Tell me the truth! I'm a meme war veteran, I've helped the truth come to light. Now it's your turn to redpill me!
Tell me the truth! I'm a meme war veteran, I've helped the truth come to light. Now it's your turn to redpill me!
The French were behind the French Revolution.
This isn't /pol/, jokes about the meme war aren't cute here and except for the people who wandered in from /pol/, we treat the conspiracy theory that the Jews were secretly orchestrating [every major historical event] with as much consideration as it deserves.
Which is none, incidentally.
The more I read about, the more I think that it was a jewish plot for getting the power over the country.
Yes. The jewish plot is a conspiracy. Absolutly.
>pic related from XVIII century
Ayyy blyat
*bump with redpills about these cunts*
Why you rats protector don't respond to me?
I don't even believe in some great Jewish conspiracy but it's amazing how anti-white they are, every article or writer who hates whites seems to be Jewish and when they get called out for hating other whites they always resort to saying they're actually Jewish.
Yes and why do you think they do that? I'm a professional spy charged to debunk the rats.
Don't you see they kind of act in way that can only lead to a kind of french revolution in USA?
They keep paying for new protest by Black Lives Matter (jews), Femen (jews), Nation of Islam (jews), and of course, the Anti-Trump one booster by the mainstream media (jews).
Of course. There's absolutely 0 evidence, Mr Cohen.
The "evidence" you people provide is often fabricated and without strong academic support. Of course, academia in question falls within the conspiracy camp so there is no point in arguing when anything not fitting your narrative is a result of the Jews.
The short answer to your question is yes
The long answer is jews were not behind either the bolshevik or french revolutions but the latter was much more harmful and more significant
Same for Hitler. Yet we know a lot about the "6 millions" and the "gas chamber". And the supposed "racism" of Hitler, especially when you see pictures of Hitler eating with niggers at his table while the Jews would never dare to do it even today.
Oh, an (((academic))) called Goldberg said the Holocaust definitely happened. Therefore it did.
Nice fallacy of authority. Just because "academics" state something doesn't mean that it should be blindly believed.
We're Jews behind getting Trump elected?
No. The Jews and Russians got Trump in, because America loves being fucked in the ass by Jewish and Russian cock at the same time.
Dude jews lmao
> Implying the French are smart enough to plan anything more complicated than a wine tasting event.
Nice try, Pierre.
I knew it. Those dang dirty Jews.
>all of academia is jewish
Do you not see how foolish you sound? Also, the argument is not discredited simply because of one fallacy. Higher authority figures are more likely to be correct than random, uneducated conspiratards.
french revolution was just peasants and bourgeois chimping out senpai
>meme war