oldest distant relative around 1450. About 4000 people in total, the vast majority Slovene (only about 20 foreigners married to my distant relatives, none to my direct ancestors ).
>want my Polack genes to live on
I want to like Poland, but why do they have to be such racist whiners all the time?
Monoetnhic state since 1946 and culture of Jesus of Europe
I went full autismo and added regional flags, ask me if you have problems with them.
Based iron age
Rare combination.. care to share a photo of your granddad?
1/2 Breton
1/4 Normand
1/8 Monarchic France?
1/16 Prussian German
1/16 Russian
is your father a nazi or are you really damn old?
Are you a rape baby, is that why your so evil?
>Citizen of HRE married with a woman from German empire
I'm guessing he probably meant any of the various German states until 1871 by the HRE flag,
no, by genetics im a king
my first decree is full legalisation and consumerisation of cannabis
what is an age difference anyway?
An age difference of about ~60 years? What?
The HRE dissolved in 1806, the North German Confederation was formed in 1867. (it uses the same flag as the German Empire)
>Half Colombian Half Puerto Rican
>Can trace my Colombian side back to the basque region in Spain
>Puerto Rican side gave me filthy Mestizo genes and robbed me of green eyes
>Recently find out my Puerto Rican side is apparently half Dominican and partially Filipino as well
>Can no longer LARP as a Spainard on /pol/
Why even live
Why would you want to larp as Spaniard? Be proud of your roots user.
>tfw when full spaniard
>tfw superior green eyes
send qts pls
>Loftur "riki" Gottormsson
They used calfskin up until the 14th century if I remember correctly
We wuz cossac... KHANZ n shiiiiet
You ain't seen nothing yet
I can go back patrilineally to the 11th century, plus speculation back to the 9th.
I have never counted, but I'm pretty sure it's more than 30 generations.
Also family legend about descending from a roman gens, but it's obviously a laughably unprovable claim. Doesn't help that it started only in the renaissance, when everyone and their mother tried claiming links to a roman heritage.
I was gonna make mine but it's all just american flags...
>having any speculation
>not knowing every single one of your ancestors between your oldest know ancestor and you